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Jungkook Pov
"Hey wake up" someone says tapping my shoulder. I was still half asleep until.." if you don't wake up we're gonna eat all the food."

"Aish fine" I said rolling my eyes.
~Big time skip~
       "Okay class,we will be going to a camp site for 2 days and we'll be leaving tomorrow at 5:00. Make sure to be there" Mr. Park announced. Ugh! Whyyyyyyyyyy
~Next day~ a/n:cuz some drama gonna happen and I'm lazy to write the entire day
I woke up to the sound of my alarm and it was 4:40. Good thing I packed last night. We went to school and waited. We got on the bus and went. a/n: inserts Dora the Explorer theme song. We got to the camp site and chose who we slept with.
~Next day~a/n:cuz girl I is lazy again
Soomin Pov
  Ugh! What a day. We went to the lake for a swim but someone grabbed my arm. I suspected it to be Jungkook but it was Eric my ex. "Hey" he said. "What the hell do you want" I replied annoyed. "Oh you'll see" he replied smirking. He then kissed me! Ewwwwww germs!!!
Jungkook Pov
    I was walking over to go see Soomin and see her kissing with another guy! That bït-   I can't believe it. She pulled away and saw me. I ignored her and went. "Hey Kookie. What's up? Why you not talking to Soomin?" asked Tae. "She found another man" I said rolling my eyes.

   Later on that day we went back to the bus. During the ride I didn't talk to Soomin what so ever.
Soomin Pov
Back from when Eric kissed Soomin
    I pulled away and saw Jungkook! Omg! He's gonna think I kissed him! No no no no. What has my life been up tooT-T   I wanted to talk to Kookie but he ignored me. I guess I can't explain.
a/n:heyyyyyyy.  I'm back finally. Sorry this is a bit short but I did it to what came to my head. I'm gonna go now byeeee

High School Secret [Jungkook FF] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now