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Jungkook Pov
   What the heck?! "Guys! Soomin wrote in my diary." "Well tell us what is it" Yoongi said in his morning voice.

I gave it to them and it gave me a *click*. Today is the day of the concert! "It's the day of the concert!" I yelled. "Yeah but it not till later this afternoon" said Jin. "Ugh fine."
~end of school~
"Let's go!" I said excited. "You know if we go there now then we'll be super early right" said Namjoon. "Fine."
  It's finally time! We went and it announced. "Ladies and gentleman! Welcome to K-con concert. The performers are Crystal,Jihoon,Daniel and Wanna One and IU" the announcer said. "IU SUMBANIM!!" I yelled receiving looks. Wanna One got on stage and performed. Crystal really looks fimiliar. I looked over and I guess I'm not the only pointing it out.

"Doesn't Crystal look really fimilar to Soomin?" asked Tae. We all nodded. It ended and we asked on of Wanna One's fanboys. "Who's Crystal" I asked. "Oh I guess your new to fandom. Crystal is the only girl in Wanna One. Her real name is Lee Soomin and apparently there is a fandom that Crystal is going to Bangtan High but haven't seen her so yeah"he explained.

"Oh okay thanks" we said. We had to go backstage.

"Hello! Can you please let us through" I asked. "No can do sir. This is for backstage passes"the security guard said. "But we know them." "That's what they all say. Get going" she said.
Soomin Pov
I'm so tired. I changed out to my normal clothes and sat on the couch. "I'm gonna go out and say hi to IU" Jihoon said. I nodded and he went off
Jihoon Pov
I was going to go say hi to IU until I see Bts. "Hey guys! What you doing here" I asked. "Tell them to let us in" Jungkook whispered. I nodded.

"Can you please let them through. They are our guards. " I said. She nodded and let them through. I bowed and Jungkook whispered a thank you. It's actually my first time meeting Taehyung up close. Kfiskckhksxkgleofv a/n:that's Jihoon dying
Soomin Pov
"Hey Soomin can you let me in?" I knew it was Jihoon. "Did you already say hi to IU?" I asked. "Yeah I had to do it quick cuz she had to leave" he answered. I see that's reasonable but why is he coming back all of the sudden. I see why. He wanted to come 'protect me'.

I opened the door to see Bangtan. I froze. Jungkook came up to me and cupped my face. "Soomin is that really yo-Get out"I cut Jungkook off. "But-no buts leave" I said. They left and I just stood there. I had to.
a/n:hehe. I'll do 19 later or tomorrow. Byeee

High School Secret [Jungkook FF] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now