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Jungkook Pov
     It was lunch. I got my food and went to de boys. "Hey you good" Jimin asked.

      I shook me head no. "Well tell us don't stand there" Yoongi said. I told them and they were mostly blaming Tae.

       "Anyways you know where she went" Soekjin asked. "No she ran off after class" I said shrugging my shoulders.

        "Well let's go find her" Joonie said. We all split up in teams. I'm with Jimin and
Tae,Soekjin and yoongi, and joonie with hobi.

       We looked everywhere for her but the one place we didn't look is the...roof. We went and saw soomin.

       "Hello? Earth to soomin" I say waving my hand in her face. "Huh? Oh hi" she says. We anyways dragged her down.

       "Here she is" Jimin. "Oh hi" Bts said in unison. "Hey lift your head up" I say putting her head up. She looked up and said" hi oh wait?! Yoongi is that you?! "Haha surprise" yoongi says with jazz hands. "Wait you two know each other?!" Tae and jungkook said in unison. "Yeah. He's my childhood friend." I said.
Soomin Pov
      Shït! (A/N:sorry I cursed) "I'm so so sorry but I have to go. Nice meeting all of ya'll and you too yoongi" I said running away. I booked it to the car and went in. "So.....how was it" Jihoon asked. "Al...alr...alright" I said in between breaths. We got there and we were on break and I saw....
Bts Pov
          We went to practice cuz we still idols. *dramatically flips none existing hair*  We went in and saw another group on their break.

   (A/N: so I didn't put in but they go to a practice room where other idol groups go so they ALL go in the same building and have 1 room (yes 1) and they ALL practice in that room. But they have sections so they have privacy. Okie I going now)   We saw them and they saw us *dramatic eye contact* and then we bowed and so did they. We then saw a girl and she looked really and I mean really familiar.
Hey guys! How's your day been? Hope it's been well. So I'm sorry that I haven't updated. I have a test coming up this wensday and have CAASPP testing (if you know what it is )

     My teacher said to get a goodnight rest but bish look what I'm doing. And I'm sorry if I curse it's just natural to me and sometimes don't realize that I just said a curse word.

       Hey gurl we changing everyday. So anyways update on the book.

        I have finished sooooo many chapters and I'm still writing chapter 11. If you guys are like "why haven't you updated chapter 12 on your other stories." I'm sorry but I finished chapter 12 for jungkook's little sister and I haven't thought of any on the other one 😭

          So anyways I'm trying not to die at school. I'm busy like taking the caaspp testing and reading other stories. I'm sorry it's just so good. 😭😭 so anyways I'm gonna go before this gets awkward.

       Live your life,live your life,live it to the fullest.           Celebrate life 💞

High School Secret [Jungkook FF] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now