Chapter Twenty-Three - Triple Date

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Alyssa's POV

Jai and Daniel soon arrived and Annie was meeting us at the restaurant. Kaiden was now ready and it was 5 to 6, we decided to leave. We all went in one car and soon arrived at the restaurant, only to see Annie sitting there, looking beautiful.

"Wow, she's gorgeous" Jai said, almost jumping out of the car and walking over to her, as we all followed.

"Hey, I'm Jai. You must be Annie, you look gorgeous" he smiled, kissing her on the cheek and hugging her.

I could see her shaking, she is one of the fans that I've become friends with, so she was fangirling a bit right now.

We walked into the restaurant, Luke slapping my ass making me giggle, before he held my hand, walking through the restaurant. He pulled my chair out for me, before I kissed him on the cheek and sat down. He sat across from me. The guys were on one side of the table and the girls on the other. We were each facing our partners. Kaiden and Daniel were talking, while the rest of us were looking through the menu's and talking to each other.

I felt Luke's hand grip my knee under the table as he shot a wink at me, making me smirk. He began sliding his hand further up my thigh, making my skin covered in goosebumps, as a shiver sent down my spine, I giggled a little trying to not make it noticeable to the others, although Luke was smirking like crazy, which made me laugh even more.

"What's so funny?" Jai asked, smirking.

"Nothing" Luke and I both said, as he took his hand off and we turned our attention to the waiter who just approached our table asking for our orders.

Luke and I had already discussed what we were getting so he ordered both of ours.

"I'll have two lasagne's please and a coke and lemon lime and bitters" he said, as Jai then ordered his, then Annie, Kaiden and Daniel.

We all talked about the Janoskians tour that was coming up and the places they were travelling to. I was thinking about travelling with them, as it would be a great experience, I would get to be with Luke and the boys and I am one of their events managers. I had actually no reason not to, except I just needed to check with the girls and see if they can cover my work while I'm gone, because it's for two months.

Our drinks came soon, then not long after, our meals. We ate and talked in between bites. Soon we were all ready to go at about 9pm, I was so tired, after Luke and I had a big night last night. Jai and Annie were hitting it off, they were still talking heaps and so were Kaiden and Daniel. Luke and I really wanted to leave but we didn't want to stop them from having a good time, should we catch a taxi home or should we invite them back to our house? We discussed this for a minute or so quietly with each other.

"Hey guys, the restaurant is closing soon, so let's go back to our house yeah?" Luke said.

Aww he called my house his house, that was so cute.

I looked up at him, admiring his words and kissed him on the lips.

"You're adorable. I saw what you did there" I whispered in his ear, as we all walked out to the car.

"I'm gonna go in Annie's car" Jai told us.

"Woo woooo" we all whistled and made fun of them, they were so cute.

We got in the car and Luke drove, with me sitting in the passenger seat and Luke's hand was on my lap, while I held it and his other hand was on the steering wheel.

We soon got home and Annie and Jai were already there, sitting on the front steps. She is a really speedy driver, I've been in the car with her before.

We went inside and decided to go out the back and chill in the pool and at the bar, having a few drinks.

"I don't have any swimmers and I have to drive" Annie said.

"You can stay over here hun, you still have your stuff here from last time that you left. It has your togs and sparre clothes and pyjamas and stuff" I smiled and so did she.

"Awesome, well if you don't mind.." she began.

"Don't be silly. Here drink this" I said, handing her a vodka shot. "I know you're only 17, but you turn 18 in like a month" I said laughing.

We got a few drinks in us and went swimming, had some music on and just chilled, a group of friends, 3 couples. Well 1 couple and 2 almost couples. I was really enjoying myself and by the looks of it so was everyone else.

I was sitting on the step in the pool, thinking of how lucky I am when Luke swam over to me and stood in front of me. He grabbed my legs gently and wrapped them around his waist.

"You're really beautiful" he told me.

"Thankyou" I smiled and kissed his gorgeous lips.

"How did I get so lucky to have you?" I said, caressing his cute face.

"You consider yourself lucky that you're stuck with me?" he smirked.

"I'm lucky to have you! This is weird being like best friends and now we're like in a relationship" he laughed. "Weird but good.. great. I really like you" he smiled. "I think we should tell the fans tomorrow" he said, making me nervous. "Don't freak out" he warned me, noticing my face expression.

"But Luke they're gonna hat-" he cut me off,

"They love you already. We're doing it" he said sealing my lips shut with a kiss like always, I didn't mind though. The feeling of having his warm lips against mine, with a touch of coldness from his lip rings. That tug I feel on my bottom lip when he gently pulls it between his teeth. I love him, always have.

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