Chapter Thirty - Anxiety

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Alyssa's POV

I woke up in the morning at 8am. I called the doctors and booked an appointment for 9:15am. I got dressed and said goodbye to the girls as they wished me luck. I freak out every time I go to the doctors. I always look up my symptoms and self-diagnose myself, whether it be diabetes or cancer, I diagnose myself with it. I have anxiety, I'll admit that.

At about quarter to nine, Luke rocked up and I was in my bra and undies. He walked into my room, as I tried to cover myself up.

"Seriously?" he smirked.

"I've seen it all before" he said.

"I know it's just-"he spoke over me, "Yeah we're broken up. Who give's a shit. We're still best friends." He told me.

"I was going to say, I haven't been to the gym in bloody ages and I'm not toned." I said, smirking.

Once I got dressed in my work stuff, which was a black tight business skirt to my knees and a purple/maroon coloured blouse, along with shiny black leather pump high heels, we went to the doctors.

We waited in the room in the doctors, waiting impatiently for my name to be called out, as my knees bopped up and down. Luke put his hand on my knee and stopped my knees from bopping as he looked me in the eye.

"Everything will be fine" he said, right before the doctor came and called out my name.

I stood up and Luke said "Good luck."

I shot him a look and said "Come in with me, I don't want to be by myself." I said, as he stood up and followed me in.

I sat down in the chair next to the doctors desk and Luke sat next to me.

"So, Alyssa, I believe that a couple days ago you came in and we took a blood and urine sample and said we were going to try and figure out what is causing these symptoms you've been having. Now have these symptoms been continuing?" the doctor asked me.

"Yes, they've been getting worse actually." I admitted.

"Well I'll tell you what's up and then we can figure out how to get rid of these, or to control these symptoms that are making you uncomfortable." He told me.

"Okay, before I begin, are you in a relationship together? Do you want him to hear this?" the doctor asked me.

"We're not in a relationshop, but yeah yeah, it's fine." I smiled, nervously.

"Okay, well Alyssa, by the results from our tests, they show that you are pregnant." He told me.

I couldn't think straight. I just sat there, shocked, speechless, what the actual fuck. How the fuck was I pregnant?

"Wow, um okay" I said, looking at the doctor, before turning to face Luke who was as white as a ghost, as shocked as me.

"Well I didn't expect this." I said awkwardly.

"Yeah, umm either did i. What are we going to do?" he asked me.

"I don't know"I admitted. "I'm scared Luke." I said, as a tear rolled down my cheek.

He pulled me into a tight hug, as I tried to calm myself down, holding my tears in, just controlling my breathing.

"Can I find out how far along I am?" I asked the doctor.

"Of course, we will just go around to the other room, if you'll just follow me."

We followed him into the other room and he told me to sit up on the chair. He squirted the gel onto my stomach and began the process. I felt so sick, I didn't know what I was going to do. I was pregnant with Luke's baby.

An image came upon the screen and the doctor pointed to it saying "That right there is your baby and by the looks of it, you are 10 weeks" he told me.

Luke leant down and hugged me "That's our baby. We can do this. We may not be together, but we are best friends and we can definitely do this." Luke said.

"You think so?" I began crying.

"Of course. You're amazing. You would be the best mother and I can't wait to be a daddy." He told me, smiling.

"Maybe, I just need to think about this. Thanks doc." I said.

"Woah woah, slow down. We need to get you all of your pre natal vitamins and I'll just print off your first baby picture. I'll give you a few copies." He told me.

Soon Luke was dropping me to work and we were talking in the car.

"Holy fucking shit." Luke said.

"I know.... I'm pregnant. Like what the fuck I've been drinking and everything and I've been so busy I haven't even realised I've missed my period. How am I going to be responsible enough to look after a baby? We're so young!!" I told him.

"Yeah we're young but we can do this!!!" he told me.

As he dropped me to my work I got out of the car and he yelled out "Just think about it"

"Yeah yeah yeah" I laughed, closing the door and walking inside, and taking the lift up as he drove away.

I walked into the office, acting normal and my cousins came into my office.

"Oh my god how was everything?" they asked me.

"Yeah, everything's alright." I lied. I didn't want to tell them just yet.

"They just said I'm lacking in some vitamins and iron, so I have some tablets to take." I told them.

"Oh well that's good" Brianna smiled and we chatted for a few more minutes until I had a client come in and they went to their own offices.

After I spoke to my client I needed to organise my flights and accommodation for when I go to Brisbane in two weeks, I would be there for a month, so I really need to make a decision about the baby before then.

Did I really want the baby to have split parents, would I re consider getting back with Luke? Would I terminate? I just didn't know what I was going to do... or what my parents would think. Wow.

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