Chapter 3 "The Call"

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I just looked at her in shock. She had a nervous look in her eyes which didn't help. I was practically screaming when I said, "Wha- what happened to your no guy streak?!"

She just played with her fingernails saying "Ya, well, I may have lied to you so that when I told you about John it wouldn't feel like he was my rebound."
I looked to the ceiling shaking my head. I can't believe she actually had the audacity to lie to me.
"Wow, and I thought you changed because of dad." I said putting my hand to my face.

"I did change because of him. I found some one better for me." She said robotically.

"If you found some one better for you then I wouldn't be here. If you found someone better for you then I wouldn't be so miserable!"

She just looked at me in shock like I told her that I hated her. And I did, I hated my mom because of what she has put me through. I looked down at my scuffed up old pink high-top converse.
"I hate you." I breathlessly said. It was so quiet that even I could barely hear it. My mom was very against using the word hate, but I hated her so much I wanted to leave her and never see her again. She just looked at me with that gleam in her crystal blue eyes. I was to angry to shut up now. I screamed at her.
" I HATE YOU SO MUCH." I screamed while picking up an egg from the carton. I threw it as hard as I could against the wall. Then I stormed out of the kitchen without a word, stomping my way upstairs. When I got to my room I slammed the door so hard I almost broke the hinges off. 

All I could hear was my mom getting a wet rag and wiping down the freshly painted beige wall. Then I heard the phone ring. The only person that would call my mom is him  so I picked up the land-line that was in my room and listened on the conversation. It was mainly on how much he loves her, then they started to talk about me. Oh joy.

My mom basically said I was a pain and that I don't "adjust" easily, but I'll come around. The thing is I won't. I won't come around because I don't want to be here. No matter how much she distracted me in the car with our old games she is still a terrible mother and I never want to see her after I leave for college. I plan on going somewhere far, far, away. I want to go to New York where I can persue my dream of being a writer. I want to write romance-fiction.

I realized that I was still on the line and heard my mom saying that John could come over for dinner, as long as he stays for dessert. Oh god what could dessert be because we don't have any cake, unless she wants to share her "personal" cake with him. Ew!

When they finally hung up after there 3 minute conversation of 'you hang up first' I immediately hung up as well so my mom wouldn't know I was on the line. I know she will come in here to tell me to put on some cloths so I go on my phone as a cover. But there was no point because she doesn't even bother to come into my room.
"He's coming over so please be nice." I hear her starting to walk away and me, being overwrought with anger,say,
"We have been here for twenty minutes, haven't unpacked anything, and you don't even know how to cook yet you invite him for dinner??"I heard her stop walking for a second then continue on down the hall and to the stairs.
I groaned before I opened my door and shouted, "How should I dress?" She turned around in surprise and said,"Very nice, he's a lawyer and I am making a nice meal for him."
I scoffed as I closed my door and started the shower to get ready.

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