Chapter 6 "Kyle"

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When I walked in only three people looked at me. The principal talked to the teacher for about five minutes, then he told me I could sit next to Kyle. When I turned around I saw him sitting in the back. We has tall, he had chocolate brown eyes and tan skin. He had the Justin Bieber hair cut, but there was something something about him that seemed so... charming. I liked his looks, let's see what comes out of his mouth.

I walked up to the desk and I sat down. I just looked forward and he said "Hi, I'm Kyle."

"I'm Sophie."

"So, what's your backstory?"

"What?" All the while I was still looking forward.

"Like where are you from, why your here and stuff."

"Oh, well I'm fourteen my parents just got a divorce and my mom got a job so we moved here."


"Not really, it sucks so don't complain."

"Well I like your phone case."

I didn't even realize that I had my phone out on the desk. I just put it there because it was in my hand the whole time. I quickly put it away and tried to focus. I couldn't help but admire Kyle's good looks, and he wasn't a jerk. After class I just grabbed my bag and went up to the teacher.

"Hi, I'm Sophie and I just wanted to say hi so... Hi"

"Hello I am Dr. Peacock, I teach tech and science."

"Ok well I have to go to my next class, thank you."

"No problem let me know if you need any help with the iPad."

After I walked out I saw Todd. I immediately turned around and walked the other way. When I finally found my way to the next class I saw that the teacher wasn't very kind when she saw that I was late even though I didn't know anyone or anything. She had this weird laugh that was evil and gross at the same time. When she seated me I looked over and there he was, Todd, I shuddered at the though of sitting next to him for a whole forty-five minutes. He just leaned over very vaguely whispering

"I know that you go here. I saw you walk down the hall. Maybe we can have a do over now that our parents are split up."

"Last time I checked I started your car for you and told you to find a nice sluty girl. I'm not a slut. Leave me alone."

After that he didn't talk to me for the rest of the class period. When we walked out I saw that we had another class and then a snack break. I didn't really have a snack so I just ate some crackers. When I was sitting at my desk trying to figure out my iPad I looked up to see two girls standing in front of me.

"Hello." One girl said with a little too much excitement.

"Hi." I said back still looking at my iPad.

"I'm Amber." She said "This is Delilah." She said.

"Hi I just wanted to ask if you wanted to have lunch with us today, since your new and all." Delilah said.

"Sure, I don't see why not."

"Great!" Said Amber. "See you then!" Then she and Delilah walked off and started talking to each other about who-knows-what. I'm pretty sure it wasn't about me because they never looked at me. When class started I could help but notice that Kyle was sitting next to Todd. Oh great now he's gonna spill and everything is going to be ruined for a chance to have a guy friend. I never really looked around but when I did I saw a boy sitting next to me. He was tall and even in weight. He had dirty blonde hair and a goggle tan line on his face. He was handsome but at the same time he seemed too... I didn't even know what. When the teacher said that we needed to talk with our partner about the chapter he just leaned over and said,

"Hi I'm Davis."

"I'm Sophie."

"We're supposed to talk about the chapter but I thought that we could talk about you hair!" He said it with such enthusiasm that I wanted to laugh. Was he gay? I was so confused.

"With your hair we could do a tuck in look with some hair bands. I could teach you one day."

"That would be... great, but I have one question. Are you..."

"Gay? Yes I am I'm open about it but I can come up with some fierce throwback lines if you try to make fun of me."

"Ok. I just didn't know." I giggled a little bit then he pulled out my phone and texted hi, it's Sophie to himself so we could text each other. I knew this was a good sign I could at least have one guy friend who didn't worry about if I liked him or not.

When class was over we had lunch. When I saw Amber and Delilah I walked over to them. After I sat down Kyle and Davis sat down too. We all started talking about normal teenage things. School, cloths, makeup, gossip. I really liked Davis he was by far my favorite he always used the word fierce and it turns out he was really athletic. He swims, runs, and plays a little basketball. Kyle was more interested in the gossip of the "popular group." He wanted to know if Todd was going to ask Brittany to the Spring Dance.

Apparently the Spring Dance is a really big thing. The school always goes overboard but this year the theme is carnival and rumor has it that there are going to be acrobats there. It's the social event of the year. I didn't know if Kyle had a date yet, but if he did I would gladly go with Davis since he wasn't going to find a guy to go with. After lunch was over we have three more classes. Yay. I was hoping that I could sit next to Kyle to see if he had a date to the dance. This was the first time ever I wasn't angry, or upset. I was happy.

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