Chapter 17 "Again"

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I didn't go to school for two weeks. Kyle kept bringing me my school work even though I didn't do much. I just stayed in my bed and laid there. All I could think about was when I found her in her room. Then I would just cry then fall asleep then wake up and do the same thing over again. I've checked my phone about three times in the past two weeks and it's all the same

"I'm sorry for your loss." "Come back to school we miss you." "It's going to be ok." "Text me I want to talk to you. I am so sorry for your loss."

I hate them, first they kill Autumn and now what? Do they think they will resurrect her? Kyle is coming in an hour so I better get up and get dressed in something other then a sweatpants and a t-shirt.

I brushed my hair and washed my face. Then I threw on jeans and a shirt. When I fixed my room up I made some lunch even though it was three in the afternoon.

I got some crackers and cut up an apple, I didn't have much of an appetite. After I turned on the T.V. and ate my snack I went back into my room. I finished up some assignments and looked over at the clock to see that it was four. Kyle should be here any minute.

After about ten minutes Kyle showed up with three days worth of work. It was a Friday so I had all weekend to do it.

"You have to come back to school on Monday, everything is dying down."

"Really. Dying down."

"Sorry. Everything is calming down."

I just laughed a little and said it was ok. Kyle stayed for about an hour and was my teacher for the lessons in school. I thanked him and when he left I finished up some work, changed, and went back to bed. I really wanted to get out of this "my best friend just died" phase. I told myself that I was going to school on Monday.

It's now Saturday and I think I have made some real progress. I woke up before eleven and actually got up. I did my morning run and ate a full meal. Mom got an apartment closer to work so she stays there most of the time, she only comes when she needs something or when she delivers groceries and she doesn't do that very often. I've been thinking of getting a dog to keep me company, but at the same time I don't have the money to support it, or a parental signature. I took a shower and blew out my hair. I cleaned my room and finished my work. When I finally checked my phone some one tagged me in a video. It was Brittany. I clicked on it and saw the video and it was titled "Like mother like daughter"

"Sophie hasn't been at school lately, I wonder why? Her friend has just died so what get over it. Turns out her mom is a prostitute and got an apartment, now Sophie lives there and goes to work with her mom. That's disgusting. When she comes back who knows how bad she'll look. Maybe she's turned goth or a major slut. She's nasty watch out."

"She's such a freaking bitch!" I screamed, I might not have said freaking but she is still a bitch.

Then I saw all the hate. All the comments and the texts and the messages. I couldn't take it anymore. I am done. Why am I even here? My best friend is dead, everyone hates me, I have no parents, no future, nothing. Why do I even exist? I think I'm going to go visit Autumn.

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