Chapter 11 "Shopping"

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It was now Saturday and I had told my mom that I needed money to go shopping. She wanted to come but I refused, no one goes shopping with their mother. I had to get rid of a lot of things when we moved because they were either to small, to ugly, or to skimpy. When I put all of my cloths away i had only filled half of my closet, when I showed my mom this catastrophe she said that I could go shopping. When I invited Davis to come with me he agreed and said that he saw these awesome pair of skinny jeans and found out they were on sale. When I put on a light sundress to easily take on and off I went to the kitchen. I grabbed a banana and my phone. When my mom gave me two hundred and fifty dollars I gladly accepted it. When I grabbed a purse and put all of my money and phone into it. Then I got into the car and ate my banana on the way.

When I met Davis we went to Starbucks and made a plan on where we were going and what we needed so we didn't go crazy. Turns out Davis babysits this couple because they are DJ's and they have three kids. They say out late every Saturday and Davis watches the kids. He gets eighty bucks every weekend! He made so much he started his own account in the bank.

After we had our Starbucks we set out on our adventure of shopping. We stopped at almost every store. I got something special for every season. I got a long high-low dress for winter. It was red and had little white diamonds at the top. I got a short dress for spring. It was pink and had white lace on it. The back was still lace but it was see through. For fall I got a pale orange dress and the selves went down to my elbows. I liked this one the best because it wasn't to flashy but hugged me in all the right places. For summer I for a tight dress that was a real blue. It had indents along the dress they were little flowers which were growing from the bottom to the top. After that we just got normal things, shoes, shirts, pants, shorts, and a few other dresses. Davis didn't get much but if he did he had to make sure he was in love with it otherwise it was a no. I admired his sense of control when he went shopping. I on the other hand was covered in bags. When we were finally done we decided to eat.

When we got down to the food court we both got a slice of pizza and a soda. When I started to eat I thought I saw someone who looked exactly like Autumn. Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me. When we were eating Davis said,

"I feel like we got a lot accomplished in your wardrobe."

"Ya thanks, I couldn't have done it without you."

"Oh! We forgot to get one thing."



"Oh my gosh I completely forgot about that."

"We can do that after we eat."


When we finished our pizza we began the hunt for swimsuits. After I found a couple I saw Autumn. She was looking at dresses, I told Davis that she was here and at first he was nervous then he was so excited. He walked up to her and she was so startled to see him. Then she was happy. She hugged him and told him that she was so excited to come back to school. When she saw me there she said,

"Oh, I am so sorry, I am Autumn. What's your name?"

"I'm Sophie, I'm new at the school."

"Oh, then I'm sure everyone knows I'm coming on Monday."


"Then I'm sure you know my story."

"Ya. I won't judge you for that I wanted to tell you that I like music myself, and you have really pretty eyes."

"Oh, thank you so much! Do you play anything?"

"No I sing but I can read music."

"Oh, I play piano maybe we can play something sometime."

"Ya. That would be great."

When Davis asked Autumn to go shopping with us I think she was really happy because she hasn't seen any of her friends in months. I liked Autumn she was really special, she survived the horror of middle school and has the bravery to come back and face the people who hurt her. When we finished my bathing suit mission I helped Davis find a nice pair of pants, and helped Autumn find some new earrings.

When we were all finished I had Autumn put her number into my phone and texted "Hey, it's Sophie." When I called my mom she was at the mall in about ten minutes. When she saw all of my bags she said,

"How much money did you spend?"

"Two hundred."


"I needed everything, shoes, dresses, shirts, pants, shorts, accessories, and bathing suits."

"Keep the fifty."


"Ya ya, you better wear all of this."

"I got something for you too."


"A nice pair of earrings, I'll show them to you when we get home."

"Aw, thank you darling."

When we got home I saw that the kitchen looked much better, all of the plates, cups, and bowls were put away. My mom went shopping to get some decorative things for the family room. She got some picture frames and put some of my old school photos in. Then she got a glass figure of a woman and a girl hugging. She also got a sign that said "Family" in big cursive letters. I liked it, it made it feel more like a home then a house.

She also got things for my room as well. She got me a big S that had blue and green stripes in it. She also got me a sign that was black and said "Friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're always there." I liked it. She also got me two picture frames that had multiple frames combined. I liked them they were cute and not too big. She also got some wooden flowers to put on top of my desk.

When I got changed and put my new cloths away I looked at the bag my mom had put on my desk. It was filled with things for my desk! Folders, organizers, a big chart to hang on the cork board. A mini locker, sticky notes, pens, pencils, a stapler, a little picture frame that held a small picture, like a wallet size one. Then she got me a desk lamp, it had for pockets at the bottom one had a charger for my phone, another was round for pencils, and the last one was fit for my sticky notes. I loved everything that she got me.

When I walked out into the kitchen I saw that she was cooking pasta, then I saw that she was dressed, like someone was coming over. Oh great how could I have not seen it she was buttering me up for her new boyfriend, now I have another one to get rid of.

"Honey, Jared is coming over for the first time and I want you to look very nice. No slut stuff." My mom said

"Why, I like chasing your boyfriends away."



I went back into my room and put on pants and a nice shirt. I refreshed my makeup and walked out. I set the table and saw that we were having tacos. When the door bell rang I groaned and opened it. When Jared walked in I saw that "Jared" was my principal.

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