Chapter 4 "Dinner"

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When I finally found the perfect cloths I put on all of my makeup. Anything from eyeliner to faded red lipstick. The I wore my least favorite necklace, my friend got it for me as a joke in California. I was a big black heart and it had the words "Drink Me" inside it. The I put on some big silver hoops on my ears. When all of my makeup was on I sprayed some perfume, and looked at myself in the mirror. I had on a hot pink tube skirt which pulled up to my chest to look much shorter then it actually was. My shirt was strapless and it was black with little white flowers on it. It was so tight I could barely breath. It made my boobs look bigger so I guess it would work. The whole reason why I was doing this was to look like a hooker. I wanted my horrible dressing to rub off on John so he would hate me then eventually hate my mom. I looked at myself in pleasure, then I put on some super high-heels. I was short so I always used them to my advantage. I made sure that my hot pink bra was popping up from my strapless shirt because my hair covered the straps. I wanted to looks as skimpy as possible. I normally don't wear these kind of cloths but I had them, and I knew I could use these to my advantage. As I was looking in the mirror adjusting my cloths to look worse I heard the doorbell ring, show time.

When my mom invited John in I could hear someone else, he was younger but matured, almost like he was my age but went through puberty to soon. I walked out to see my mother in a little black dress with a pearl necklace - which was probably fake - with some simple navy blue heels. My mom was always beautiful, she had dark brown hair with faded highlights. Her face was perfect, no blemishes and her lips were always a faded pink but they always were soft and beautiful. He Reyes were a crystal blue and if they were any bluer they would become royal blue. When I looked over at John he was tall and even with weight. He had on a nice suit and freshly combed hair, his teeth were a shade to white, and his skin a shade to tan. When I saw that everyone was staring at me I realized that they were staring at my cloths and I was very proud of that.

When I turned around I saw a boy who was taller then me, even with my heels on. He had a nice shirt and dress pants on. His hair was a dirty blonde and it was perfectly trimmed. His eyes were a light brown which seemed more then brown to me. Since my eyes were a hazel green I felt very different from everyone else. The boy just stared at me, it made me feel so uncomfortable. When my mom asked everyone to sit I didn't hesitate I sat on the opposite end of this kid. When my mom asked for help in the kitchen I got up in unison with John, I stared at him like if he moved another inch he would die. John sat back down and I went into the kitchen. When I closed the door connecting the kitchen to the dinning room my mom was working and talking "So when did the devil creep inside you and persuade you to put on those cloths?" I just smiled my cheesiest smile and said "Well I though John would like it, after all he does like sloppy seconds." Mom just gave me a dish of mashed potatoes and grabbed the green beans and walked out of the kitchen.

As I followed her into the dining room I saw John's son sneaking in a text, probably to his girlfriend. The dining room was big, probably the biggest room in the whole house. It had a full cabinet of clear, crystal china. And the chairs looked old but when you sat in them the cushion just melted into you. The table was long and had six chairs total. Since there was only four of us we sat in the middle seats. On the table the adults had wine, and the kids had lemonade. There were plates of mashed potatoes, green beans, and thin fancy crackers with onion dip. John started to make small talk and we all talked about the weather, politics, and school. When that finally ended I just looked at the kid who was obviously texting and said "I'm Sophie. What's your name?" He looked up and then his dad put his hand out and the kid put his phone in his hand. "Todd." He said it with such bore and dullness. When dinner was finally over I saw Todd look at his dad like we was begging him to leave, but his dad was so oblivious to it he just nodded and continued talking to my mom. When I asked Todd to come to my room to hang out he just grinned and followed me. I could hear that John and my mom started talking, then kissing, then I don't even know what.... Todd was looking around and I said "So this is awkward." He just chuckled and sat on the window seat. When we started to talk I found out that he is a jock - of course - and that he hated his dad too. I found real interest in that because he was so perfect, apparently his dad left him mom because of my mom. I was so shocked I didn't know that John went through all of that just to be with my mom. And I was trying to break them up. When Todd and I moved on from our parents we started to talk about us, hobbies, future, personality, dreams.

Then we were just laying there staring at the ceiling and then Todd rolled over and he was on top of me. His hands were by my hair and he was in plank form for a push up. He stared into my eyes and then I looked down, when I looked up I saw that we were nose to nose and he kissed me. His lips were soft and warm. His body pressed against mine and I put my hands around his neck. Then when he got up I just sat upright and slapped him across the face. I stood up and said "How dare you kiss me! I barely even know you!" He stood up slowly and said "But we have been talking for hours and I feel like I'm falling in love with you." I just stared at him like he was crazy and said "What? All we talked about was what we wanted to do in the future, our annoying parents, and hobbies. That doesn't give you the right to kiss me." He just looked at me and said "I like that skirt." "Well I don't get out." I pointed at the door and put my hand on my hip. He just smiled and leaned against me, then I was leaning against the bed and he tried to kiss me again. I slapped him and he just stood back and said "Ok what is it, I am the most attractive guy in the whole school and you don't even want to kiss me?" "We aren't even going to the same school and I don't care who you are, my mom may be a slut but I'm not." He looked at me, then my shirt, then my skirt and I realized that I just made myself sound like a fool.

I went into my bathroom and put my hair up, took off my makeup, pulled my skirt down, and put on my old New York sweatshirt. While I was doing all of this I saw Todd in the background just watching me go from the closet to my sink then back to my closet. When I was done I looked at him then flicked my hands and told him to back away. Then I opened the door, went into my moms room and saw her and John half naked on the bed and I yanked down the covers to hear a shriek from my mom. "Sophie! What are you doing!" I gave John his shirt and pants and my mom her little black dress. Then I just stood in the corner and waited for them to get redressed and then I told John and Todd to follow me. I went into the kitchen and grabbed their keys and walked out the front door. When John and Todd stopped at the front door I just turned around and looked at them and told them to come. When they followed me I opened their car door started the car told them to get in and when John and Todd got in the car I said "Bye, it was nice to meet you, not really but whatever. Todd, hope you find a sluty girl for you." Then I shut the door and waved. As they started to drive away I walked back inside and saw my mom standing at the front door with her arms folded. I just walked in, shut the door and said "Well I don't think he's your type but it was a good start." Then I walked into my room and shut the door, I could hear my mom starting to call John and apologize. I could tell she was talking to a voicemail. Mission Accomplished.

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