Chapter 14 "Cutting"

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When I got home I heard panting coming from my moms room, then I head a voice. Ew. It was not my mom's that's nasty. I couldn't call Davis that would be the third time this week. I decided to suck it up and do my homework.

After I finished I didn't feel like checking to see if my mom was done "exercising" I wanted to curl up into a ball an forget the world. I checked my phone and the video got seven thousand views. Why? Why did this happen to me? It's not my fault that my moms a whore. I went to the kitchen and got some dinner, then I went back to my room.

The next day I woke up and got dressed like any normal day. When I went out to the kitchen I saw that my mom was in a robe and the man was like the first man before he discovered cloths. I shielded my eyes while I made my breakfast even though I didn't have much an appetite.

When my mom refused to take me to school I ended up calling Autumn, she lives really close and I need someone to talk to.

When Autumn showed up I got into her car. When we got to school I told her everything and she just hugged me.

"I am so sorry, I don't know what I would do without my mother." She said

"Thanks. Were gonna be late, let's go."

"Why don't we just ditch today, my mom doesn't care."

"Is this a dream?"

After Autumn called her mom we were picked up and went to her house. Her room was very pink. It was a little weird but I would get used to it.

"Here." Autumn was holding a knife and she had another in her other hand.


"I find that scissors are harder to cut with."

"I don't under-"

"It helps, you don't have to but it's my stress reliever."


When I took the knife we sat down on the floor and Autumn gave me a paper towel.

"For the blood, and I cut on the ankle so no one can see." She said


When I cut I made three long lines across my ankle, I started to cry because all I could think about was my mother and her stupid boyfriends all lining up to get laid.

"Woah slow down." Autumn said

I hadn't even noticed that I had made so many cuts, my ankle was covered in blood. I used the paper towel and wiped all the blood away.

"Sorry I was just thinking." I said with tears in my eyes. I made so many cuts I couldn't count. Autumn had made two short ones. She cut so gingerly and I cut like I was stabbing someone to death.

"I'm gonna go get something to drink." Autumn said.

I felt so terrible, I put a band-aid on my ankle and went down with her. Her mom was at work so we decided to bake brownies. It's funny how we went from cutting to baking all within ten minutes.

After we finished baking we watched some T.V. and had a pig out. There were brownies, cookies, ice-cream, chocolate, and chips.

"Hey you know why this all makes so much sense?" Autumn said with a cookie in her mouth.

"No why?" I said shoving a brownie down my throat.

"Stressed backwards spells desserts."

Then we both laughed and watched Spongebob.

When her mom came home she offered to drive me home, I gladly accepted and got into the car. When I got home my mother was in her room... again. I just called Kyle and he told me all the makeup work I had to do. When I finished I decided to call him again, this time we talked for hours and when it was around three A.M. he decided to go to sleep. I think I love Kyle but at the same time I hate my life.

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