Chapter 18 "Goodbye"

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I decided to say goodbye. I called my mom and as usual she didn't pick up.

"Hey mom." I said "I just wanted to say that I'm going away so I want to tell you that you are a terrible mother and you have never been there for me! I hope you rot in hell because I don't want to see you in heaven!" Then I hung up.

I toor my room apart all the work, pillows, clothes, blankets. It meant nothing, nothing matters anymore. I stormed into the kitchen and toor that up too all the food, and civil ware and the plates. Nothing matters! I walked back into my room and cried and cried and broke more things. I made my suicide note.

"Hi," I said into my camera "I know you all hate me, I don't know why. You killed my best friend and then you go and attack my mother, I didn't do anything wrong. You can consider this my suicide note or whatever I don't really care anymore. I'm just done. Bye." Then I stopped the video. I posted it and threw my phone across the room. I toor it up some more and went into my bathroom and started to fill up the tub. I got into my nice spring dance dress and did my makeup. I wrote a note and left it on the counter in my bathroom.

"I want this on at my funeral."

When it was filled up I got in and put a scarf around my neck then I tied it to the drain. I just closed my eyes and let all of the oxygen fall out of my body. Suddenly everything went dark and I saw light. I see Autumn and she was reaching out for me. I reached out to grab her hand. When I put it into hers I was pulled away I was falling back down.

I was waking up. I see light again and this time it wasn't the same it wasn't as beautiful. I see Kyle and Amber and Delilah and Davis, they all came for me. Kyle was reviving me, when he saw that I was awake he pulled me up and clenched me in his arms. I tried to pull away I kept screaming

"No! No! I don't want to be here! I want to be with Autumn, there is nothing for me!" Kyle just kept holding on and Amber and Delilah were crying and hugging me. I was soaking wet and exhausted and sad and so many other things. I saw paramedics and soon enough I was on a gernie and then into an ambulance and I think I passed out in the ambulance.

When I woke up I was in a hospital and I was in one of those gown things. I looked over to see Amber sitting in the chair on the phone with someone.

"Yes mom, it's ok. Kyle, Davis, and Delilah went to go get coffee and then they will be back. She is stable don't worry I will call you as soon as she wakes up. Ok I love you too bye." She said on her phone then she put it back onto the table and saw that I was awake.

"Hey sleepy head, your awake." She said getting up

"Yah I decided to take a little nap." I said propping myself up.

"Haha well the doctor says your stable but they are going to keep you an extra day or two to keep an eye on you."

"Ok, listen I'm sorry."

"No, I should be the one that's sorry, I saw you being attacked online and I did nothing. I wasn't there for you and I'm sorry just please don't ever scare me like that again." She said sitting on my bed and grabbing my hand.

"Ok, I promise." I said with a smile then I saw the rest of the gang walking in with coffee.

"Hey! Your awake!" Delilah said giving me a hug.

"Ya I am." I said. "Where's my mom?"

"Oh, she um had to go to work." Davis said.

"I really appreciate you all being here I really do thank you so much." I said with tears in my eyes. "You all mean so much to me. I am so sorry everything just got to my head."

"It's ok, we understand." Kyle said grabbing my other hand.

"I'm going to call my mom, could you all step out for a minute?" I said grabbing my phone on the table.

Once I dialed her number it rang for a couple minutes and then she picked up.

"Sweetheart! How are you? Did you just wake up?"

"Ya I did and I'm fine, are you coming to the hospital?"

"Sweetie I can't. I have a client and I can't afford to miss another one."

"Ok I see you'd rather have sex then be with your daughter who just attempted suicide, did you hear my voice mail? I want you to listen to it every day and don't bother coming home ever again I can fend for myself." Then I hung up and everyone walked in.

Everyone went home except for Davis then in two hours Kyle came then in another two hours Amber came and then Delilah. They just didn't want me to feel alone. I stayed in the hospital for two days and stayed home from school for two weeks. It's Sunday again, I am ready to go back I want to face my fears this time. I want to do it for Autumn. I read her book "In The Night" it was a really good book. I learned that you can't do things alone and that it's ok to have a friend with you. I love my friends and I know they are loyal to me. I can do this.

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