Chapter 7 "Punched"

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When seventh period rolled around I figured I would stay with Davis so he could help me find my classes. The piece of paper that the principal handed me was actually my schedule. Davis took a picture of it and set it as my lock screen. When we had Spanish the teacher let me sit wherever I wanted, when I looked around I saw that there was an open seat next to Todd and Kyle. As I started to walk towards Kyle Todd grabbed me and pulled me into my seat. "Hey, saw you lookin' for a seat." As I started to get up to walk to a different seat (Kyle) Todd just pulled me down again. "Do you have a date for that dance? Of course you don't because your new and you need to get in with the right crowd." Todd just started at me waiting to respond.

"Weren't you going to ask Brittany?"

"No, why would I?"

"Because your her boyfriend."

"No, we were never a thing to begin with, she just thought it because we hung out at the carnival."

"Oh." Great now he's gonna make me go with him.

"So will you go with me?"

I just stared at him. If I didn't go with him he could ruin my life. If I did go I would be miserable and I would hate myself, but on the other hand if I did go with him I'm sure he would be a nice guy.... eventually and I can make new friends. Wait. But what about Kyle? He was so nice to me and I really wanted to go with him. When I turned around to look at him I saw that he was talking to Lindsay. When I felt like a total loser I said to myself 'what do I have to loose?'

"Sure." I said with a little smile.

When class was over I walked out and a girl came up to me. She was tall, a little chubby and had on all black. On my other side there was a tall, thin, fashionista girl. I asked what there names were and they just stopped. The fashionista was Brittany and the goth one was Jessie. I had heard terrible things about her. Apparently she was suspended twice for fighting.

"What are you doing?" Said Brittany.

"I don't know-" I said.

"I know you said yes to Todd's invite for the dance." Said Brittany.

"I had no choice, he was constantly asking me, and he said that you weren't a thing so I went with it." I said almost to quickly.

Before I could say another word I felt a fist jam into my jaw. Jessie had punched me! I immediately got back on my feet and slapped her across the face.

"What the hell was that for?!"

"That's for hurting my friend!" Jessie said with her fist raised.

"What the hell is wrong with this school!" I said storming away.

As I walked to the nurse she asked what was wrong. I knew I couldn't rat out Jessie so I said I fell down the stairs. She gave me a ice pack and I waited for about ten minutes when she said that I needed to get back to class. She wrote me a note and sent me on my way. When I got to my last class I sat down and everyone just stared at me or at least made the time to get a look at me. Even the teacher stopped for a second and just starred at the big fat bruise on my face. When I asked to go to the bathroom she said ok and I grabbed my bag. Jason asked why I was taking it.

"Why do you think nimrod?" I said walking out the door.

When I got into the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror. I put some cold water over the bruise to ease the throbbing. When I looked into my bag for something to use I saw my foundation I didn't even realize that I accidentally put it on there. I quickly applied to to the bruise. When it looked better I fixed my hair, sprayed some perfume, and went on my way. As I walked back in everyone looked at me again. When they saw that I applied makeup they just whispered and murmured. I just concentrated on my work and as soon as the bell rung I sprang out of the classroom and went down to pick up line. Then Todd walked up to me he said "Hey I heard about your little beating, I'm really sorry. Here" he handed me a piece of paper and it had his phone number on it. When I shoved to into my bag I saw Brittany and Jessie walk by. To make them mad I pushed myself against Todd and giggled. It drove them crazy.

When Todd left to go home I made an effort to find Kyle. When I did we started to talk about normal things. Then he brought up the bruise and I just quickly explained and changed the subject. When he put his number into my phone I was filled with excitement.

"So I hear your going to the dance with Todd."

"Well it's not totally official but I don't know."

"Well text me tonight I want to talk to you about something."

"Oh, and what might this be?"

"Here's my ride I have to go, text me!"

"Ok, bye."

After everyone was picked up I was sent to the office to call my mom. After several tries I got no response. When I sat down and started to play on my phone I saw that had Todd texted me.

"Hey I just wanted to start the conversation, so what's up?"

I didn't care about him I wanted to see if I should text Kyle now or after dinner. He seemed like he wanted to talk to me about whatever he needed to talk about but he didn't want to say it to my face, like he was to nervous. When I decided to text him I just said

"Hey, it's Sophie."

When I looked up I saw that my mom still wasn't here. It was now a half an hour after school ended. When I looked back down at my phone I saw he texted me back.

"Hey Soph"

"What did you need to talk to me about?"

"Oh well..."

"What, it's ok you can say anything you want. I'm fine."

"Ok well... Will you go to the dance with me?"

When I didn't respond he said

"I know that you were going with Todd but I thought that since it wasn't official or anything I could ask you. If you don't want to go with me I totally understand."

"I'll have to see, I need time. I gtg ttyl."


When I looked up I saw my mom standing there. She was apologizing for being late because the bank wanted her to work an extra shift. She was still in the same cloths and her lipstick wasn't smeared so I knew she wasn't with someone. When we got into the car she asked about the bruise and I said that I fell. She totally believed me and all I could think about was Kyle, his text, his face, his lips. I wanted to go with him. Then there was Todd, he was cool, and popular. I don't know what to do.

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