Chapter 16 "She's Dead"

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When I woke up a week later it was the official day that I got to give Autumn's book back. I got dressed did my hair and makeup and walked out the door. Since my mom became a prostitute she is never around anymore, so I officially set up carpool with Autumn. I pay them monthly for gas even though they don't want me too and I plan on sending them a thank you card a Christmas and the end of the school year.

Autumn has been a little down lately maybe she is missing her book, I quickly put it into my backpack and grabbed my lunch while I waited by the front door. It took a little while because I got up early so I decided to finish up my science homework and I had a waffle. I was now going to be late for school, why wasn't Mrs. Parker here? She is never late and if she is she tells me. I don't get it. I called her house and cell and I got no response. I didn't bother to call Autumn, her mom took her phone because she was behind on homework. I officially began to get worried.

Since my mom wasn't home and it was to far to bike I decided to go to Autumn's house, maybe they just had a major delay and if I see them on the road I can just put my bike somewhere safe. I put my arms through the straps on my backpack and started to pedal. When I got to the house I saw police cars and an ambulance. Oh no.

"Autumn!" I screamed from the parking lot.

"Ma'am, I am detective Jones I need you to wait outside right now." I didn't even look at her my eyes were looking directly into her room from her window then I saw her. She was on top of her bed and her neck was attached to a rope. She had killed herself. Autumn Parker killed herself. I knew she was a little depressed but I didn't think she would have taken it this far. I pushed the lady aside and ran into the house. I pushed my way through guards and detectives and paramedics. When I finally got to her room I just saw her, she was all dressed and ready for school. She was wearing the new bow I got her for her hair. Her body was cold and stif. It was full of blood because she cut everywhere, even on her face the only place she didn't cut was her neck, she saved it for the rope. I tried to cut down the rope but a detective pulled me away and dragged me to another room.

"Listen to me." He said

"I am part of the AZPD." He said. I still couldn't focus my best friend had killed herself she put a rope around her neck and took her breath away forever. I knocked over the man sitting in the chair when he started asking me questions. When I ran downstairs I grabbed the phone out of the kitchen counter and unlocked it. There were thousands of messages and they weren't notifications they were real texts and they were awful.

"I hope you cut again bitch." "Why did you come back no one likes you." "Cut your throat next time." "Ew, you smell like blood I hope you don't get any on me." "Gross." "People hate you."

I couldn't read anymore now I wanted to commit suicide. I gave the phone to an officer and told him the passcode. Then I ran out of the house and started to pedal again. It was strange because I never saw her mother, maybe she saw her and was taken to a police department or she went to see her ex-husband, after all she was divorced. I kept pedaling and pedaling until finally I was at school everyone would be in third period by now so I just kept circling the block over and over until lunch.

When lunch came I just parked my bike and walked in the cafeteria. I saw my friends and they saw me covered in blood. I grabbed Autumn when she was still hanging and got blood all over me. Kyle walked over and said

"What happened?"

"Autumn is dead." I whispered.

"Oh my god." He said then he just grabbed me and pulled me in. I didn't rap my arms around him because I couldn't feel them let alone use them. I didn't know what to do I'm in shock so I stood up on the table and shouted so loud, everyone in the entire cafeteria could hear me.

"Autumn Parker is dead thanks to you! You killed her! All the hateful texts and messages on Instagram and voicemails all got to her! You know what my favorite was? I hope you cut your throat next time, and that come from the wonderful and glorious Brittany! She is the one who pushed her over the edge now she is hanging by her neck in her room! How does that make you feel Brittany, come on stand up tell us how it makes you feel."

"Um how come she can't take a joke." She said

"A joke! You thought it was a joke!" I yelled climbing down from the table and walking towards her.

"Ya." She said

"You are a bitch! You think that everyone is your toy and you can just play with them like puppets so you can control everyone and when one gets a little dirty you throw it away."

"Calm down ok take a chill pill." It was Todd and he stood up next to Brittany.

"Oh great another toy! Wait no your more like her boy toy who you can fool around with and on your spare time you text people saying I hope you cut again."

By that time adults were in the room and they couldn't believe what they had just heard. Autumn is dead and there is nothing I could do to save her. After that I slapped both of them in the face then I left, I didn't know what to do. My best friend just died and my mother is out getting paid to have sex with random men, I guess you figured out the principal didn't really work out. At first I went home and cried for an hour but now I need someone to talk to and they can't be involved. I got back on my bike and headed for my mom's office.

When I got there she was with a client so I had to wait half an hour. When she was done I finally got to go she her. I have never seen her in her "work cloths" and I passed her a towel when I got in.

"Sweetie what are you doing here?" She said rapping the towel around her.

"It's Autumn she's- she's dead!"


"She killed herself mommy I don't know what to do!" I said crying and I hugged her.

"Honey why don't you go home and I will deal with this after work."


"I have another client in five minutes and I can't cancel. So I will see you tonight." She said pushing me out the door. I turned around after I grabbed my bike and said

"I hate you, your a terrible mother."

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