Chapter 9 "Love"

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As I got up to go see Kyle the bell rang, we all had to sit in our seats.

"Ok class," the teacher said. "Since there is no point in doing attendance because some people have emotional things they need to work out we are just going to get right to work."

The entire time the teacher was talking she was looking at me. When I looked over at Kyle we both tried so hard not to laugh.

When we had five minutes left of class the teacher just let us talk. Todd was back but avoided me. Kyle and I talked instead.

"So, the dance. I don't have a date because of recent events." I said.

"Oh well then. I was going to ask you this at lunch but..." Kyle started to stand on his chair.

"Sophie Pelentine." He said still on top of a chair and raising his voice, now everyone was looking at him.

"Will you not only go to the Spring Dance with me, but will you be my girlfriend?"

I looked at him with a big smile on my face.


He got down from the chair and hugged me, some girls awed and the boys were cheering Kyle on but overall most people just started to clap. Jason walked over and said to Kyle "This is the part where you kiss her." Kyle just looked at him then at me. He pulled me close and put his fingers through my loose hair. Then I closed my eyes and I felt his lips against mine, they were soft and light I felt like the happiest person in the whole world. When the bell rung I let go of him and grabbed my bag, I had left him wanting more and that was always a good thing.

Authors Note

Hi! Woah so this was a really short chapter. I kind of wanted you to get the feel of Sophie and Kyle's relationship. They are very silly and are who they are. They don't want to change themselves just because they are together. Hope you enjoy!

(Check out my other book, The Timer.)


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