Chapter 5 "First Day"

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When I woke up I found myself on the ground with a blanket covering my torso, not my feet. My pillow was a small travel size one. It was soft and pink. My room was dark but the pale-green wall was covered with outlines from my shudders. All of my boxes and bags were shoved on top of my bed. Sure I had cleaned out two or three but when you move your entire life from one house to another you realize how much stuff you have. The movers came at midnight so we were pulling out bags and boxes until 1:30 a.m. It was awful. I was so tired I didn't even think to just shove them on the bed.

I got up surprisingly faster the I was expecting. I walked into my bathroom and saw my beautiful morning self. I had on a t-shirt and yoga pants which were all messed up from my tossing and turning from last night. I washed my face and brushed my hair. I always wore it up in a scrunchie so I had multiple waves of tight wet curls. After I brushed it out it just looked like a frizzy mess. Oh joy, a bad hair day.

I went into my closet after I turned on my straightener. I pulled out a shirt, it was grey with little white hearts and it said in cursive letters "Wild at Heart" I figured I could just wear my yoga pants with the shirt. After I straitened my hair I pulled my hair back to a half-up-half-down look. I added hair-spray to give it volume. Then I put on my makeup and walked out into the kitchen.

I grabbed my vans which were by the counter and walked towards the table. Then I saw my mom there with her head in her arms. At first I thought she was just sleeping so I put my shoes down (quite loudly) to wake her up. When she poked her head out of her arms it had looked like she had been crying.

"What's the matter?" I said, while pulling my frozen waffles out of the freezer.

"John, he broke up with me."

"Why, he was so... nice."

"He said that he thought I was a slut because of the way our family dressed."

"Oh no, was it me? I feel sooo bad." I said with a big fat smirk on my face.

"Sophie, don't start with me."

"Sorry I just thought he wasn't right for you. What were the terms for the payment of the house and stuff."

"He paid for the house but I pay for the bills. I also payed for 75% of the furniture, so he can't take that from me."

"Was the payment for the house final, or does he still owe things?"

"No I waited until the payment was done so I wouldn't worry about that if we broke up. Go get your bag were gonna be late."

As my waffles popped I put them into a paper towel and went back into my room. I grabbed my bag and put pencils, pens, folders, and a bottle of mini perfume into my bag. I knew that my school was equipped with iPads so I didn't bring that much, but just in case.

As I got into the car I saw that my mom was completely ready, she had on a white long-sleeve blouse and long black pants on. She had on short simple black heels with simple makeup and simple jewelry. My mom was always a simple person when she was around other people. But when she went to the clubs with her girlfriends you could mistake her as a Vegas stripper.

When we got to my new school I saw that it wasn't that big. It was very condensed and put together. When I got to the office I saw three people. A teacher looking into her box. A lady who was right in front directing my mom through each thing she had to do, and another woman in the back who was typing on her computer and writing down numbers on papers.

When I realized that my mom was walking towards the back to see the principal I quickly followed. The principal was tall, not that much hair and was nicely dressed. I sat down and texted my friend.

To: Sydney

"Hey I'm at the new school, in the principals office. This time I'm not in trouble. Haha ok, I will talk to you tonight. Tell everyone I miss them."

When I looked up I saw my mom signing things and then the principal said. "Ok, I'll let you say goodbye to your mom and then I'll bring you to your first class." He walked out and started to talk to another person. My mom situated herself so she was facing me.

"Ok, I have to go, my shift starts in an hour. Be good and make some friends."

"I don't want any new friends, I want to go back to California to be with my old friends."

"I had to leave California, besides there are plenty of people in Arizona."

"Whatever just go I'll be fine."

"I love you."

"Yah yah I love you too, bye."

When she walked out I saw that the principal wasn't going to come back in here. I walked out behind my mom, she waved goodbye as she got into the car. I looked at the principal and he handed me a piece of paper, before I could even look at it he handed me my iPad and we were walking to my first class. I totally leaped for joy.

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