Chapter 10 "Autumn"

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When I walked down the hall the next day Delilah and Amber wouldn't stop calling me Mrs. Kyle Roke. I was so mad at them but at the same time it was my first inside joke with girls before, I loved it. When I walked down the stairs to go to lunch I was suddenly pulled against the wall. It was Kyle he had waited for me and when he saw me he was against me and I was against the stairs first he just stared into my hazel eyes and I starred into his chocolate brown ones. After awhile we just laughed and then he kissed me. It was so sudden like it was a surprise but at the same time I was totally expecting it. Who pushes a girl against a wall, stares into her eyes and doesn't kiss her?

Anyway when we got down to lunch Kyle said he had to go pay for his and that he would be back. When I sat down next to Davis he just squealed like a little girl. I couldn't help myself and squeal as well, then we both just ended up laughing when Amber and Delilah saw down I started to talk with them about the stairs incident. I was having such a great time until Todd showed up.

"Hey Sophie" he said


"I just wanted to tell you that I hooked up with Brittany over the weekend."

"Oh so you did find a nice slutty girl for you. Congrats."

"Whatever, anyway did you hear, Autumn is coming back next week." Then he walked away.

Suddenly Amber and Delilah started to get really nervous. I asked what was wrong and Amber had to go into the bathroom because she started to cry. Davis explained everything. Autumn was this girl who has been here for so long every teacher knew her. She was a really good student but was a little socially awkward. She was Amber and Delilah's best friend. One day the popular group thought that it would be funny to bully her until she broke. One day she came in with cuts all over her arms and ankles. She was cutting herself and it got so bad she took a kitchen knife and made three big cuts along her stomach.

She attempted to commit suicide and was taken away to a rehab center. Delilah was in the bathroom about two minutes after Davis explained everything, I didn't want to go in there because I felt out of place, I didn't know her and it was an Amber-Delilah moment. She was taken out of rehab and was homeschooled, I guess she is ready to come back. I wanted to make an effort to introduce myself because I also heard the good things about her. She loves music, and art. She is very techy and loves to make short videos. She is on the taller side and has short blonde hair. I saw a picture of her, she has piercing blue eyes, they are gorgeous. She was so pretty and sounded really nice, why could something as terrible as cutting happen to such a nice girl.

When Kyle finally came back he was holding roses. There were about ten in his little bundle. I was so happy, I ran up to him and hugged him, once hugging turned to kissing Davis broke it up. I sat down and broke the news to Kyle that Autumn was coming back. He was so happy he almost cried. Apparently they had a really good relationship as friends. They would tell each other everything. Once I found out that Brittany was the main source of all her cutting I said that I was done with my lunch.

She made me sick, all of her little mind tricks and stupid assumptions. I found her sitting on the bleachers with her little gang and some boys.

"Hey bitch!" I yelled "Oh wait, I'm sorry that was directed towards all of you, I meant to call on the big slut in the back with the fake blonde hair who is dating the man-whore."

Brittany got up with her stupid high heels and said "What do you want?"

"Come down here. Now." She slowly got down from the bleachers with the help from the guys.

"What." She said with her hands on her hips.

Then I just slapped her across the face. "That was for Autumn." Then I slapped her again "That is for every single perps you cause misery to." Then she just fixed her hair and said. "Well bitch, your about to become just like Autumn because I'm going to make your life a living hell." Then she walked away. After that I went the opposite way and sat down. It was already all over social media.

Apparently one of the people in the bleachers got the whole thing on camera and sent it out to the whole school. I felt proud of myself I wanted everyone to know that I stood up for Autumn and for all the other girls she has hurt, she can't hurt me. I already know what it's like to be hurt, being hurt is like being pinched. It only lasts for a few seconds.

Authors Note

Hi, so a lot had happened in this chapter, I know I said that you might want to skip this because of Kyle. I've had an change in plans and wanted to put Autumn in this one, she is a really important character so don't forget her. She means a lot to Amber and Delilah so don't forget that either. Kyle never dated Autumn they were just friends (in case you were wondering) anyway I will put a note at the beginning of chapter eleven to say that this chapter is important and to go and read it before you continue on. Thanks again! Hope you enjoy!

Check out my other book "The Timer"

-Bee yourellf

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