Chapter 20 "Better"

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It was now three months later. I am all healed up and off the medication. My foster parents want to adopt me, and the anti bully campaign has gone nation wide. I have traveled to seventeen states and all have been sucsessful, I got to the White House in two weeks to meet the president and his children! I am super excited and nervous at the same time. Turns out, his daughter was bullied before he became president and when he won the election they moved and she was happy again.

It's seven o'clock in the morning on a Friday. The spring dance is today and I am super excited. I am going with Kyle, Amber is going with Davis, and Delilah is going with this boy she likes. I got up and got dressed like any normal day. I walked out into the kitchen and my my new brother and sister were eating at the table. Abby is five, and Daniel is senven. My parents made my eggs and toast, I quickly gobbled down the delicious fluffy eggs and met Mrs. Parker outside. When I got to school I was greeted by a light kiss on the cheek. It was Kyle and he has cleaned up. He has nice hair and a nice fitting outfit.

After classes and classes of boring information we were finally released from that prison in which we call school. I walked out of class and met Kyle in the courtyard,

"You ready?" He asked reaching for my hand.

"Yah, but I need to do something first." I said pulling him towards the field.

When we got to the field we went into the far corner where no one ever goes. It was like a sacred place that no one wanted to touch. I pulled out a picture of Autumn that had her birth date and her death date. She looked so happy, she was smiling and laughing it was something I was never going to see again. I miss Autumn every day, call me crazy but when I get into my bed I talk to her for a while, even though I already know she knows what I'm going to say. I out down the picture in the gravel and stepped back. It looked to dull, so I had Kyle bring over some rocks to keep the picture in place and a little decoration. I pulled out her book and put it behind the picture, I wanted her to be able to finish it. I examined it with a smile.

"Perfect." I said.

Kyle took my hand and kissed me on the cheek. We left with smiles and that's important, you can't morn over the dead because of what they did when they were alive, you can't blame them for anything. You especially cannot blame yourself, you should enjoy the memories of what you had with that person and cherish them forever. You can keep their memory alive and not be burned by the fact that their dead. Life goes on, enjoy every day you can.

My name is Sophie and this is the story of how I wanted to run away from my fears, but I overcame them and found the true meaning of love and friendship.

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