Chapter 8 "Being Myself"

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When I got home the first thing I did was get a snack. I was so hungry, I don't know what it is, maybe the fact that I just worked my butt off for the last eight hours, and Nutella sounds really good right now. After I had my snack I started my homework. When I start it I realized I had a lot it was nasty. I had three tests to study for, two quizzes, and a two page essay to write.

After I got all of that done I had some dinner and texted Todd. I said that my mom took my phone and that I was sorry. He quickly texted back and said that it was ok, but he had football practice and he would text me later. After that I texted Kyle.

"Hey, I'm sorry for putting you off I just can't get a hold of Todd."

"It's fine take all the time you need."

"Thank you."

"So, I can't believe how much homework we have!"

"I know right! It's unbelievable."

After that we talked about normal things. He was so easy to talk to, when I talk to Todd he's so persistent about kissing, and stripping and stuff. After Kyle left Todd texted me.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothin, listen we need to talk."

"Yes we do."

"Ok, what do you need to say?"

"We need to talk about your wardrobe."


"The way you dressed the night I first met you turned me on."

"Um... I didn't want to dress like that though."

"Well, it looked hot and you need to look hot to impress people."

"I don't have those cloths."

"It's ok, just pull something together then go shopping over the weekend."


"Ok, I have to go. Ttyl."


So when that was over I felt like nothing was accomplished, I felt like I had even more on my plate. I had to dress like a slut to go to the dance with someone I didn't even want to go with. I have a plan. I will go in normal cloths and when he asks why I'm not dressed like he wanted I will tell him that I want nothing to do with him and that I wasn't going to the dance with him. When I went into the bathroom I had almost completely forgotten about the bruise. I looked up how to treat it. I ended up putting bananas and tomatoes on it. It was nasty. Once I had cleaned my face and went to bed I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Once I woke up I put on jeans and a graphic t-shirt. I put on some light makeup and baby blue faded converse. When I walked out into the kitchen my mom was dressed for work and had my waffles and juice all ready to go. I ate and she packed my lunch, once I had everything together we were on our way. She was obviously over John. She was so perky, it was weird. I guarantee you she got a new boyfriend and doesn't want to tell me until I'm ready, or she just did it and felt happy. Ew.

Once I got to class I made my way to my chair, I saw Todd standing there at first he was disappointed and then he just fake smiled and hugged me.

"Why the hell are you wearing that? I specifically told you that you couldn't wear it."

"You are not in charge of what I wear."

"If you want to look cool you need to dress the way I tell you to."

"Listen." That was when I started to raise my voice. "You are not in charge of what I wear and if this is how it's going to be their don't want to go to the dance with you."

"Fine." Then he stormed away and went to the bathroom.

After I sat down and put my head on the desk. After about three minutes Delilah and Amber came up to me.

"Hey." Said Delilah "Were really sorry about what happened with Todd."

"It's ok thank you."

"No problem and your more then welcome to sit with us at lunch today and any other day." Said Amber

Amber was short with brown hair. She had freckles along her nose and cheeks. Her eyes were a grey blue. Delilah was tan and had poofy brown hair. Her eyes were a chocolate brown and she was also short. It was nice to know that I had girl friends. I had them put their numbers into my phone. I texted them both and said that it was Sophie. I liked them they were nice. When I turned around I saw Kyle at the door in shock from what had happened.

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