Newsies: Jealousy and Weird Storytelling

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A/n: I'm back! Sorry this is a little late. I wrote it and moved it three days ago, but then I didn't edit it and kept forgetting to actually upload it. ALSO there has been a lot of Newsies recently, I apologize for that I know there are people reading this for DEH but I've had very little motivation/ideas and I write newsies when I have no ideas. So if you want to see less newsies you should suggest something(Also I'm on spring break so anything that gets suggested will get done pretty quickly) ENJOY!

I'd best be hitting the road.

The words had been echoing in Crutchie's head since the strike ended. Jack was all set to leave until Katherine told him not to. Perfect, writer Katherine. Katherine, who Jack could have a legal relationship with. Crutchie always had known that his thing with Jack was temporary, it wasn't like they would ever be able to get married. "Whatcha thinking about?"

Crutchie jumped. While he was thinking and looking off into the distance Jack had snuck up behind him. "What?"

Jack smiled and threw his arm around Crutchie's shoulder "I was wondering what's going on in that big head of yours"

"Nothing" Crutchie shyed away from the contact and looked down the side of the fire escape. "It's nothing"

Jack laughed "Doesn't seem like nothin"

"Leave me alone Jack" Crutchie was tired of Jack pretending everything was fine. As if he hadn't attempted to abandon everything he knew a few hours ago.

Jack frowned and seemed to realize something was actually wrong "Are you sure? You can always talk to me"

"I just want to be alone" Every cell in his body was screaming at him to be closer to Jack, to talk to Jack. But if Jack was so willing to leave him then he could just go.


Crutchie spun around "Don't call me that!" Jack was the only one who knew his real name and right now it just reminded him of his parents

Jack flinched back with a look like a kicked puppy "Sorry" His voice sounded meek and unconfident, a big difference from when he was speaking about the strike.

Crutchie felt bad and cautiously reached out a hand. Jack stepped closer and hugged him tightly before letting go and stepping back enough to give Crutchie his space. "You were going to leave"

"What?" Jack tilted his head and gave him the same look a stray cat gave him the other week when he offered it food.

"You were going to leave me to go to Santa Fe!" Crutchie slammed the tip of his crutch against the fire escape "You were all set to leave until Katherine told you not to"


"No!" Crutchie took a deep breath in an attempt to calm down "Do I not matter to you at all? Am I just some fling until your ready to marry Katherine? You're just like my parents, all set to leave!"

Jack remained frozen in place. Crutchie sat down on the flimsy mattress and covered his face with his hands. "I wasn't going to leave you. I always assumed you would come with" Jack sat down next to Crutchie, but left enough distance between them so that they weren't touching "You and me, together in Santa Fe. We could ride palominos and own a farm" Crutchie moves a little closer just to make it clear Jack could touch him. Jack compiled and wrapped his arm around Crutchie's waist.

"It just felt like you were leaving me. After everything we've done together" Crutchie explained. He thought about all the stuff they've done together. Finding each other when they were kids and limping out of the alley with arms around each other. Kissing on the roof for the first time when they were fourteen. And thousands of nights on the rooftop watching the sun set. "You wouldn't be the first person to leave"

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