Newsies: Lockers and Pick up lines

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A/n: Please read the authors note that is in the next chapter!

This is a prompt from @-Disappear_Anarchy- :  It's a high school AU where Mush is constantly siting on Blink's desk, or standing by his locker flirting with him. Blink never even reacts to the remarks, just smiling to himself and waiting it out. One day Mush is flirting with Blink while he is getting things out of his locker, when he makes some comment about Blink's "Beautiful eye". Blink cant help but burst out laughing, scribbling his number onto a piece of paper, them handing it to Mush. He walks to his last class of the day, still laughing slightly about Mush's remark. I changed it a little, but I tried to stay pretty close to the prompt. I hope you like it!

Mush leaned against his locker in a way he hoped looked cute and mysterious "Are you a wifi hotspot? Because I feel a connection"  

Blink looked unimpressed but Mush didn't care. It was the same every day since the second day of school. On the first day Mush decided that he was in love with the boy whose locker was next to his and for the last 144 days (Yes he was counting) Mush had a new pickup line for every day, he was dead set on getting Blink to talk to him, at this point he didn't even care if it ended in a date. He actually thought that last pick up line was good, but Blink didn't even crack a smile. Mush gave up and walked out to the parking lot where Race was waiting to give him a ride home.

"You're late" Race didn't even look away from where he was staring at his phone.

"Because we're in a hurry" Mush rolled his eyes and sat in the passenger seat. All Race ever did after school was play video games or flirt pointlessly with his boyfriend.

"Were you harassing Blink again?" Race finally put down his phone and started the car. "You've been at it all school year and nothing has happened"

"He looks slightly less annoyed then he used to" Mush offered

"That's not really a improvement" Race split his focus between the road and his little brother "You should just let it go, I hear Jojo has a crush on you"

"No she doesn't, the only reason she told that to Spot was to get him to shut up" Jojo had explained the whole thing and they were currently planning to prank Spot.

"Whatever bad example" Race stopped at a red light "Are those notecards?"

Mush his them behind his back "No?"

Race looked unimpressed and plucked them out of Mush's hand "Are these pick up lines?"

"Yeah, the ones with red check marks are the ones I've already used and the ones without haven't been used yet" Mush explained

Race shuffled through the cards "God, these are awful"

"That's the whole point" Mush defended "I'm trying to make him laugh"

Race rolled his eyes and turned right "That's how you flirt?"

"Fuck off" Mush stole the cards off Race's lap

"Use the one on top tomorrow" They turned into the driveway and Race turned off the car "I think it'll work.


Usually Mush would ignore his brothers advice, but it wasn't like he had anything to lose. He had enough notecards for the end of the school year and it didn't really matter when he used which one. Mush walked in to school heading straight for his locker until he was stopped by Jojo. "Come on" Jojo grabbed his arm and led him in the opposite direction.

"Where are we going?" Mush asked, he looked behind himself and could barely see Blink's locker closing and Blink walk away.

Jojo stopped walking and turned around "You forgot" She stated it as a fact

"No" Mush looked around "You are dragging me through the hallways because..."

"You promised to help me with my audition" Jojo filled in. She continued walking and pulling Mush behind her.

"Crap it's Friday? Sorry Jo" It had totally slipped his mind. He could talk to Blink after school.

"Glad you remember" Jojo looked into the choir room and when she found it empty she pulled Mush inside.

They ran over her song (Mush could actually play the piano, he just didn't like to) and he helped her with the script. By the time they needed to go to class, Jojo was confident with her audition and they had time for Mush to explain what he was doing.

"I can't belive you think that's going to work" Jojo was flipping through the pile of notecards, even though Mush had told her about his plan to get Blink to talk to him, she had never actually read the notecards.

"It's the best idea I can think of" Mush shrugged

"What about just asking him out?"

"Why does everyone say that?" Mush thought his idea was good, there was no way he could walk up to Blink and just say 'Lets go on a date' He tried that first and it failed miserably.

"He clearly likes you. If I were him I probably would've asked for a locker change, or just stopped using it" Jojo never used her locker. Mush was pretty sure she didn't even remember the combination.

"I hadn't really thought of that" Mush had forgotten how easy it was to get a new locker, you just had to find an extra one and ask the office to switch. "You really think he likes me?"

"Yes" Jojo was about to continue until the warning bell rang "I need to go, if I'm late again I'll get detention"

"Bye" Mush had study hall first hour so he was in no hurry to leave, he liked the choir room and there wasn't a class first hour.


At the end of the day Mush sprinted to his locker so he wouldn't miss Blink. He dug out the notecard Race told him to use and grabbed his backpack before closing the locker. "You weren't here this morning"

Mush spun around and almost dropped his notecard "Jojo needed my help"

Blink shrugged and opened his locker "Cool"

"Did you miss me?" Mush asked. That seemed like the only reason Blink would ask.

Blink mumbled something under his breath.

"Was that a yes?" Mush had a huge smile on his face. Blink noticed I was gone! And he missed me!

"You just weren't here, I thought you might be sick until I saw you in english" Blink explained.

"Oh" He had forgotten Blink was in his English class, he sat in the front and Blink sat in the back corner.

"Do you have a thing today?" Blink nodded at the note card in Mush's hand.

Mush blushed and hid the notecard behind his back "Of course I do"

"Are you ever going to give up?" Blink seemed amused by Mush's antics "You've been trying all year"

"I will not give up until something happens" Mush declared "Friends, boyfriends, that guy you knew in high school, I'm good with whatever"


Mush smirked "Do you have a map? Because I'm lost in your eyes" Mush froze, he had spent so much time thinking of pick up lines but when he looked in Blink's eye he realized there was something he forgot "Eye!" Mush corrected hastily "Damn it Race"

Blink stared at him for a second before bursting into laughter "That was great"

Mush wasn't sure if he should be annoyed of ecstatic. It was decided for him when Blink fumbled in his pocket and pulled out a slip of paper he handed to Mush "Is this-"

"Yeah" Blink winked- or maybe blinked? Mush wasn't sure "Let's go on that date"

Mush could only watch while Blink walked away.

A/n: I hope you like it! I feel like they were a little OOC because I've never written either of them before. This chapter is mostly written thanks to a writers block website I used. I'm seeing Bandstand on Monday and I'm super excited! Again PLEASE READ THE AUTHORS NOTE NEXT CHAPTER.

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