You Look Like You've Seen a Ghost

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Authors note: This is a new story of mine, I don't own any characters except Hollie and Mr Halstead. A part of this storyline is based off a recent one in Chicago Fire.
"Hi, do you know where I can find Chief Boden?" A young woman asked Brett as she was restocking the Ambo with Dawson.
"Through those doors take a left then a right and follow your nose." Brett replied with a friendly smile.
"Thanks." Hollie said, after following the paramedics directions she found the office and knocked.
"Come in!" Boden Called, looking up to see a young woman standing there. "Hollie right? I'm Chief Boden" He said standing up and offering out his hand for her to shake.
"Nice to meet you sir." Hollie said taking the seat opposite his desk.
"Boden, please." He Said, sitting back down. "Your quite young for Squad aren't you?" He questioned with a warm 'I'm not judging' smile.
"Yeah, I signed up at the academy on my 18th birthday and then worked Truck at 47 for 8 years." She Said with a smile.
"I'll take you to Lieutenant Severide, Who you'll be working under." Boden Said getting up and heading for the door.

"Kelly." Boden said knocking on the lieutenants door.
"Chief." He Said spinning on his chair. "What can I do for you?" His eyes landed on Hollie.
"This is Hollie Halstead she starts on Squad this shift." Boden stated. "I need to go finish some paperwork."
"I'll show her around." Severide Said, getting the message. "You know Will and Jay?" He said asking the obvias they headed for the locker room.
Hollie shook her head, "who are they?" She asked.
"Friends, your the third person I've ever met with that surname and they're siblings." He Said with a laugh. "This is the locker room, showers are through there and common rooms in there."

Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 Residential Fire...

"Ready for your first call?" Severide Said as they headed for the truck.
"Born ready." Hollie replied with a smile.
"Hey, Lieutenant Who's the girl?" Cruz asked as they got in.
"Guys meet Hollie Halstead, our newest member." Severide Said looking in the rear view mirror. "I've already asked, she doesn't know the Halsteads." He cut Capp off.

"Squad take the second floor, Truck vent the roof then check the ground floor." Boden ordered and both teams ran into action.
"Halstead, Capp your with me take the front, the rest of you take the back." Severide ordered as they all ran in. As Severide entered he turned around and saw what he knew where the Intelligence cars.
"All units evacuate, we have a shooter in the building." Boden Called into the radio.
"Copy that Chief, Squad 3 let's get out of here." Severide Replied.

"Severide!" Boden shouted over as Squad exited. "Wheres Hollie?"
"She was right behind us?" Severide Said scanning the crowds. "Halstead, report!"

*Bang* *Bang*

Gunshots rang through the air and Intelligences hands fell to their own guns. "Did you say Halstead?" Jay asked, his eyes not leaving the door.
"Yeah she started today." Severide said. "Halstead, report!" He shouted into his radio. "Chief let me go in there." He said.
"Not until PD has the shooter." Boden ordered.
"Ruzek keep your eyes on the back, we have a firefighter inside not responding." Jay said into his radio.
"Copy that." Ruzek said as he saw a door open. "We have movement, Male coming out the back." He stated into his radio as he drew his gun followed by Atwater.
"CPD show me your hands!" Atwater shouted. The shooter turned and ran out the gate. "Seriously." Atwater muttered before chasing after him.
"Halstead, shooters clear." Ruzek said into his radio before chasing after Atwater.
"Hollie, report!" Chief shouted rushing into the building, followed by Severide.
"I'm good Chief." Hollie Said passing the woman in her arms over to Severide as she went and sat on the front of the Squad.
"What happened in there?" Boden Asked her as Severide returned followed by Jay.
"I heard someone screaming turned around saw her, I just reached her when I heard shots and dropped to the floor. Something knocked me out but I came round and got out." Hollie explained to the trio.
"Let the paramedics check you over." Severide Said clearing a way for Brett and Dawson.
"Hi, I'm Detective Halstead. I'm going to need you to come to the district after your shift to make a statement so give me a call." Jay said handing his card over.
"I always thought Halstead was a rare name?" Hollie said tucking into her pocket.
"Same here." Jay said as he left.

"Okay, can you tell me your name?" Dawson asked pulling out a light and checking her pupils, Hollie rolled her eyes.
"What we haven't been introduced yet?" Brett said with a smile. "I'm Brett and this is Dawson."
"Hollie Halstead, born 30th of April 1992." Hollie answered with a smile.
"Well it's not a concussion, does anything hurt?" Gabby Asked.
"My ribs hurt when I first came around?" Hollie answered looking down at herself before laughing. "I'm not hurt because my radio took the bullet."

Back at the station Hollie was getting quizzed by everyone else, when Boden came in. "Halstead can I talk to you in my office?" Hollie got up and followed him into the room.
"What's up Chief?" She asked taking a seat.
"I was going to tell you something soon but after that call you need to know." Boden started.
"Need to know what?" Hollie asked.
"You met Jay right?"
"The cop? Yeah." Hollie answered.
"Well I used to know his dad years ago and he once got really drunk and told me a story about how he left his wife and two young kids and ran away. He ended up sleeping with another woman for a few months until she found out she was pregnant and he left." Boden rambled.
"Wait, your telling me I have an older brother?" Hollie asked, shocked.
"Two actually." Boden said. "You deserve to know."
"Are they still in contact with their dad?" Hollie asked flipping the card in her hand.
"I know Will never got along with him and I think Jay talks to him but they don't always get along." Boden said.
"Thanks Chief." She Said getting up and heading for her bunk.
"You look like you've seen a ghost." Kidd said with a smile as they passed in the corridor.
"Something like that." Halstead muttered.

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