Just Waiting For You Two To Figure It Out

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Authors note: just a thought I had whilst starting this chapter, how many chapters would you like this to have? Leave your thoughts in a comment. Also I really appreciate everyone that votes or comments on my story as it gives me inspiration to carry on writing and helps push my anxiety to the side long enough for me to get the chapter up.

"This is getting weird now." Jay said getting up and walking over to Mouses still empty desk.
"I agree." Erin Said. "Have you rang him?"
"Yeah about five times." Jay said opening a tracker on his computer and putting in Mouses number. "His phones on, im gonna go check it out."
"I'll come with." Erin said grabbing her coat and following him down the stairs.

"He's not here." Erin Said, stating the obvious as the partners finished clearing his apartment. "But I haven't seen his phone yet."
"True." Jay said pulling his own out and ringing the number. "It's coming from out front." He Said as they exited.
"I got it!" Erin called picking it up from under a car. "Let's get this back." Erin said not wanting to say what was going on.

As soon as they got back Erin put the phone on her desk and headed into Voights office with Jay, "what's that?" Atwater asked.
"I have no idea but it's got to be about Mouse." Ruzek Replied with a shrug.
"What can I do for you?" Voight Asked, slightly annoyed about the two detectives barging in.
"Mouse is missing." Jay stated. "He's not shown up for work so we went to his place and it was empty."
"But we found his phone under a car outside." Erin finished.
"Okay, Get his recent calls, if he's chucked his phone then there must be something on that and find him." Voight said.
"Copy that Sarge." Lindsay said, following Jay back out. "Okay, Mouse is officially missing. Ruzek Get his phone records. Atwater take Burgess and check his apartment out." She instructed.
"I'm not stopping until we find him." Jay said heading for a coffee.
"Lindsay." Ruzek said quietly, so Jay wouldn't hear. "Look at this."
"What am I looking at?" She asked looking at what was infront of her.
"I know he was close with Halsteads sister but she was the last person he text and she has been trying to reach him more than Jay." Adam said. "Look, that's her number." He said highlighting a massive block of missed calls.
"Dawson." Lindsay said gesturing to the door.
"What's going on?" He asked as they got into the car.
"I think I've just put this case together." She said speeding off and putting her phone onto speaker.
"Hey Erin, what's up?" Hollie said.
"Hey, um, where are you I need to ask you something." Erin said.
"What? Is Jay alright?" Hollie Said panicking.
"Jays fine but he doesn't need to know about this, where are you?" Erin stressed.
"At the firehouse." Hollie said, hearing the urgency in her voice.

"Hey, Tonio! What's up?" Gabby Called as she saw the two detectives answer.
"I just need to talk to Hollie about something." Erin started.
"She's in the common room." Gabby cut her off with a smile.
"Thanks." Erin Said jogging in that direction.
"Erin, what's going on?" Hollie Said getting up, Erin put her hand on Hollies arm and led her into the conference room.
"Your boyfriend, it's Mouse isn't it?" She Said as soon as the door was closed.
"First, He was my boyfriend." She Said emphasising was. "Secondly, how do you know?"
"Ruzek got his phone records and I saw your number was all over it. Don't worry, Jay doesn't know, yet." Erin said.
"Hold up, why did Ruzek need his phone records?" Hollie asked confused.
"Hollie, Mouse is missing, some point between texting you last night and this morning." Erin said.
"Oh God." Hollie said leaning against a table. "I thought he stood me up, I got really angry with him. He was missing?"
"Yeah. Look, it's gonna come up that you were seeing Mouse so I can give you a ride to the precinct so you can tell Jay."
"Okay." Hollie agreed, following her back out.
"Is everything alright? Antonio wouldn't tell me anything." Gabby said as they walked past her.
"Yeah, that chat might be back on after all." Hollie said with a smile before catching up to Erin and Antonio.
"Hold up, if your on Mouses phone records that much and Mouse promised he wouldn't crack your phone?" He faded off.
"Yes Mouse was, is, my mystery boyfriend." Hollie Said with a sad smile as she corrected herself.
"Good for you two." Antonio said with a smile.

"Jay can I talk to you?" Hollie Said as she came up the stairs, followed by Antonio and Erin.
"What's up?" He Said, closing the break room door behind them.
"I didn't tell you his name because I didn't want it to ruin your friendship." Hollie said shaking slightly.
"Wait your saying, Mouse is.." his voice faded off as tears started rolling down her cheeks. "Come here." He said wrapping his arms around her.
"What's going on in there?" Ruzek commented as they all watched the siblings embraced.
"Not my place to say." Antonio said with a small smile. So all eyes fell to Lindsay.
"Nor mine." She stated.
"I told you you'd like him." Hollie Said with a nervous laugh.
"True." Jay said embracing her again. "We'll find him I promise." He whispered into her hair.
"You better." She said playfully punching his arm, tears still running down her face, "you still need to give him the speech." She Said with a shaky laugh as Jay slung one arm around her shoulders. "You know I was worried you'd freak out." She Said as his hand landed on the door handle.
"No way, you both deserve happiness and I saw it back in the hospital when you first met." Jay said as Hollies eyebrows rose, "Yeah I was just waiting for you two to figure it out."

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