Ditch the Crutches

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"Hey Connor." Hollie said as she entered her hospital appointment.
"Hey Hollie, it's good to see you, how you doing?" He Said getting for her to take a seat.
"Ready to ditch these things." She said putting her crutches to the side, "and ready to go back to work."
"I might be able to do something about the first one." Connor said standing up and walking over to her. "Can you stand up for me." He said putting his arms out as a sort of safety barrier. "Now just take a walk around." He stood and watched her take a few shaky steps before falling into a rhythm. "Good, I think we can ditch the crutches as long as you promise you won't go running or cycling or even the gym until after our next apartment at least."
"Deal." She agreed immediately.
"Any certain activities cause any pain?" Connor asked as she lowered herself back into the seat.
"Sometimes it'll be dead stiff in the morning and it'll take me a while to get up." Hollie told him.
"That's normal, stiffness, tenderness, getting out of breath easily. But that shouldn't last too much longer, as for work I'll sign off after another two or three appointments however the CFD might need some other things." Connor explained.
"What like?" Hollie asked.
"Probably a phsyc evaluation." Connor stated, "it's protocol especially after what you've been through, being kidnapped, tortured.." his voice drained off.
"I'll do it, I've been thinking about it." She told Connor, "I've just met a guy and I want to get over this without dragging him through it."
"Good for you, I can recommend a few." He said reaching for some paper and writing some names and numbers down.
"Don't tell Will and Jay about the guy." Hollie said with a smile taking the paper.
"I won't." Rhodes said with a nod as she left.

"So how did it go?" Mouse asked as they sat at a table in a coffee shop a few blocks away from the hospital.
"He wants a few more meetings before I go back to work, and the CFD want a Phsyc evaluation. But on the plus side these things aren't needed all the time now." She told him.
"That's good." Mouse said placing his hand over hers.
"Yeah." Hollie Said with a small smile, "Connor gave me a few numbers so I can get in as soon as possible and get back to work." They fell into a comfortable silence until Hollie spoke up again. "How about if we go on a proper date sometime this week?"
"Sure. What about Jay?" Mouse asked.
"I'll just tell him I met a guy at P.T. or something." Hollie said with a shrug.
"How about tonight, I'm not gonna get called in?" Mouse Said putting his hand back over hers.
"One condition, nothing fancy just a little diner or something." Hollie stated,
"I know a place, it's not fancy at all but the food is amazing." Mouse thought aloud.
"Text me a time and a place and I'll be there." Hollie agreed as her phone went off.

Voight let me off early, you still at the hospital we can grab a coffee?

How about a movie marathon at yours?

"Jays finished at work so I'm gonna go meet him." Hollie said pushing her chair out and standing up.
"Okay, I'll text you about tonight." Mouse Said getting up and placing another kiss on her lips.
"See you then." Hollie said pulling back and heading for her car.

"Hey!" Hollie called as she walked into the apartment and headed straight into her room, ditching the crutches.
"Hey! How'd it go with Dr Rhodes?" Jay asked before she came into the room.
"Um, pretty good. I'm not cleared for work or any major physical activity and I've got to see a shrink but I've ditched the crutches." Hollie said walking into the room.
"Ay, no more crutches?" He exclaimed jumping up from the sofa and wrapping his arms around her.
"I might use them in the morning a bit when I'm stiff but.. yeah." She told him. "Oh yeah and a guy I met in P.T. wants to take me on a date later."
"Oooh." Jay mocked. "Hollies got a boyfriend." Hollie rolled her eyes, "What I've got twenty odd years of being a big brother to make up for, and that includes mocking." He Said and they both laughed. "And I get to scare your boyfriends and give them the, You mess with my sister.. speech." He Said ruffling her hair.
"At least wait until we're official." Hollie stated, lowering herself onto the sofa.
"Oh, So it's not just a lost bet or something, it's a proper date." Jay said with a smug expression.
"So what if it is?" Hollie shrugged it off.
"If he messes you around text me and I'll show him what happens when you mess with a Halstead." Jay said dropping into the seat next to her.
"I doubt that, if we become official I'll introduce you and I bet you'll like him." Hollie hinted.
"A cop?" Jay asked, intrigued to how she knows he'll like him.
"Soldier, got injured in the line of duty ands just finished P.T." Hollie lied.
"Cool." Jay said, not 100% believing her. "Who's turn is it to pick the film?" Jay asked as Hollies phone went off.
"Yours." Hollie replied picking up her phone

I'll pick you up from outside Jays at half six?

Sounds like a plan.
You have no idea how fun it is tormenting Jay.

Enjoy it! Lol

"That him?" Jay asked trying to get a peek at her phone.
"So what if it is?" Hollie teased as the film came on.

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