Anyone Heard From Mouse?

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"Jay you just got shot and the only thing your worried about is Hollies boyfriend." Will said as he wrapped a bandage around his arm in the break room, luckily it was a through and through to a muscular part of his arm.
"Yeah, I've been shot more times than I can remember but this is Hollies first boyfriend since I've known her." Jay said as he watched the bandage go round and round. "It just seems a bit off, she won't even tell me anything about him other than he was in the army."
"Perhaps she doesn't want you to run a background check and judge him off that." Will said with a shrug as he finished.
"You two are so alike, that's exactly what she said." Jay said with a smirk. "Now I've got paperwork to finish and drinks to get to." Jay Said heading out of the door.
"Are you good?" Lindsay asked, looking up. Jay gestured to Will to do some doctor speech.
"Yep, through and through missed ligaments, blood vessels and bone so he's basically good to go." Will said heading for the stairs.
"Thanks Will!" Erin called after him.

"So do I at least get to know his name?" Jay pushed Hollie as they got ready. They were meeting 'Hollies mystery man' at a small bar not too far from Mollys.
"Nope, you can still get someone to run a background check." Hollie said as she pulled her black leather jacket on.
"Yeah, I tried to get Mouse to do that but apparently you've told him not to?" Jay asked turning to face her and grab his keys.
"I knew what you'd try and do." Hollie Said with a shrug. "Anyway, what's all this about you getting shot earlier?" Hollie said, scanning his muscular frame.
"Will checked me over and I'm good to go." Jay said with a small wince as he put his jacket on. "You're nervous aren't you?" He Said with a small smile as he realised how shaky her hands were.
"Yeah, um, let's just say there's a lot at stake tonight." She Said cryptically.
"Do I know him?!" Jay said looking at her as her eyes flicked to the floor. "I So do!" Jay said with a smile. "The whole P.T. thing was a lie wasn't it?" Hollie didn't answer she just avoided his eyes as she hoped he wouldn't remember what Mouse had said earlier, luckily he didn't.

"So is he already here?" Jay said as Hollie pulled onto the curb outside of the bar they were meeting at.
"He said he left five minutes ago." Hollie Said getting out of the car. "So he shouldn't be too much longer." She Said as Jay held the door open for her.
"You get a table I'll order drinks, you want a coke?" Jay said heading for the bar.
"Yep." Hollie said turning and heading to a table near the back where only one seat had a clear view of the road and door, choosing that seat she sat down.
"You sure he's coming?" Jay asked about an hour after they had originally decided to meet up.
"He said he would be here." Hollie said, her hands shaking as she checked her phone for the millionth time. "Jay, somethings wrong." Hollie said looking at her phone, "this isn't like him."
"Hollie, you've barely known each other a month." Jay said placing a reassuring hand on hers.
"He would have text me." Hollie said shaking her head, refusing to believe it.
"Let's head back to mine and put a film on or something." Jay said standing up and wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
"Okay." Hollie said, her eyes scanning the street as he lead her to the car.
"I'm driving." He Said putting his hand out for the keys. "You sure you don't want to tell me his name so I can run a background check and maybe meet him myself?" Jay said pulling away from her and heading to the drivers side.
"No." Hollie said shaking her head, she wasn't going to let this wreck their friendship even if it had destroyed hers. She wouldn't be as annoyed if he had text her but now he was completely blanking her.

The next morning Hollie woke up and reached for her phone, looking at the time she realised Jay wouldn't be up for a while yet and that she had no new messages. Silently, she got out of the bed and slipped on some jeans and a top before pulling her hair into a high ponytail and slipping on her leather jacket and converse. After writing Jay a quick note so he knew where she was she headed out. She started walking and didn't stop until she realised she was at the coffee shop she had gone to with Mouse after her last hospital appointment, luckily it was open at half seven in the morning. Realising she had a few hours to kill before she could distract herself at 51 she walked in and ordered a coffee.

"Hey Halstead, Wheres the crutches?" Cruz asked as she walked into 51.
"Connor said I don't need them anymore, but I'm still not aloud to come back." She Said with a sad smile.
"Oh well, it's good to see you back on your own feet." Cruz said, leading her to the common room where she sat in a chair and placed a hand on her stomach that was aching a bit. Probably from her early walk.
"Hey girl." Gabby said dropping into the chair next to her, "you said you wanted to talk?" She said referring to a text Hollie had sent the previous day.
"Yeah it doesn't matter anymore." Hollie replied blinking back tears.
"Okay." Gabby said with an understanding smile. "Anyway it's good to see you around."
"It's good to have a place to crash." Hollie replied.
"Anytime girl." Gabby said as the alarm went off calling her to a scene.

At the 21st
"Anyone heard from Mouse?" Ruzek asked, directing it at Jay.
"Not since yesterday." Jay said with a concerned glance at the empty desk.

Authors note: dun dun duuun. I know I put a poll on my insta story and you guys voted for no plot twist but I couldn't resist.

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