Brother From Another Mother

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"Hey Halstead." Cruz said knocking the door as they came in, they being Severide Capp and himself.
"Hey guys." Hollie replied with a vacant smile.
"You alright?" Severide asked.
"Considering I have half a liver and a couple holes in my stomach Yeah." She said snapping back with a smile.
"Who was that who just left?" Cruz said staying near the door.
"Honestly, I have no idea. He knew my name though." Hollie said brushing it off.
"You should tell Jay." Severide told her.
"Yeah.." She Said weakly, moments before the ministers started blaring.
"What's going on!" Severide shouted as dr Rhodes ran in and they were ushered out.

"Kelly, what's going on?" Jay asked running down the corridor after getting a call from the Squad lieutenant.
"She was up, talking, then she just dropped." Cruz told Jay.
"Dr Rhodes, what's going on?" Jay asked running over to the doctor who had just emerged from Hollies room.
"The wound that hit the diaphragm made a small incision to the lung. As she breathed the cut became larger and larger until the lung collapsed. We managed to bring her back and re inflate the lung so she should be waking up again soon." Dr Rhodes explained to him before his pager went off.
"Thank you doctor." Severide Called after him. "We best get going." He said patting Jays shoulder on his way past.
"Hey kid, you scared us." Jay said retaking his seat by her bed. "I know Severide won't admit it but he was terrified." He laughed, allowing the tears to fall. "I leave you for one minute and you've got people swarming you." He continued to talk to her inanimate form for hours and hours but to him it felt like minutes.

"Hey man." Mouse called sticking his head around the hospital room door. "Erin sent me to make sure you were taking care of yourself." He said looking around.
"You didn't need to come, we're fine." Jay told him as he pulled a seat over.
"Well Erin said you probably haven't ate and I can see you haven't." Mouse told him.
"I'm not leaving her." Jay stated.
"You trust me right?" Mouse asked, Jay nodded, "Go to the cafeteria, I can't promise it'll be anything decent but get a snack and a coffee if your staying the night. And I'll stay right here and not leave her side."
"You promise." Jay said pushing himself away from the seat.
"I swear on my life." Mouse Replied.

"Jay.." Hollie croaked, finally coming round.
"He's just gone to get some coffee." A strange voice answered her.
"Wwho are you?" She asked sitting up slightly.
"My names Greg but most people call me Mouse. I served with your brother a few years back." Mouse told her. The room fell to a slightly awkward silence, "When I first heard your name I thought Jay had got married." He Said with an awkward laugh.
"Oh god no. I thought I was an only child until the day before yesterday." Hollie said with a small laugh. "So Mouse what do you do for a living."
"I've just come home from my second tour in the Rangers and I'm probably gonna end up being the tech guy in Intelligence again." Mouse told her, "What about you?"
"Firefighter." Hollie said, "you don't want to be the tech guy?"
"I love it but it's not permanent, I would join the academy but who's gonna pay any attention to a thirty something year old rookie." Mouse explained.
"Fair, I've never been the best at speeches." She Said bursting into laughter, "if you love it, stick with it and see where it leads you."
"That I will do." Mouse agreed.
"Glad to see you awake and getting on so well." Jay said leaning against the door frame making them both jump.
"I've been back one day and your already creeping up on me." Mouse Said.
"Sorry man." Jay shook his shoulder on the way past. "How you feeling sis?" Jay asked sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Alright, considering I've died twice." She joked.
"Your sense of humours intact then." Jay said swatting her leg. "You scared the crap outta Severide."
"Well that's actually easier to do that you think." She joked again.
"I heard you were awake, and it's good to see your sense of humours still alive." Rhodes joked from the doorway. "How ya feeling." He asked pulling out his stethoscope and listening to her chest.
"Honestly? Like someones sat on my chest." She told him as he wrote on her chart.
"Well that's to be expected. However on the plus side your little crash hasn't delayed your recovery time but it may have extended your stay." Rhodes told her before leaving.
"You two alright? I'm gonna go find Will." Jay said getting up and leaving.
"Yep, we're good." Hollie told him. As soon as he was out the door she turned to Mouse, "you bring a laptop?"
"Yeah what you need?" Mouse said grabbing it from the floor next to him.
"Swear you won't tell Jay?" He nodded, "some guy came in here earlier and I just wanna try and find him." She explained.
"Remember anything about him?" Mouse Said opening the laptop up.
"I have a hunch about who it is, can you pull up a picture of Jays dad?" Hollie asked, waiting for him to show her the screen. "Yep that's him." She said studying the picture for a few minutes.
"You gonna tell Jay and Will?" Mouse asked turning it back to himself and clearing it.
"Probably should." Hollie asked looking down at the sheets.
"Don't worry, my lips are sealed." Mouse assured.
"You have any siblings?" Hollie asked him.
"Not technically but Jays like a brother from another mother." He paused for a second, confused by Hollies raised eyebrows until it clicked, "no pun intended obviously."
"I would smack you round the head for that, if I felt like I wasn't gonna snap in half." Hollie joked as Jay and Will walked in.
"I'll do it for you?" Jay offered with a slightly evil grin, "what did he do?" He said raising his hand.
"Made a pretty bad comparison." Hollie said with a smirk as her brothers hand connected with the back of Mouses head.
"Come on, it wasn't that bad!" Mouse protested rubbing the back of his head.
"Yeah, it's pretty common to feel like that." Will commented from the corner.
"What the guy sat on me or snapping in half?" Hollie said with a painful laugh.
"Both but if the guy gets too heavy I'll give Connor a shout." Will joked.
Authors note: so another update, please comment and vote!

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