Run a Background Check on Myself!

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"Hey." Hollie Said as she got into Mouses car.
"Hey, you look amazing." Mouse commented. Hollie had decided to wear some light blue skinny jeans with a cropped, oversized burgundy jumper and her converse. She had curled her hair and put light makeup on with a dark lip.
"Thanks." Hollie Said with a light blush. "Let's get our of here before Jay comes down.
"I don't know what's gonna be worse, hiding it from him or telling him." Mouse thought aloud as they pulled away from the apartments.
"Same, I think it's gonna be alright keeping him in the dark until we decide where we want to go with this. Us." She added.
"Hollie, I haven't stopped thinking about us since last night." Mouse admitted. "I want us to be a thing."
"I do as well but let's talk about it over dinner and see where we should take it." Hollie said placing her hand over his.
"Okay." He agreed, understandingly. "We're here."
"So.." Mouse said taking Hollies hands in his, "I know how close you and Jay have gotten and I get why you want to take things slow. However I feel like since I met you in hospital that day I haven't stopped thinking about you."
"I haven't stopped thinking about you either and if Jay doesn't like that then that's his problem." Hollie decided.
"You sure?" Mouse said.
"Yeah." She Replied softly, they sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, their eyes not breaking. The connection was undeniable.

"So how did the date go." Jay asked as Hollie sat down on the sofa next to him later that night.
"Good." Hollie Said with a smile of sheer joy.
"So now your not denying it was a date and you enjoyed it?" Jay analysed with a smug grin.
"So what if I enjoyed a date?" Hollie answered.
"When can I meet him?" Jay asked, his cop instincts kicking in.
"I'll talk to him, maybe we could go for a drink one night after work." Hollie said with a shrug.
"Sounds like a plan." Jay agreed as Hollie picked up her phone.

Jays still going on about meeting you, I can't wait to see his face!

When should we do it?

How about after you close your next case.
Let him brew a bit lol.

"Yeah, he's up for it, we'll see if you get a case and do it after." Hollie Said looking back up.
"Sounds like a plan, do I get to know his name at least?" Jay tried.
"What So you can run a background check and judge him from that?" Hollie Said with raised eyebrows.
"So he does have a shady past?" Jay said, worry creeping into his voice.
"I'm going to head to bed, see you in the morning." Hollie Said blanking his last question.

A few days later

Help! Jay wants me to look at your phone records and run a background check on myself!

Hollie laughed as she saw the text from her boyfriend.

Just say you couldn't.

Mouse looked at the text and looked back at his computer and around the empty Intelligence room.

He's gonna ask why?!

Just say that I've told you not to because I knew what Jay would try this?

Good idea

"Did you do it?" Jay asked coming over to Mouse as he and Erin returned from chasing a lead.
"I might have already promised Hollie that I wouldn't." Mouse Said.
"When?" Jay asked intrigued.
"When she first met the guy at P.T. in the hospital." Mouse created a backstory. "She knew exactly what you were going to do somehow."
"Oh come on man, we go back further than you two.." Jay protested.
"Yeah, that's not gonna work. I'm a man of my work." Mouse Said smugly.
"Alright you two, back to the case." Erin said with a small laugh.
"Has she told you who it is?" Jay asked turning to face her.
"No, I swear." Erin said honestly. "I wanna know as much as you do. Make sure he doesn't mess her around."
"Hey guys, I think I've found our guy." Ruzek said as he came up the stairs followed by Atwater.
"You?" Atwater said with a jokey sarcastic tone.
"We might of found our guy." Ruzek corrected with his hands in the air, in mock surrender.
"Alright, let's get this wrapped up so I can go meet him." Jay said turning around to face them.

"I'm fine Erin." Jay protested as she looked over his arm.
"I know you wanna go get the paperwork done and go meet Hollies boyfriend but you need to get that looked at." She Said peeling his sleeve back. They had pulled up to the address Ruzek had got and seen a few figures in the window. They had approached the house when guns started going off inside, Jay and Erin had taken the front whilst the boys took the back. When they breeched the property the suspect had a girl hostage.
"Drop the weapon!" Erin shouted as she walked into the room.
"Stay back or I'll shoot." He threatened, pushing the barrel further into her head.
"Drop the weapon or I'll drop you!" Jay shouted, walking around the corner.
"No deal." He shouted, turning the gun on Jay and firing, he only got two shots off as Lindsay shot him.
"You good in there?" Ruzek said coming into the room from the back.
"Yep." Jay said pulling his hand away from his arm.
"You sure?" Erin Said getting up from the suspects body. "That looks like a bullet hole." She said.
"I'll get Will to check it." Jay said with a shrug, followed by a minute wince.
"Today or tomorrow?" Erin said raising an eyebrow.
"I'll get it checked out." He stated, heading back to the car.
"I'm getting Will to come to the precinct and check it then." Erin said walking after him.
"Alright." Jay gave in, opening the passenger door, sitting down and inspecting his wound.

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