Hes a fighter

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"Okay, So any ideas why someone would want to kidnap Mouse?" Voight said looking at the board.
"It could be something to do with his time in the Rangers but I've been through everything I could think of and I've got a few contacts going through stuff from his last tour." Jay said looking up at his friends picture.
"There's nothing suspicious in any area of his life." Lindsay said. "What is going on?"

At the firehouse
"What was that about?" Gabby said, cornering Hollie as she returned to the firehouse. "Is everything ok?" Hollie nodded towards the conference room and they walked in.
"I wanted to ask, what's it like working with your brothers girlfriend?" Hollie said nervously.
"They're happy together so I'm happy for them." Gabby said, Hollie raised her eyebrows, not believing her. "It gets a bit awkward sometimes, why?"
"Um.. I don't want to put Jay in an awkward situation." Hollie said and it was Gabbys turn to raise her eyebrows. "Me and m..m" Hollie stuttered as what was happening hit her. "He's missing." She Said breaking down in tears. Gabby quickly wrapped her arms around her friend.
"What Jay?" She asked, not completely understanding what was happening.
"No, Mouse." Hollie Said, her voice breaking again as she finally managed to say his name.
Ambulance 61 woman in distress..
"Look, I'll grab Stella on my way out." Gabby said pulling away.

Dawson and Brett were on there way back from dropping the patient at med when they saw something that didn't quite fit in.
"Did you see that?" Dawson asked pulling into a lay-by.
"See what?" Brett asked looking in the same direction as Dawson.
"That guy just left his car in there and got in another." Gabby said.
"You wanna check it out or call it in?" Brett said reaching for the door.
"Let's check it out first, it might not me anything." Dawson said getting out.
"You hear that?" Brett said putting her arm out as they got close.
"Yeah." Gabby said stepping forward slowly. "CFD!" She shouted and the noise continued but it got louder.
"Someone's in the boot." Brett said pointing out the obvious as she stepped forward and tried to open it. "Locked." She added before trying the drivers door, noticing it was open she reached in and popped the trunk.
"Mouse?" Dawson said rushing to his side and helping him out. "You alright?" She said checking him over as Brett ran for the stuff out of the Ambo. "Ambulance 61 to main, we have a known missing person."
"Copy that ambulance 61, the police are on there way."
"No need, We'll take him to med." Dawson said helping mouse sit on the gurney and hook him up to a few machines.
"Hollie.." he stuttered.
"I'll call her, she'll meet us at the hospital with Jay." Gabby said pushing him into the Ambo.
"Tell her I'm sorry.." he whispered.
"You can tell her yourself." Dawson said getting in the back.

"Dr Choi, April, you're up!" Maggie called.
"What've we got?" Ethan asked as they led Dawson and Brett into a room.
"30 year old Greg Gerwitz, multiple injuries, stats are low and unsteady." Brett said as Dawson stepped back and pulled out her phone.
"Hey, Tonio it's Gabby."
"Hey sis, is everything alright?"
"We found Mouse in a car on the side of the road, he's at med now." Gabby told him.
"We're on our way over."
"I'll text you the address we found him at."
"Thanks sis, do you want me to pick Hollie up on my way over?"
"Yeah, that'll be great. Love you Bro."
"Love you too sis." Antonio said hanging up.

"Where is he?" Jay asked, running into med.
"They took him into surgery." Brett said putting her hand on her friends arm to get his attention. "He was awake when we brought him in."
"Is he going to be okay?" Jay asked frantically.
"He's only been in surgery a few minutes." Gabby said coming up to them.
"Where is he? Is he okay?" Hollie asked as she ran into the ED followed by Antonio and Burgess.
"We don't know much, he's in surgery right now." Jay said turning to his little sister and wrapping his arms around her. Once they parted the pair were led up to a waiting room whilst the rest left.

"Is there anyway I can remove all my messages from his phone?" Hollie spoke up after a few minutes of silence.
"You could, but he'd probably find them anyway." Jay joked placing his hand on hers. "He'll understand, you thought he'd stood you up."
"I know that, but I also told him I never wanted to see him again." Hollie said, tears beginning to roll down her face.
"Come here." He said wrapping one arm around her shoulders and letting her head rest on his shoulder. "He'll understand, he would have done the exact same I'll bet you."
"Hey Hollie, why you in here." Connor said walking around a corner.
"Mouse got kidnapped." Jay said as Hollie sat up and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "They were meant to go on a date last night."
"I can reschedule you're appointment if you want." Connor said.
"Oh yeah, I forgot that was today, don't reschedule it though." Hollie said looking at her watch.
"See you then." Dr Rhodes said walking away.
"You think you'll be alright?" Jay said, changing the subject.
"I hope so." Hollie Said, her eyes fixing on the door.

A few hours later Hollie was about to go to Dr Rhodes when the door swung open. "Family, of Greg Gerwitz."
"Ethan, how is he?" Jay said rushing to the doctor.
"He's stable, for now, he crashed twice on the table and we had to intubate. That surgery was purely to stop all internal bleeding he's gonna be needing a few more to repair his injuries." Dr Choi answered.
"Is he gonna make it?" Hollie asked.
"I can't promise anything." Dr Choi said. Hollie gasped and her legs turned to jelly, she would've landed on the floor if Jay hadn't of caught her.
"Hey, he's a fighter alright." He Said, embracing her and running his hand through her hair. "You still going to P.T.?" Hollie nodded, pulled away, and wiped the tears from her cheeks and headed out of the room.
"Can you.." Jay started.
"Page her doctor? Who is it?" Dr Choi said.
"Connor." Jay said with a thankful smile. "Can I go see Mouse?"
"He's in the ICU at the minute and there's a lot of tubes and wires so it will be a shock." Choi said leading him to the room before heading to find Maggie. "Can you page Dr Rhodes, tell him to take it easy with Hollie."
"Will do." Maggie said.

"Hey bud, it's me, Jay." He said pulling a seat up to the bedside. "Hollie wanted to be here but she's at P.T. she told me about you two. She needs you mate, you two were made for each other."

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