Jay, He Knew Who I Was.

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Two weeks after the original incident Hollie was slowly getting back onto her feet and out of the hospital. "So you ready to get out of here?" Jay asked, he had gone back to Intelligence after a few days as they had closed her case and caught a new one. However Voight had given him this day off.
"Yeah, I still hate hospitals." She Said slowly standing up and letting Jay help her onto the crutches.
"Doesn't everyone?" Jay joked as he followed her out and to his car. "You wanna swing by 51?" He offered as he helped her into the car.
"Yeah, sure." She Said with a smile.

"Hey girl!" Gabby shouted as she saw the two Halsteads walk in to the firehouse.
"Your out!" Brett screamed running up to her.
"Yeah, I am." Hollie said slipping her arms out of her crutches to hug them both.
"It's good to see you up." Gabby told her, the two paramedics had been in to see her whenever they had a free minute.
"Halsteads in the house!" Cruz declared, seeing the four of them still near the door.
"Hey guys, it's good to be back." She Said embracing her team.
"Not quite, Your not aloud on Squad for another two weeks minimum. Doctors orders." Jay told her, directing it slightly at Severide.
"Copy that detective." Severide said nodding before sending a sympathetic look towards Hollie. "But did he say anything about sitting around a firehouse?" He asked Jay.
"Nope." Jay said with a smile, noticing what the lieutenant was getting at.
"As soon as I've ditched these things I'll be here every shift." Hollie Said gesturing at her crutches.
"What're they for anyway?" Capp asked.
"To take pressure off the stitches and all the healing parts." She told him.
Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambulance 61...
"Sorry kid, we're gonna have to let you go." They all headed for the trucks and Jay led Hollie back to his car.

"Jay.." Hollie started nervously, she still hadn't told him about what she had found out with Mouses help.
"Yep." Jay said dropping onto his couch next to her.
"At the hospital on my first day, after Dawson and Brett left some guy came in to my room asking where he could find Hollie Halstead." She said nervously.
"What? Why didn't you tell me? What did you say?" Jay asked manically.
"I told him he had the wrong room. I didn't tell you because when Mouse came I got him to help me ID him." Hollie explained.
"What's his name? I wanna know how he knew your name." Jay asked.
"Jay, calm down, it's fine. It was dad." Hollie said, her voice shaking. "I recognised him, I knew him. When I was little." She Said, the tears running down her face. Jay moved closer to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, allowing her head to fall onto his shoulder. "I used to run track and there was always this one guy that used to come and go on his own. Jay, he knew who I was." Jay felt the anger rush through his veins, the only thing stopping him from going and kicking his own fathers ass was the girl next to him. As her body shook she didn't look old enough to buy alcohol. "Jay, calm down." She said looking up at him.
"What do you mean?" He asked shaking the anger off.
"You clenched your jaw." She said simply shrugging it off. "I'm gonna go take a shower." She Said getting up and reaching for the crutches.
"Shout if you need anything." Jay said picking up the remote to distract himself.

Hollie turned the shower on and pulled her top off, her eyes landing on the burn just to the right of her belly button. Once she was in the shower she allowed the water to run down her back and the tears to stream down her face. She hadn't told anyone, the only other person who knew was her brothers 'complicated' girlfriend. Thank god for Erin Lindsay. A short while later Hollie got out and out her auburn hair up in a towel and put on a pair of jogging bottoms and a top.
"Hey, So I thought maybe a film then we'll go get some lunch and swing by yours and grab a few more bits for you. Then I think Will and Nat are coming over for tea?" Jay asked as she sat back down on the sofa.
"Sounds like a plan." She said snatching the remote off him.
"Hey!" He protested.
"I'm not watching some crappy film." She stated.
"I do not have a crappy taste in films!" He continued to protest. Hollie finally found a film they would both watch and pressed play.
"Jay, thank you." Hollie Said randomly half way through the film.
"What for?" He said patting her legs that had ended up over his, her head on the opposite side of the sofa.
"Being here for me."
"Where else would I be? I'm your big brother." Jay said glancing over at her.
"No one else has ever been there for me." She Said, her eyes tearing up.
"That was the past, now you've got everyone at 51, me, Will, Erin, Nat, Mouse and loads more." He assured her.

As Jay had said earlier they went for lunch before heading back to Hollies apartment. "Wait I don't have my key?" Hollie Said confused as she looked at her keychain.
"Yeah about that.. a few people might have agreed to steal it and get into your apartment." He said sheepishly holding the key up.
"Seriously!" She exclaimed taking the key off him and entering her apartment. "Oh wow." She said looking around. Hollie had expected to see the apartment in the same state she had left it but instead it was clean and there were a few new additions of pictures sat on the shelves. "It's amazing."
"Yeah, Gabby and Sylvie did most of it and I think they got Matt Casey off truck 81 to help out cause he's Gabbys husband." Jay explained.
"They did amazing." She said picking up one of the pictures and seeing a few pictures that had been taken at Mollys the night she went missing and a few from her first shift. "I'm just gonna go pack my suitcase." She Said heading into her bedroom and letting Jay look around more. Out of curiosity he headed to the fridge to see if the girls had put anything in for her. As soon as he opened it he had to suppress a laugh, there was multiple cans of soda with a post it on that read for Hollie and a six pack of beer that read for visitors (Jay). He contemplated taking one before closing the fridge empty handed.
"Jay!" He heard Hollie shout, he dashed over to the room she had gone into.
"What's up?" He asked.
"Apparently it hurts to stretch up." She said pointing at the case on top of the wardrobe. Jay reached up and brought it down with ease. "Thank you, big bro." She said taking it off him and chucking it onto the bed. "Can I hurry up and stop hurting already." She muttered as he left.

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