Sorry, You must have the wrong room

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"Rhodes and Manning your up, taking her to trauma 1." Maggie called as the ambulance pulled up outside of the ER. "April, keep Will back." Maggie said talking to the younger nurse.
"What've we got guys." Rhodes asked looking at the pale body that lay on the gurney infront of him.
"Hollie Halstead, two stab wounds to the upper abdomen, diminished breath sounds on the left side, resuscitated on the scene and intubated in the Ambo." The paramedics handed her over.
"Let's get a CT." Manning said grabbing the small machine from the corner of the room.
"I need to get her to surgery." Connor stated looking at the result.

"Maggie." Jay called as he ran into the ED. "Wheres Hollie?" He said desperately glancing around.
"Dr Rhodes took her into surgery." The nurse told him, leading him and Erin over to the waiting room where everyone else was. "Did you catch him?" Jay asked Voight. "Did you catch the son of a bitch that did this?"
"He got away, but our tech guy caught him on street cams and we brought him in." Atwater said.
"Wheres Ruzek? He's the one who found her right?" Jay asked desperately.
"He's in the bathroom." Atwater replied looking over Jays shoulder. "Here's the man of the hour." He said, Jay turned around and saw Mouse stood there.
"Hey, Mouse. It's good to see you." Halstead said turning around with a small smile.

3 hours later Hollie was still in surgery and the waiting room had slowly emptied, the firefighters going to get ready for shift and others going home, leaving Jay, Lindsay, Will, Ruzek and Mouse.
"Family of Hollie Halstead.' Connor called as he came in, all four got up. "One of the stab wounds missed all organs but the other sliced her diaphragm and liver. We had to remove part of the liver and repair the diaphragm. She also has multiple bruises and a few broken ribs." He reported.
"Is she going to be alright?" Jay asked.
"We'll keep her in for a few days, she wont be able to go back on full duty for a few weeks. But if she lays off the alcohol and takes it easy she'll be fine this time next month." Connor told him before nodding at Lindsay. "If you want to see her, her room is 217." He watched the group leave and grabbed Lindsay as she passed him. "This guy, he branded her. I didn't want to tell those two because it's her choice who she tells." He told her before leaving.

A few hours later, Hollie was still out and Lindsay, Ruzek and Mouse had all headed home and Will had returned to his shift. Jay was sat beside her bed, his hands wrapped around hers. He thought he was dreaming when something moved in his hand. "Hey, Hollie, can you hear me." He said squeezing her hand.
"Jay?" She croaked.
"Let me go get the doctor." He Said getting up and rushing to the door. "Someone get Dr Rhodes." He asked the nearest nurse before heading back to his seat.

A few minutes later Dr Rhodes came in. "Hi Hollie, how are you feeling."
"Stiff." She answered with a smile.
"That's to be expected. The surgery went well, we just had to remove part of your liver so no alcohol for a bit." He said checking her vitals.
"I don't drink anyway." She croaked.
"Take it easy, have some water and wait for the crowds. I'll come check on you in the morning." Rhodes said as he left.
"How long was I gone for?" Hollie asked, taking the drink from Jay.
"About 18 hours." Jay said watching her blue eyes glance around the room.
"What did the doctor mean by 'the crowds'?" Hollie asked.
"Oh you'll find out soon enough. Why don't you try and get some sleep?" Jay told her with a smile.
"Don't leave." Hollie said latching her hand around his.
"I'm going nowhere." He said pulling his chair even closer to the bed.

It wasn't until the next morning that the 'crowds' started pooling in.
"Hey." Gabby said poking her head around the door. "We heard you were awake." She said to Hollie with a small smile.
"Hey guys." Hollie replied looking at Jay. "Go home, get some rest, have a shower. I'll be fine." She said knowing he wouldn't argue infront of the paramedics.
"Okay." Jay said reluctantly getting up and leaving.

"I'm sorry we couldn't stay longer." Brett apologised as they left.
"Oh it's fine, I could do with a moment to myself." Hollie replied with a smile. "Also, I'm pretty sure Will will be here soon."
The paramedics stood up and left the hospital to go back to 51 and update them on Hollie, not seeing the figure looming around the corner.
"Hi, can I help you?" Hollie asked as he door opened and a figure stood there for a few moments.
"I'm looking for Hollie Halstead?" The mans voice echoed around Hollies brain, trying to place it.
"Sorry, you must have the wrong room." Hollie lied.
"Oh, I'm sorry." He Said, the disgust in his voice.

Just as the man left, Squad 3 entered the hallway and saw him leave.

Authors note: so I had a thought whilst writing this chapter, I know I said it would be Hollie/Ruzek But would you prefer Hollie/Mouse?




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