Your mum wants to find you

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"Erin." Platt said as she came to the top of the stairs. "Bunny's downstairs." She told the detective.
"You good?" Voight Asked, hearing the name from his office.
"Yep." Erin Said, following the desk Sargent downstairs. "Mum, what are you doing here?"
"Can't a Mum come and visit her daughter at work?" Bunny Said, as Erin guided her back out of the building.
"Well it's not a good time, we're in the middle of a case." She lied, it had been a few days since their last one. "What do you want?" Erin asked, knowing her Mum.
"I got back in touch with an old friend recently and she mentioned her daughter Hollie Halstead so I remembered that guy you work with, you think there's any connection?" Bunny explained.
"Not that I know of why? Does your friend want to talk to her daughter?" Erin lied.
"Yeah she does, anyway can you ask him?" Bunny Said.
"Will do." Erin Said, turning and heading back into the building. Once she reached Intelligence she gave Voight a nod to let him know she was gone before calling Jay into the break room.
"What's up?" Jay asked.
"Hollies Mum wats to find her." Erin stated.
"Wait, I thought it was Bunny?" Jay asked, confused.
"They're old friends or something." Erin explained.
"What did you tell her?" Jay Questioned.
"That I'd never heard of her." Erin Said with a shrug.
"Thanks." Jay said, wanting to kiss her but remaining professional since they were at work and one room away from their boss and colleagues.

"You coming Mollys tonight?" Cruz asked as they got ready to leave the shift.
"Probably not." Hollie replied.
"First rounds on me if you come?" Severide bribed. They were currently happy about a call that could have gone two ways, disastrously or perfectly. Luckily it went perfectly. Multiple car pile up ended with a family stuck in a car underneath another that had fallen from a tow truck.
"You can't turn that down." Cruz said with a shrug.
"I'll think about it." Hollie compromised, before walking out. She was halfway down the drive when Severide ran and caught up to her.
"Hey." He Said.
"Hey." She Replied.
"I haven't seen you in Mollys since you know.. look, if that's the reason you won't come out tonight I will personally see you into a car." Severide Said, with a small smile.
"That's not necessary." Hollie Said.
"Come out tonight then." Severide argued.
"Alright I will." She gave in, knowing she wasn't going to change his mind.
"See you there." Severide Said, heading for his car.

Later on Hollie was in her apartment when she got a text from Jay:
Is it alright if me and Erin drop over for a bit?
Yeah, you two finally telling everyone?
Not yet, see you in a minute.

True to his word, a few minutes later Jay was knocking on the door. "Hey." Hollie greeted as she opened the door.
"Hey." Erin replied.
"So, what can I do for you?" Hollie asked.
"Bunny showed up earlier." Erin cut to it. "She mentioned that your mum wants to find you."
"After 8 years? That sounds like her." Hollie joked nervously.
"Erin told her she didn't know you." Jay said, noting the nerves in her voice. "So it's up to you if you want to talk to her or not."
"I couldn't." Hollie Said, shaking her head. "I'm not going back there."
"And you don't have to." Erin Said. "I'm guessing that's why you don't drink?" She asked.
"Yeah, I came home way to many times to my mum passed out on the floor smelling of booze." Hollie answered. "Just the thought of drinking alcohol makes me feel sick."
"You going out?" Jay asked to change the subject.
"Yeah, the guys are dragging me out to Mollys." Hollie Said with a smile.
"We'll be there if you want a ride home." Erin Said, knowing she would be nervous.
"I'll be alright." Hollie assured them both and herself.

"Hey Herrmann." Hollie Said with a smile as she approached the bar at Mollys.
"Hey, what can I get you?" He replied.
"Just a lemonade." Hollie answered. "Thanks." She said ,once he handed it her she turned and glanced around until she found Cruz, Capp and Severide sat at a table.
"You came." Cruz said with a grin as she reached them.
"Looks like it." Hollie joked sarcastically, sitting down and sending Nat a smile as their eyes met. They then spiralled into an hour long conversation about the most rememberable calls. "I once had a call of a young boy hanging from the top of a 15 foot tree by a branch in his pocket." Hollie said with a laugh. "His friend dared him to climb it after they got a football stuck in there."
"What happened?" Capp Asked, a smile creeping across his face as he pictured it.
"We put the areal up and when he reached to grab the lieutenants hand the branch snapped but the lieutenant grabbed him." Hollie explained. "I think that was the fastest I've ever seen anyone move." She Said with a laugh.
"Hey." Mouse Said, coming up behind Hollie and wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "I'm on my way out and I just wanted to check on you." He Said.
"What time is.." She Said, pulling her phone from her bag. "Oh." She Said as she read it. "I'm gonna get going, I'll see you guys next shift." She said to her team before getting up. "You need a lift?" She offered.
"My place is way out of your way, I'll just call a cab." Mouse Said, one arm still around her shoulders as they headed for the door.
"Who Said you're going to yours." She hinted with a smirk as they left the bar.
"Sounds like a plan." Mouse said before placing a kiss on her lips. Seconds later she froze up. "Hey, it's okay." He said taking the car keys from her still hand and unlocking the car before guiding her into the passenger seat. "Look, he's gone and between me, Jay and Voight I think it'll stay that way." He Said, taking her hands in his after he had got into the driving seat.
"Thank you." She said, barely audible.
"There's no where else I would want to be." Mouse Said. "Love you." He said a few seconds later when neither had said anything else.
"Love you too." Hollie Said, with a small smile.

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