Sorry, Do I Know You?

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"Do you wanna come to Mollys tonight?" Jay asked Hollie as they watched the last of the cubs game, thank god they supported the same teams.
"I'll need to go back to my place and grab some stuff but yeah." She agreed.
"You can meet my team, Will and his girlfriend." He told her.
"What about you?" Hollie asked.
"What do you mean?"
"You got a girlfriend?" She stated.
"It's complicated." Jay answered.
"Complicated like you were together but not anymore or it's a forbidden romance?" She guessed with a smug smile.
"Second one. Our boss isn't the biggest fan of in-house relationships." Jay told her as he checked his phone.
"Life's too short." Hollie said with a smile as he pulled up Erin's contact. "I'm gonna take a shower then could you take me back to mine to grab some stuff?"
"No problem." Jay said grabbing her arm as she got up. "Thank you."
"For what?" Hollie asked, confused.
"Calling me earlier." Jay said with a smile.

"You sure you want to do this?" Jay said wrapping his arm around his little sister who was stood outside her door.
"I've got to." She Said opening the door. "I'm just going to get some clothes and stuff." She said stepping away from him. "You can go if you want." She said turning to look at him, her eyes telling a different story.
"I'll stay." He Said with a reassuring smile that she returned. He walked around the small apartment and did some small things to help her clear up. "Do you want to drive your car back over?" Jay asked as Hollie reentered the main room of her house.
"Yeah I'll follow you." She said pulling her car keys from her bag.
"Actually, I need to go to work and grab a few bits so you let yourself in." Jay replied chucking his house keys at her.
"Sure." She Said before following Jay out of the apartment.

"Hey Halstead, Where have you been?" Dawson asked as he walked up the stairs .
"Something came up." Jay said with a smile as he grabbed a few files before looking at Erin and nodding towards the break room. "Can I borrow your key to mine?" He asked once she closed the door.
"Why what's going on?" Lindsay asked blocking his way out.
"I need to get another cut." He answered.
"Why Wheres yours?" She continued to quiz him.
"I lent it to someone." He Said, trying to get to the door. Realising he wasn't going anywhere he gave in, "Remember that girl who came in earlier? Yeah, she's my sister, her house got broken into and she's staying with me. But you can't tell Will yet."
"Seriously?" Lindsay's eyebrows shot up.
"Yeah our dad had an affair." Halstead said. "Can I go now?"
"Yeah let me grab that key for ya." She Said heading for her desk and throwing it at him.

"Hey, Hol it's me!" Jay called as he walked into the apartment.
"Hey." Holly said coming out of the guest room, she had her dark auburn hair curled around her face and a pair of dark skinny jeans and a pale turquoise top.
"You look amazing." Jay said with a smile. "Anyway, I got you a little present." He pulled the key out of his pocket.
"Thanks." She Said gratefully slipping the key onto her CFD key ring.
"Ready to go meet your other brother?" Jay said slipping his arm around her shoulders.
"I guess." She said leaning her head on his muscular frame.
"Don't worry, he'll love you." Jay said locking up his apartment and following Hollie down the stairs.

The two siblings walked into Mollys with their arms around each other, "Come on." Jay said leading her towards the bar. "What do you want to drink?"
"I'll just have a soda." She Said getting onto the barstool next to him.
"You don't drink?" Jay asked. "I have so much to learn." He Said with a smile before beckoning Herrmann over. "We'll have a beer and a soda." He Said.
"So are you two long lost family?" Herrmann asked grabbing a bottle of beer.
"Siblings." Hollie answered.
"We haven't told Will yet." Jay added.
"Your secrets safe with me." Herrmann Said with a nod as he passed their drinks. "Speak of the devil." He told them as the door opened behind the siblings and a gang of doctors came in, Will beelining for Jay.
"Hey bro." Will said putting a hand on Jays shoulder. "Who's this?" He Said looking at Hollie.
"Will this is Hollie, Hollie this is Will." Jay introduced.
"Oh, this is Hollie." Will said turning himself so he was looking her straight on. "I see it." He said turning back to Jay.
"You should." Jay answered.
"What do you mean?" Will said not trusting his thoughts.
"Boden told me yesterday, I'm your sister." Hollie said.
"How did Boden know?" Will asked, in shock.
"Dad told him." Jay answered.
"At least I'm not the youngest anymore." Will said wrapping an arm around her with a laugh. "Welcome to the family." He held it for a few seconds before pulling away. "I told Nat I'd buy her a drink so I'll see you both around."
Will walked away and Jay noticed Hollies expression drop. "Hey, don't worry about him. It's just the shock." Jay said rubbing her arm.
"When Boden told me I sat on my bed for 11 hours straight." Hollie said with a smile.
"Come over here and meet my team." He Said getting up and guiding her to a table in the corner.

"Who's the girl?" Adam asked Jay as they reached the table.
"Guys this is my sister Hollie, Hollie this is Erin, Kevin and Adam." Jay introduced.
"I didn't know you had a sister?" Kevin Questioned.
"I didn't know I had two brothers until yesterday." Hollie answered.
"So what do you do Hollie?" Erin asked kindly.
"I'm a firefighter."
"Truck 81?" Atwater asked.
"No, um, Squad 3." Hollie answered.
"Wheres Dawson?" Jay asked looking around for the older man.
"He text and said something came up." Erin said with a small eye roll.
"Brett." Atwater muttered to the group who burst out laughing and Hollie gave them a strange look.
"Like paramedics Brett and Dawson?" Hollie asked confused.
"No," Erin said with a small laugh. "Paramedic Brett and Gabbys brother Antonio."
"Ohhh." Hollie said laughing at her own stupidity. "I have so much to learn." She Said putting her glass down. "I think I'm gonna get going, it's been a long day." Hollie told the group.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Jay asked.
"No I'll get a cab." Hollie said patting his shoulder on the way past.

"Hey, it's Hollie right?" A voice Said from behind her as she waited for her cab.
"Yeah, sorry, do I know you?" She asked.
"Not yet." He said, quickly jabbing a needle into her neck.

Authors note: Dun dun duuuun... I'm sorry.

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