🌺Chapter Four 🌺

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"You are the devastation that I could see coming from miles away—nothing subtle or too complicated—and one that I can barely avoid if I stand too close. One that will relentlessly beat down the doors until they break down. One that will knock the air out of me once it catches me off guard. One that will do me good if I don't get the hell out of the way. The Mischievous Mrs. Maxfield by Ninya Tippet

💕Serene's POV💕

I smile and look at him with nervousness. He looked at me for like two minutes with a blank, passive expression. In those two minutes, I have gathered enough stares. People are in shock. Well, it's obvious, because nobody will expect a popular person to talk to a loner. I started tugging on my shirt again. He narrows his eyes at me. He put back his headphones slowly while looking straight into my eyes. Then he closed his eyes. My jaw dropped. What the hell just happened? He just reacted like I never existed. Like he never saw me. Like I never talked to him. Like I am a no-body. I feel like a total loser for even considering talking to him. He is such an ass. I balled my fist and turned around. The whole canteen was pin-drop silent. People are looking in disbelief. In the silence, I heard someone laughing. Now everybody's attention is directed toward the source of laughter. Well, who could it be? Flynn and Stacy are laughing like maniacs, while others in the group are trying to hide their laughter. I gave up and started to laugh too. When I reach my table, everyone in the group is laughing. I felt a little less embarrassed. That's what friends do to you. You find happiness in stupid things. Honestly, I don't have enough words to explain how lucky I am to have this bunch of chimpanzees. They are my world. "Done with being nice to the freak, huh, Sy?" Mary asked. I just shook my head. "Come on guys, give her a break. She must have a reason," Mikee said while looking at me. Before I could say anything, I heard Zach speaking. "Baby, let the matter go. Why wanna talk about that loner anyway?" They started talking about Emily Lockwood, who apparently was caught making out with Roger the jock in Mr. Robert's room. Out of all places they could choose, they chose that room. Everyone is busy gossiping. When I turn to look around the table where the gray-eyed monster is sitting, I see him looking at me with an unreadable expression. I didn't avert my eyes, daring myself to look at him. Neither did he. His eyes are burning me. Giving me a feeling that I am not used to. It's like he is looking for something—some answer to his unsaid questions—in my eyes. I broke my eye from him when I heard someone say "He is bad news, Sy. I think you should know that. I don't want you to get hurt." I looked at Jules and said, "I know." The rest of the day went by in a blink. Now I am standing in the parking lot. I'm waiting for everyone to settle on what to do tonight. After lots of arguing, exchanges of profanities between Jake and Stacy, and making out between the newly formed couple, we settled on going to Karen's cafe at seven. And then the couples will have their separate sessions, if any. I and Mary will return home together. And single boys will go to a club or something. Although Casper wanted to stay with me, I politely refused. I reached home. My mom is still in the hospital, I guess. She is a nurse. I am really proud of her. The door is open. It means that Matt must be home. It's time for payback, little brother. I grinned evilly. I quickly ran upstairs with a spray gun. I opened the door, and that's when I officially lost my eye sight. Not actually. I saw my brother almost half naked on top of a girl who was just in her bra and pants. I did one thing that seemed legit to me at the time. I screamed. I turn around and shut the door. And ran downstairs. I was pacing in the hall when I saw both of them coming down fully dressed. My brother said something to the girl, and she nodded. "What the hell was happening there? These things are not tolerable in this house, young man," I said in an intimidating but angry voice. "Relax, pig, it's a natural process to do. So chill out and stop sounding like mom. And yeah, by the way, she is Kayla," he introduced. "Yeah, hi, I am Kayla. I am a bit embarrassed that I am meeting you in such circumstances and that you saw me in such a compromising position. But I will make sure that never happens in the future," she said. I smiled."It's okay, I am Serene. I am sorry for the sudden outburst. I just had a bad day. So feel free to come; it's absolutely no problem. I just didn't know Matt has a girlfriend." "She is not my girlfriend" ,"I am not his girlfriend," they both said together. So I'm not making this situation more awkward. I excused myself and ran to my room. Thank god. I sighed. I took a shower and then ran toward my bed to sleep. I am telling you I am going to marry my bed one day. As soon as I wrapped the blanket around me, I fell asleep. I woke up because of my stupid alarm. It is six in the evening. I have to get ready. So I opened my closet and started searching for dresses to wear. I have this good thing in me that I don't take time when choosing dresses. Whatever I see first, I put it on. As simple as that

" I started combing my hair when I hear a bing which indicate I have got a message. I opened it . it was from Mary. 'Sy hun, cnt pick u up. Billy is taking me out. Casper will pick u up. lovelots and wish me luck. Xoxo' 'All the best, go get some.' I replied. I side braided my hairs. I was wearing my vans when I heard the bell. I run downstairs and open the door. Casper was standing there wearing his signature smile. I melted a little. He is wearing navy blue shirt with faded jeans. "Shall we go, my princess." He said in a very gentlemanly way. I smiled "yes indeed unfortunate peasant" He pouted and I laughed. "Jeez, go get some class, you losers." my sweet brother said while playing his video game. I rolled my eyes and said,"I will be back by 10" he ignored me pretty well. I sat in his black mustang. And he start the engine. The ride was silent expect of the Christina Perry's Thousand years playing on the radio. We reach Karen's cafe in 5 min. I was unbuckling my seat belt when Casper grab my wrist ,I look at him. He came closer to me. His blue eyes are confusing. He caressed my cheek and came even more closer. I can feel his breath on my ears. He whispered. "You look beautiful tonight Serene" and then he placed a kiss on my cheek. He move away. I come back to my senses. At the cafe I saw everyone was already there. I wave excitedly. We hugged each other. Then started ordering. I wasn't that hungry. So I just ordered a lemon tea. I love how close we all together are. I am really proud of them. After eating and lots of talking. Everyone started leaving. So as decided earlier, Zach and Mikee are going somewhere together. Xavier is taking Juliet home. And Stacy and Ryan are going to some club. Flynn, Jake, Casper are going to another club. Casper insisted that he will drop me home but I refused. I don't want his hopes to get high regarding us. I said Matt is gonna pick me up. He went. I called matt but he is not picking up the phone. So I decided I can walk. Its not that far. It's only ten. Not that late even. I began walking in the dimly lighted street. I was walking when I heard someone's footstep. Someone is following me. I got scared. All those murder mystery series I have seen began replaying in my mind. I walked even more fast so does the footstep I began running. So does the footstep. I was so immersed in running that I didn't see a body in front of me. I collided and fell back on my bums. I looked up too see familiar set of grey pools staring at me."

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