🌺Chapter Nineteen🌺

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"They say a smile is like a mask, and a mask is like a smile. But a mask is just a facade, and a facade is just a deception of the face." --The masked singer

💕Serene's POV💕

The next day, I couldn't swipe the smile from my face. My friends were quite shocked to see me like this. Maybe it's because my day started with Caleb. He came to pick me up for school. I was over the moon. Well, as of today, I have lots of work to do. Since I got busy dreaming about him the whole weekend. I kind of forgot to ask Les about the problem she is having with me. I know her from my childhood days, and I don't want to lose her. So I thought to clear out whatever misunderstanding there was between us. When lunch came. I entered the cafeteria with Caleb. He was holding my hands. We do look great together. I saw Leslie sitting with Bailey in the waiting shed. She was on his lap. I stood in front of her. I tapped her shoulder. She looked behind her and raised her eyebrows. "Can I talk to you for a second?" "What is it? she asked in a fake tone. "Not here. Can you get off his lap? There is a spare chair, you know," I said. "No. Whatever you want to talk about can happen here also." She countered me. "Okay, fine. Why are you being so rude lately? Have I done something to you? Something that is making you so mad at me. Please tell me the reason so that I can clarify it. I don't want any reason to taint our friendship. "I said calmly. Caleb held my hand tightly. The rest of the table was silent. Mary looked at me. For a minute, she didn't say anything. Then she laughed. Her laugh was hurting me. I felt sheer pain in my heart. She was looking at me in bewilderment. "Really. Friendship? What friendship are you talking about? I being the slave and you being the master. If that is what you are calling friendship, then I am sorry, honey. We were never friends". She said it in a monotone. My brain couldn't understand what was happening. I never realized she felt this way. I had never done such a thing to her. Why would she feel so It hurts me a lot. I couldn't reply to her. It's like my mouth was sealed. "What the hell are you talking about?" Juliet asked her. She snorted. "Well, here comes her knight in shining armor, the three idiots in the group. God, can't you people see how pathetic she is. She is the little princess who wants everything. And you all follow her like a puppy follows his master. I am sick and tired of her." Tears were threatening to come out. She has had so much venom inside her all these years, and I never noticed it. Am I that shallow? "Shut up, Mary. You don't have any idea what or, more importantly, who you are talking about. She is Serene. Your best friend. How can you say something like that? You have known her the longest." Flynn tried to talk to her. "Do hell with her friendship. She is nothing but a manipulative showoff sympathy . Right from the starting she stole everything that was mine. My friends, my toys, you guys, and lastly my Casper. I love him so much. But he never gave me glance because he was too busy in chasing this trash. It hurted me a lot. But I gave him up because all I wanted was him to be happy. So I sacrificed my love. But what she did? She broke his heart in the middle of the party after kissing him. And ran away to her new Target. The charity case. I saw him crashing on the ground crying for her. It broke me in million pieces. All because of this selfish can't control her hormones. All because of her, I am nobody in this school. I am just regarded as one of the friend of serene the great Davis. And you freaking people are blind to even consider her friend. Open your eyes you will see the real horrible her." She said. I couldn't stop myself. I ran away from the cafe. I ran until I reached the washroom. She hates me. She hates me so much. I am not what she thinks I am. I am sorry for what I did to Casper. I never meant to. It is hurting me too much. I cried and cried until a strong arm held me. I didn't need to look up to know who that was. He held me in his arms. I cried, clinging to him. He rubbed my back. He stroked my hair and whispered, "It's okay. Don't listen to what she said. She is just angry. She didn't know what she was saying. You are nothing like what she said. You are strong. Baby, you will overcome this." I didn't say anything. I just cried and cried. When I stopped crying, he took me home. I didn't want to be alone. So he said he would stay with me. He made me chicken soup. We ate silently. We watched the Harry Potter movie for a while, and then while watching, I slept on his shoulder. When I woke up. I was not on the couch. I was sleeping on my bed. Caleb was gone. For the next week, I tried my best not to encounter Mary. It was too painful. Her words damaged me. Mary was normal. Although no one was talking to her, I insisted they talk; otherwise, she would hate me even more. Now they've talked to her, but they still haven't forgiven her. She doesn't care in any way. Caleb and I are closer now. My friendship is getting stronger than ever. We ate together. We ride together. We study together. And every Sunday early in the morning, we meet at the deserted park. I just sit there, tilting my head on his shoulder, and he draws. I am still giving myself time to confess to him. Now that we are heading in a positive direction, I will tell him very soon. Maybe on my birthday. That will be perfect. As for Juliet, things are not looking pretty between her and Xavier. I hope they seek it out soon. No, I am not afraid of Jules and Caleb getting together. Not now. Because I trust both of them. A lot. "

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