🌺Chapter Eighteen🌺

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No, baby, this is not an illusion. I have really got my heart out on sleeves. Oh, baby, this is not an illusion. There is magic between you and me—in one direction.

"Serene's PO "

Where are we going, monster? "Is it a surprise angel?" I grumbled, "I'm bored." You are a boring person. "I sad drumming my finger on the window side. "God, for a minute, angel shut up". "No, I won't." "Come on, shut it up. You have been talking for like fifteen minutes. Can't you just keep quiet and enjoy the weather?" "No, well, if you tell me where we are going, I will shut up." "I am not telling you anything." "Why not? It's dark and creepy out there. You could kill me there. Nobody will even find out." "If you don't stop talking, I might consider killing you as an option. "He told me in a serious tone. I kept quiet. But after two minutes I couldn't hold, so I started talking again. "You are something else, angel". He laughed. "So I have been told. "I smiled. He parked the car in a broken and isolated parking lot. All I can see is a far-stretched forest and the ruins of buildings. "Where are we?" I asked him. "You will see. Have patience. " "Are you going to kill me in the woods?" "No, I won't. I wish I could Now let's go". He intertwined our fingers. A warmth spreader over my body. He walked for a while. And when we stopped, I couldn't believe what I saw. It was a clean and clear waterfall. It wasn't at that much height. It was beautiful. In front of it was a table. Along with two chairs. On the table was a candle. Lights were hanging on the tree. A champagne bottle with some food was there too."
I looked at him. This is so romantic. I am going to have a heart attack, for sure. "You did this all." He nodded "But when and how?" "It's not a big deal. I borrowed some help from my cousin brother and Asher". He said. I hugged him. I am really overwhelmed. He led me to the table. Before that, I snapped some pictures of the date on my phone. "So it's a date then?". I asked him. "Whatever you want to tag it, I just wanted to do something special for you," he said while tucking a strand of my hair. We ate the lasagna he bought. We talked about anything and everything. We lay on the ground. We watched stars. We talked about things he likes and things I like. He told me he paints, which I already knew. So I smiled. "So, what brought you to this small town from Seattle?" I asked him. His expression changed. His face was covered with a sad expression. "You know what? Let's talk about something else. We won't talk about that". I changed the topic. He held my hand and kissed my hands. "I trust you, angel. I will tell you. But not just today." I smiled a little. This boy will be the end of me. The night went quickly. The next thing I knew, I was on the porch of my house. He kissed me on the cheek and said goodnight. I was disappointed. I wanted to kiss him so badly. But the whole time, he gave me no such indication. Nonetheless, I am happy for the beautiful night he gave me to remember.

As soon as I reached my bedroom. I turned on the music on my iPod. Cheap thrill by Sia was playing. I started dancing. I have never been this happy. When I got tired. I fell into my bed. I couldn't stop smiling. I called Mikee. She picked up the phone after two rings. "Guess what? "I asked her excitedly. "What?" she said. "Caleb took me on a date. It was so awesome. I am so happy. I feel like I am on cloud nine." "Oh my... My baby cow is all grown up. Tell me every detail of the date. Did he ask you out? Are you two in a relationship?" She said in a pitch-black voice. "Calm down, I will tell you everything. And no, he didn't ask me out. And that is slightly bothering me." "What really? Okay, cow, I think you should take the first step." She said. "Not now. I will tell him when the time comes." "Yeah, but tell him before it gets too late." "Ya, I will." Then I told her everything that happened when Caleb took me to the woods. "Oh my.. I never thought he would be that romantic. I am now sure that he likes you too. Otherwise, why would he put so much effort into making your date so perfect". She said. "You think so?" I asked her. "Definitely". She concluded the discussion. We talked for a while. Then I hung up. I changed my dress into a gray T-shirt and PJs. I thought of writing a letter to him. But I had no words in my mind to write him. So I decided I would sleep. My phone made a beep sound. I unlocked my phone. An unknown number's message was there. Thanks for tonight. It will be forever embedded in my heart. Our moments.
I involuntarily smiled. His name is enough to make me feel on top of the world. I replied. Thanks to you. It was the best night of my short life. I slept after sending the message. I slept in peace. Finally, something was going right in my life. "

A broken letter from an angelWhere stories live. Discover now