🌺Chapter Twenty🌺

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"Even with my mind at its weakest, my soul still loves her wildly." Dismissing Dakota

💕Serene POV💕

My alarm woke me up. The time shows it's 3 in the morning. I ignored it and slept back. A few minutes later, my phone rang. I woke up again. It was a call from Caleb. I picked it up. "What is wrong with you, jerk? It's three in the morning. Why are you calling me this early?" I said, "Good morning to you too, Angel. It's Sunday, so wake up." I opened my eyes. It's Sunday. It's our day together. "Yeah, I am up. So I will meet you there in fifteen minutes," "I said. "No, no, I will pick you up." "Sounds good. Okay, bye." I hung up. And quickly got showered and changed into a green top and blue skinny jeans. I snuck out of the house carefully. I opened the front gate. He was already there. He was wearing a gray hoodie and blue jeans. I told you we matched. He was leaning against the car. I approached him. He quickly pulled me into him and gave me a warm hug.
" I hugged him tightly. He said "I missed you baby" I looked up. He was already staring at me. Our eyes met. And I drowned in his grey pool. "I missed you too." I said in a mere whisper. He smiled. I blushed. He hold my hand and I sat in his car. The whole ride was silent. But he didn't let go my hands. My heart was fluttering. How can such a simple gesture make you feel on the top of the world. We sat in our usual position. Under the tree. Our tree. We talked about the happening in school. I talked to him about matt who apparently is acting really strange. He is rarely home and whenever he is he will lock himself in his room. Mom and dad are worried. I tried to talk to him but he being he snapped me. Mom and dad thinks he is into drugs but I am sure he will never do such things. Caleb advice me to give him some time. He will eventually tell me. I nodded. We were silent once again. I was leaning against his shoulder. Today he is not painting. He is silent. He is just stroking my hair. I closed my eyes. Life changed so quickly. When I began my senior year I never thought I would be this happy. I never expected this much from life. I never knew that I will find my love, my Caleb. I am lucky to have him so close to me. Because people like him are hard to find and even harder to make them stay. My thoughts broke when I heard his voice. "I want to tell you the truth. "He said, "What truth? "I asked him. What is he talking about? I looked at him. "The truth about me. I trust you more than anyone else in this world. So I want to be all honest with you." "Monster, you don't have to say anything. I don't want you to open those horrible chapters of your life that are tainted. I don't want you to feel that pain again. "I wrapped my arms around his shoulder to make him look at me. He looked up at me and said, " No, Angel, I want to. You are the one who tamed my demons. And you deserve the truth. " Before I could say anything, he started saying, "We used to live in Seattle. My mother is a lawyer. I have a sister who is two years younger than me. My dad left us when I was three and my sister was one. We never needed him. He was a selfish bastard. Against all odds, we survived. We were one happy family. I wasn't this horrible, silent boy that I am now. I was popular in my school. I was on the school basketball team. I used to be a player at that time. I never thought of anyone but me. "Then she came". He paused. As if he is trying to remove the image of her from his mind. There was a girl in his life. It stung me. But he looked broken. "You don't have to tell me further." I said. He shook his head in a no. "Her name was Lilian. She was very beautiful. She has these long, honey-brown curls that used to bounce when she walked. And eyes a shade of green with ocean blue. She was just not beautiful. She was breath-taking. She was an orphan. She used to live with her foster parents. When I saw her for the first time, she was in the hallway. She was helping a guy who had just been bullied by my friends. When nobody came to help him because of her fear, she didn't even think twice about helping him. Her dare. Her confidence caught my eye. I chased her. I wanted to bang her. I wanted to break her. But little did I know that I would fall instead of her. I fell in love with her. She did too. We love each other more than anything. She was my world. She changed me. She made me a human. " His eyes were full with tears. Oh, Caleb. "Everything was fine until that dreaded day. We were driving to the beach. It was foggy that day. She told me to wait until the fog cleared. I didn't listen to her. I drove. I don't know from where a truck came and banged us. She was still alive. People got me out. I tried to get her out. She was alive. She was looking at me. I tried. but they didn't let me go. And the car burst into flames. I killed her. That day, I killed my lily. My. Love . I killed her. And I can't forgive myself for that. I just can't. He started crying. I couldn't hold back my tears. He is in so much pain. I wish I could take it all away. He doesn't deserve this. It's not his fault. I hugged him and let him cry. "It's not your fault, monster. You didn't kill her. Don't blame yourself. You did try to do everything possible to save her. Think about her. She loved you. She would never want you to be sad. Or she would never want you to blame yourself for her death. Wherever she is, she is in a happy place. Let her go. It will sadden her more if you don't move on. Do it for her. Let the guilt go. "I say while hugging him. He didn't say anything. For once, the silence was comforting. After a few minutes, he pulled away. He kissed my forehead. "Thank you, Angel. I know you will understand. "He smiled. I smiled back. The sun has risen. Birds are chirping. "Let's go," I said. He nodded. We drove back home. Before going out of the car, I kissed his cheek. "You deserve something better," I said. He smiled. I waved him goodbye. I silently snuck in back. I pulled out my drawer and took out the painting that Caleb had drawn. It hurts to see him in such a vulnerable state. He always seemed so strong that I forgot he was as broken as I am. Although I know I won't be his first. But I intend to be his last."

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