🌺Chapter Twenty-Two🌺

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She wanted to be his universe. But all she was was a falling star he wanted to wish upon.

Serene's PO💕

Cold. Cold water was all over me. I jerked up. Guess who it was? My beloved brother, along with my parents "What the hell? Are you nuts? You jerk". I yelled. "Language my mother glared at me "happy birthday, pig". My brother said this while smirking. A few days ago, I asked him what was bothering him. He hesitated at first, but then eventually told me. It was Kayla. Remember the girl I caught making out with him? Yeah, that one. Apparently, there were just fuck buddies. No feeling of drama. Kids these days. Grow up fast. I am not judging, but still. So since there were no feelings attached, she started flirting with others too. My sweet brother didn't like it. But he can't say anything to her, as he is the one who said there was no feeling attached. He has a big ego. I suggested he tell him how he feels. The next day, he drove to her house along with me because he was nervous. But that idiot didn't even know her house. So finally, he called her. He asked where she lived so that he could talk to her. She gave him the address. It was a few blocks away from our house. Same street too.


We were standing in front of a big, pale brown door. Matt chickened out. So I, being the good sister, dragged him to the door. He didn't knock. So I again took the initiative to knock on the door. There was some shuffling of things. It meant someone was in there. No Sherlock. After a few seconds, the door flung open. My eyes widened in surprise. "Monster?" "Angel?" "Hey, who are you? How do you know my sister? Whoever you are, what are you doing in Kayla's house? Stay away from her. She is mine". Yup, that was my brother. I gave him the shut-up-or-I'm-gonna-kill-you look. Caleb was confused too. "How do you know Kayla". He said, "She is my girlfriend. Who are you?" Matt said. "I am not your girlfriend, Matt, and he is my brother". Kayla came from behind and said What the freaking hell? Kayla is the little sister of Caleb. Oh, big trouble.

So that ended with Kayla and Matt kissing. Now they are in a relationship. Caleb was not so happy. But like he said, he will adjust for the two important ladies in his life. "Mom, dad, what is this?" I said. "Get up, sweet pie; Caleb is downstairs." I woke up quickly. I got ready and wore a red top and white jeans. As soon as I reached the living room. I saw Caleb. He was smiling. He wished me happy birthday. And I got in the car. "You look peachy," he said. I rolled my eyes." I didn't get much sleep. Thanks to someone who pulled a stunt in my balcony last night," "I said, smirking. At twelve in the night, he climbed all the way to my balcony to wish me a happy birthday. I was overwhelmed. After that, he didn't leave until it was three in the morning. "So, jeez, can't a boy get appreciation for his efforts". He said it innocently. "Whatever. Jerk." He laughed. We reached the parking lot. Everyone was there. They all hugged me and wished me well, excluding Mary; Casper did too. The whole school was talking about the party tonight. They were saying it was going to be the best party in the history of Mystic High School. Total exaggeration. I was running to my history class. When I bumped into someone. I fell down. A hand came to help me. "You okay?" he said. I looked up at him. I have never seen him around here before. He has this athletic body. But not muscular. His brown, almost black hair was messed up. He has brown chocolate eyes. He was wearing a blue shirt and loose, faded jeans. "Yeah, I am good. Thanks". I grabbed his hands to straighten me up. "No problem. I am Kaden. I am new here," he said. I smiled."Oh, okay, Serene Ann Davis" "Oh, can you tell me where the history class is? My next class is history," he said while going through the timetable. "That's great. I am also going for the history class too. I will lead you there." He nodded and walked beside me. "So, Kaden,Kaden what brings you to this town in the middle of the term?" "I asked him. "My mom is a sheriff. She got transferred over here. So I had to come". He said. "Oh, okay. Hey, there is a party tonight. You can come if you want. The whole school is invited anyway". I told him. "Yeah. Sure. It will be great. A new school with some parties. Perfect." He gave a smile. It was contagious. So I smiled too. We reached our class. He sat beside me. We talked for a while, then the teacher came. The rest of the day went by quickly. The next moment, I realized I was getting ready for the party. Stacy chose a long red dress for me that had a slit up to my mid-thigh. It has a heart-shaped neckline. The whole dress was made of delicate, small flowers. I felt like a princess. I curled my hair. And finished my look with red pumps."

For the make-up. I was wearing eyeliner along with red eye shadow and red lipstick. Stacy, Mikee, and Leslie will meet me at the party. Juliet and Xavier are going to come together. I heard things are getting better. I will talk to her later this night. Caleb is coming to pick me up. I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly got downstairs. I opened the door. "Holy shit," he said. While looking at me in admiration. I smiled and blushed. "You look hot, Angel," he smirked. We get into the car. He gave me a box. It was neatly wrapped in blue-shining paper. I opened it. It was a bracelet. Simple and elegant. It has three charms. A pair of wings. He told me to flip the charms. Behind it, something was written. When I looked carefully. It read, "For the freedom you gave me to fly away." The second charm is of a flame. It read, "For the light you brought into my life'. The last one is of a tree. It read, ' for our past, present, and future." I looked at him. I didn't have any words to express what I felt. I hugged him tightly. This moment. I will never let it go from my memory. He owned my heart. We drove to Flynn's house. The whole house was already packed. Now that I remember I remember Ryan's party. Caleb and I were just strangers, and now everything has changed. "
Stacy was wearing a black dress. She hugged me too. She grabbed me at the bar.

" "You look good," she said. "I know. Where is Juliet? "I asked her. She pointed me toward the floor. She was dancing with Xavier. Thank god everything is fine between them. I waved her. She waved back smiling. Meghan took another shot of vodka and pulled me to the dance floor. We danced for a bit. I saw Casper too on the dance floor with Lexi, who is a junior. I smiled and he smiled back. After a few minutes, Stacy left. I came back to the bar area and ordered me a beer. I drank. Caleb was no where to find. He must be with the boys. I guess. I saw Kaden coming toward me. "You look sexy. "He said while giving me a smirk, "Thank you. You came. "I wouldn't miss the greatest party at the Mystic High for the world, especially when the birthday girl herself invited me." "Fair. Enjoy the party." He nodded. "Care for a dance? " He asked. I thought for a minute then I nodded. I dance with him. The tuned changed into a slow one. We danced for a while on the tune. Then when things got awkward. I excused myself. I got out of the party in search of Caleb. I couldn't find him anywhere. So I got back in. When I got back I saw Xavier was shouting at Juliet. They were standing at the bar. Juliet was quiet . She was crying. Xavier asked her something. He grabbed her hand tightly. Whatever he asked she nodded her head. Then he slapped her so strong that she fell on the ground. I quickly ran towards her. Before I could see what happened. Xavier was on the ground. Someone was punching him. Someone punched him until Jake and Flynn stopped him. That someone is Caleb. "If you fucking touch her or come near her I will kill you. She is mine. " He yelled at the body of Xavier lying in front of him. Those three words took everything from me. I couldn't think straight. But being the friend I am I hugged crying Juliet. Caleb came and shoved me aside. He took Juliet in his arms and went to his car. The party was silent. Jake and Flynn told everyone to go home. One by one everybody left. I was still sitting on the floor. Unaware of the people around me. I didn't had any emotion on my face. Someone came. Someone lifted me up. Someone hugged me. Someone tried to give me comfort. But that someone was not Caleb. I looked at the someone. It was Stacy. She was crying. She was saying sorry. I don't know why was she sorry. She just hugged me again and again. And then it strikes me. Caleb. He was gone. He was gone with Juliet. He loved her. Not me. And then I cried. I cried in the arms of my best friend. She was crying too. Because she knows. She knows that my already broken heart broke once again. This time it can't be mended. So I cried and I cried. Until darkness surrounded me."

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