Chapter 1

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"Get ready for school, Harry!" My mum calls up from the kitchen, where she is most likely fighting with my dad. I hear yelling all the time because of them. I get used to it, for the most part. The thing is if I hear people yelling in public, I tend to have panick attacks. My mum tries to help me, but my dad steps in and tells her to stop babying me. I don't agree with him.

I get out of bed and go over to my drawers. I pull out a pair of black skinny jeans. I then go over to my closet and I pick out a black t-shirt and a red flannel to wear over it.

I walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I just shake my hair out and fix it till I like it.

When I walk downstairs, I still hear yelling. I wish he would just stop, just stop and leave, and never come back again. Never.

"YOU ALWAYS FUCKING DO THIS, ANNE! GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!" I ignore my dad's yelling and walk out the door, my Converse hitting the ground as I walked.

Sometimes, I miss my sister, Gemma. She knew how to help mum after dad yelled at her. I also miss her comfort. She always made people feel better.

She moved to America a couple years ago. She wanted me to come with her, but my parents wouldn't let me, I didn't really want to go anyways. I would feel bad if I left mum with that asshole.

I look up and see my school. I really hated school. I have only one friend and I get picked on all the time, mainly for being openly gay. People think it's funny to call me a fag, or a queer. Fag seems to be everyone's favorite though.

I don't get why they think it's funny to pick on people like that. I wonder if they know how much it really hurts. But maybe they do, and that's why they do it.

"Well well well. Look who it is. The little fag came to school today!" Stan started to walk towards me and I just keep my head down.

"Hey, look at me when I'm talking to you!" I get shoved to the ground and I whimper a bit.

"Oh, did I hurt the baby? That's no good. Maybe this is better." His fist collides with my face. I feel blood start to run down from my nose. I just close my eyes and take the pain.

His fists keep colliding with my face, and his feet keep slamming into my stomach. All of a sudden I hear a voice that I have never heard before.

"Stan! Stop it! What the hell are you doing!" The blows stop comming and I just keep my eyes closed. I hear a cry in pain, but I just keep my eyes closed.

All of a sudden, a set of arms wrap around me. I don't really care who it is, and I just snuggle into the person's chest. Next thing I know, I'm fast asleep.
I woke up and I was in an unfamiliar room. I tried to sit up, but the minute I moved, pain shot through my whole body. I laid down and just used my head to look around the room.

The walls were plain white and there were a couple of boxes in the room. The bed I was in had dark blue sheets on it with the same colored comforter.

I was still looking around the room when the door opened. I turned my head to see the most beautiful boy I have ever seen.

He had beautiful carmel colored hair that fell perfectly over his face, he was kinda short, but his small legs were amazing. He also had the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. They looked like someone took all the stars in the sky and all the oceans in the world and put them in this boy's eyes.

The question was, why am I in his room?

"Hey, erm, how are you feeling," the boy said while setting down a cup of tea, which I assumed was for me.

"Uh, I'm fine, I guess?" I said in more of a questioning tone.

"Well, um, I know this is kinda awkward." He laughed a bit. "But, anyways, I'm Louis. Louis Tomlinson. I, uh, just moved here from Doncaster and I kinda saw you getting beat up, so I figured I would just take you back to my place." He didn't really make eye contact with me while he talked.

"Oh, um, thanks? I'm Harry, by the way. Harry Styles." I say, still looking around his room.

"Sorry about the mess by the way. I haven't had much time to unpack yet." He looked me in the eyes this time. I looked into his eyes as well and I got butterflies in my stomach, but I just ignored them.

"S-so, was today supposed to be your first day at school?" I asked, hoping that I didn't make him miss his first day.

"Uh, yeah. But I thought it was more important to take care of you than stay at school." He said and blushed a little. I could feel myself blushing a bit as well. No one has ever really wanted to take care of me, besides Gemma. Even my friend, Niall would neglect me sometimes. He had his own friends besides me.

"Uh, thanks, but you didn't have to miss your first day because of me." I said, looking down. 

"It's really okay. I couldn't just leave you there like Stan told me to." He paused and looked away. "I just really can't believe he did that to someone. We hung out a bit over the weekend, he seemed so nice. I guess I was wrong." He just looked at the ground.

"Hey, um, I heard someone cry out in pain before I blacked out. Who was it?" I was curious from the moment I heard the cry.

"Oh, yeah. That was Stan." I gasp a bit. Why did Stan cry out? "I kinda punched him in the face after he did that to you." He said looking down still.

He held up his hand and he had a bruise on his knuckle. "Stan isn't as big and tough as he acts like he is." Louis said with a sigh.

"So, I assume your parents are expecting you? I mean the school day is technically over." He said and started to get up.

"NO!" I grabbed his wrist. I winced at the sudden movement, but I just ignored it. Before I knew it, hot tears were running down my face.

Louis climbed into the bed and wrapped his arms around me, cooing in my ear.

"Sshhh. It's okay. Everything is going to be okay. You can stay here if you need to, but your gonna have to tell my why you can't go home. Okay?" I just nodded and snuggled closer to his chest. His grip around me tightened.
"Hazz, wake up." I groaned and sat up a little in bed.

"Good morning, sleepy head." Louis was sitting on the edge of the bed. The sun was shinning through the blinds and making lines of light go across the floor and bed.

"You think you can go to school today?" He asked with a sad smile on his face.

"Yeah, I guess." He looked at me for a second, not saying anything.

"Hey, do, um d-do you think I could look at your schedule? It would make me feel better if we had classes together. I have to admit, I'm pretty nervous to start at a new school. I thought I could hang out with Stan and them, but I'm glad I found you. I mean if you wanna be friends." He looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

I honestly felt bad for him. He can't hang out with me. He's gonna get bullied just like me if we hang out. Little Louis can't get hurt. I mean, he punched Stan, but that was once. Who knows if he could handle anything else.

"I mean, I would love to have a friend, but I don't know. I mean, you saw what they do to me. If we hang out, your gonna get treated the same way. I can't do that to you." I say, shaking my head slightly. I really want to have another friend, but I can't drag Louis into my world. There is no escaping.

"I really don't mind. I wasn't liked very much at my old school, I know how to stand up for myself." He said with a smile. "So can I please be your friend?" He asked. That same hope in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna feel awful if something bad happenes to you because of me." I looked down at my hands in my lap.

"It will be okay, Harry. Nothing will happen to me. Or you for that matter. I'll make sure of it." He said with a proud smile on his face. I just nodded and got out of bed. Today was gonna be a long day for me.

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