Chapter 4

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(Sorry about the pov change, it might change back)
When Liam, Niall, and Zayn got back, Louis explained to them what they were doing. The boys didn't really think it was a good idea, but they agreed anyway.

"Hey, Louis? Could I talk to you for a second, like, in private?" Niall asks and Louis nods his head. They walk upstairs to the the guest bedroom that Louis and Harry stayed in.

"So, what do you wanna talk about?" Louis asked, looking at Niall's concerned expression.

"Listen. Harry has been through hell and back, multiple times. I know it's a good thing that he gets to see his sister, but are you sure you wanna be the one to take him? I mean, you've known each other for not even a week! And now your going to New York with him? It all seems kinda crazy. I know Harry trusts you, and he really likes you. But you can't do anything stupid or else, alright? We have been friends forever and I'm one of the only people that he trusts, so it's kinda my job to look after him, ya know? Just, if you think it's a good idea, then fine. But don't hurt him." Niall said with a sigh at the end.

"I will take care of him, I promise." Niall nods and gets up and leaves the room. Louis closely follows.

"When are we leaving?" Harry asks as Louis sits down next to him.

"Well, the flight leaves at 10pm, so we will leave about 8:30 or so, just so we can be sure to make it on time." Louis says with a shrug.

"And your parents are okay with this?" Harry asks, concerned.

"Yeah, I called my mum and explained everything. She was hesitant at first, but she gave in. What about your parents?" Louis hasent thought about Harry's parents yet.

"Don't worry about them, they really don't care. Trust me." Harry says with a shrug. Louis looks at him with a confused look but Harry doesn't notice. He's too busy watching the movie that Liam put in.
A couple hours later, the five boys were all at the airport. Harry and Louis packed their bags earlier that day and Zayn, Niall, and Liam were there to send them off.

Niall still wasn't sure about the whole 'Harry and Louis just met and they are about to fly to another country to visit Harry's sister, who has no idea Louis exists and is also in the hospital and lost friends in a shooting' thing.

Harry seems fine with it, so he will go along with it too.

"Alright, well, we will see you guys when we get back. I'll text you when we land, and then when we get to the hotel, then when we see Gemma, then when, well, I'll just be in contact with you the whole time." Harry says, realizing he was rambling and cutting himself off.

"Alright, Harry. I'll miss you. And yeah, make sure you keep in contact the whole time. And don't do anything stupid. Tell Gemma I said hi and I hope she's alright. And also, have a good time, Harry." Niall said, hugging his best friend.

"Alright bye Niall. Bye everyone!" Harry says and Louis says bye to everyone as well.

The two boys grabbed their bags and waved to their friends one more time before going to the security line.

After a while, they were finally boarding the plane. Harry got the window seat, considering he has never been on a plane before.

"Louis?" Harry asks suddenly before they take off. Louis humms in response. "I'm scared." Harry whispers, obviously embarrassed.

"It's okay, Haz. I'll be right here the whole time. Nothing is going to happen. Everything will be okay. It's an over night flight anyways, just try to sleep." Louis soothed the curly haired lad.

"It's not just the plane, Louis. I mean, yes I'm scared of the plane ride, but also just, everything. Gemma is the only person in my family that cares about me. What if...if she isn't Okay? What am I gonna do. And, what if my parents find out I went to New York. And with a guy. Oh my god. Oh no. This isn't good. Ugh! What have I done. I wanna see Gemma so bad and I thank you so much for this trip, but you shouldn't have to deal with me. I'm just...Ugh. I'm sorry, Louis. I ruin everyone's lives." Harry says, tears in his eyes. Whoa, what did that turn into? Louis thought.

"Oh, Haz. You don't ruin anything. I haven't known you for long, but you have made my life better. And don't worry about your parents. Everything  is going to be okay." Louis says, intertwining their hands and rubbing his thumb over the back of Harry's hand.

All Harry does is nod and look out the window. He closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep, the only thing that makes Harry feel okay. Sleeping.
"Haz! Wake up! We landed." Louis says as he shakes Harry lightly.

Harry slowly opens his eyes, slightly surprised that he slept through the whole flight.

"Good morning, curly." Louis says softly.

"Good morning. We are here already?" Louis nods and Harry sits up all the way.

They both stand up and grab their bags. They walk out of the plane without saying anything. In fact, they don't say anything until they get a cab.

They sit in the back seat, just looking out at the city. They finally pull up to the hotel and the boys thank and pay the driver and head inside.

"So, uhm, the room only has one bed. Sorry about that. It was cheaper and you know scince I had to pay for the plane and also o don't have much of my own money in the first place, so uhm, yeah." Louis says as the two walk towards the elevator.

"It's okay, Louis. I mean, we did sleep in the same bed the other night." Harry  mumbles, not in the mood for conversation.

They step into the room and set their bags on the bed. It's nothing fancy, but it will do.

There is a window on the far side of the room with a view of a busy street. The bed is in the middle of the room and the bathroom is right by the door.

The boys notice that it's late at night so they both quietly decide to go to bed.

Harry brushes his teeth and gets into pajamas before getting into bed Louis does the same thing.

Before they know it they are both asleep, resting before the big day they have ahead of them.

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