Chapter 10

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"Lou, you've been here for three days. You need to go home and get some rest. Get something to eat. Just anything other than sitting here." Liam says to me but I ignore him. I'm not leaving Harry's side. He's been asleep for three days.

They finally let me see him and now I've been sitting in his room for three days. Bet you haven't heard that one before. Ha, how original of me.

But I just can't leave Harry. I caused this, so I shouldn't be able to eat or sleep because Harry has to be in pain. The guys say that doesn't make any sense but to me it does.

"No, Liam. Just leave me alone. You've been here long enough. I want alone time with Haz. Please."

"Fine. But just so you know, Niall is coming up here in about two hours." He says before walking out of the room.

"He's gone, Hazza. It's just you and I now." I smile at Harry's lifeless body. I lose it though. As always.

"Harry please. Please just wake up. I need you. I love you. I wanna see your beautiful green eyes again. Please." I lay my head on the bed and just cry. I'm honestly surprised I even have any tears left to cry. I've been doing it for three days straight now.

"Louis?" I hear Niall whisper and I look up. Has it really already been two hours?

"Hi Niall." I say, acknowledging his presents. He gives me a pity smile and sits down in a chair next to mine.

"Three days. I can't believe it's been three days without Harry." Niall whispers and I nod my head.

"Jesus, Niall. I'm so sorry. This must be so much harder for you because you've known him longer. And it's all my fault." I put my head in my hands and start crying again.

"Stop it, Louis. It's not your fault. And it's equally hard for both of us, I think. We both love him so much. Just in different ways. He's like a brother to me. And to you. Well I'm not sure. But I know you love him." Niall says and I just kinda look at him. I think this is the first time he doesn't hate me too much. "And you know what, we're not gonna put blame on anyone. It's just a shitty thing that happened."

I just nod my head and look back at Harry. "I do love him. A little too much I think. I mean we just met not that long ago." I admit and Niall shakes his head.

"No, Louis. You can't love someone too much. Especially not someone like Harry. He needs as much of it as he can get." Niall says and I smile. He's right. I'm gonna love Harry wit everything in me. Because he needs it.
It's a couple hours later and Niall's gone. He kept trying to get me to come with him and get some sleep. But I refuse to leave Harry.

I get up to use the bathroom. That's when I hear the faintest, smallest voice say my name.


I slowly turn around to see Harry trying to sit up in bed.

"Oh my god. Harry!" I whisper and rush over to him. I make sure he's laying down comfortably before kissing him. I just kissed him as if we were dating or something.

He kisses back. It's probably one of the best moments of my life. Well, besides meeting Harry. Oof, that was cheesy. Whatever.

I pull away and hold his face in my hands. I look into those green eyes I never thought I'd see again and start crying.

"Lou? Louis don't cry. Why are you crying?" He says and I smile at him.

"I never thought I'd get to see your beautiful green eyes ever again. I was so scared, Harry. So fucking scared." I say and keep crying.

"Why were you scared? I mean it's just me." He says and my eyes go wide. He can't say stuff like that. They'll take him away from me. They'll think he's still gonna hurt himself.

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