Chapter 7

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I wake up to my arm being shook by my mum. I open my eyes and look up at her to see tears falling down her cheeks. I immediately sit up and make room for her to sit. 

"Mum! What's wrong? What happened?" I ask frantically and hold out my arms for her. I might be pretty broken right now, but I have to pretend to be strong for other people. My mum falls into my arms and keeps crying. 

"It's your father. H-he brought a girl home. They're in the guest bedroom." She cries and I just sit there in shock for a moment. What an asshole! 

"Stay here, I'll be right back." I say and get up, my mum looks panicked at my actions. 

"Harry, no! Don't, you'll only make it worse!" she whispers and I just ignore her and walk out of the room. 

I walk to the guest room and open the door. He didn't even lock the damn door. 

"What the hell are you doing!" I yell. I see my dad and some lady in the bed, thankfully under the covers. The lady looks shocked and quickly grabs the blanket and holds it to her chest. My dad sits up with an angry look on his face. 

"Go back to bed, Harry. I''ll deal with you in the morning. I'm busy right now." he says and I can't help the disgusted look on my face. 

"Who is this little boy, Zac?" The lady asks and I look at my dad in disbelief.

"Oh, so you lie about your name to some girl, then you bring her home just to have sex with her in a room right next to your wife. What kind of sick twisted mind do you have!" I exclaim and the girl looks mad. 

"You lied to me!? What the hell is wrong with you? You told me that you were single. You are a sick, sick man. Your wife doesn't deserve an asshole like you." She says and grabs her clothes and the blanket sitting at the end of the bed. She covers herself with the blanket before running downstairs. 

"Look at what you did! What the hell is wrong with you!?" My dad exclaimes and at this point, I'm beyond angry.

"Look at what I did!? Look at what you did! And what the hell is wrong with me!? What the hell is wrong with you!" I scream and my dad looks at me with wide eyes.

"Get your ass over here! I'm gonna teach you a lesson!" He yells and at that same moment, my mom bursts in the room.

"Harry, let's go. We're leaving." My mum says and pulls me out of the room.

We walk down the hall and I see your duffle bags packed. She grabs two and I grab the other two.

We get in the car and she drives until she reaches the park by our neighborhood .

"I don't know where to go!" My mum exclaimes and starts crying.

"I might have some place to go." I say and call Louis.

Harry? Are you Okay?

"Uhm, well kinda. My mum and I kinda need a place to stay. If we can't stay with you, I'll call Niall." I say and I hear noise comming from the other side of the phone.

Come on over. My mum is fine with it. You can stay as long as you want. We have a guest bedroom for your mum.

"Thank you so much, Lou."

See you in a minute Harry, bye.


"So?" My mum asks and I smile.

"My friend Louis says we can stay at his place for as long as we want. His mum is super nice and so is he." I explain and my mum nods.

I give her the directions to Louis' house. We get there in no time and when we pull into the driveway, I see Louis standing on the porch.

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