Chapter 3

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The day was spent by everyone playing Fifa and eating junk food. Zayn and Niall were the two that played the most. As always, I was the one that just sat back and watch everyone. I think thats the only reason that they let me hang out with them, they like how I don't talk and how I just let them do whatever they want.

Liam is sitting on the beanbag chair in the room. Zayn and Niall are on the floor. The rule is that whoever gets to play has to play on the floor. Then it's Louis and I on the couch. I am sitting on the far end away from everyone. Louis started on the other end by Liam, but is scooting closer every chance he gets. When whoever he wants to win gets a point, he jupms up and cheers, then sits slightly closer to me every time he is done cheering.

I still don't understand why I'm invited to these things. I know Liam and Zayn don't actually care about me. Niall is just, well, Niall. He gets along with everyone and we have been friends forever.

Them there's Louis. I don't know what's going on with him. He seems like he cares about me. I mean, he kissed me. Like on the lips. I've known him for two days, and he kissed me. What the hell does that mean!?

"Haaarraahhh!" I was snapped out of my thoughts when Louis hand waved in front of my face. I just looked over at him. "I said, it's our turn! Come on! I'm gonna kick your ass at this!" He said as he flopped down on the floor, holding out a controller for me.

I just rolled my eyes and flopped down next to the over excited boy.

A while later, I jumped up and cheered because it was the third time I won against Louis, and he hasn't one once.

"Yeessss! I won again! In your face, Mr. 'I'll kick your ass at this'!" I cheered and Louis just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. I just haven't played in a while. I'm just a little rusty." He playfully glared at me and I whacked his arm.

"Mmhmm." I hummed and he just rolled his eyes again.

"Alright, lovebirds, it Liam and I's turns!" Zayn said and both Louis and I blushed.

A few hours later, I had to wee, so I just got up to use the bathroom and left the boys playing the same damn game they have been playing for four hours.

When I got back, I stoped in the hallway because I heard my name. I listened in on the conversation, pretending not to be there.

"Ya know, Louis. Harry hasn't been that excited and loud scince we were in 5th grade." Niall said and I knew it was true. 5th grade was the last time I was happy. "You really bring out the best in Harry. So thank you. Like I said before, you are very special, mate."

"Thanks. I'm just being myself. So, wait. Why hasn't Harry been so happy scince 5th grade? Is he okay?" Louis had concern in his voice. I decided that I didn't want this conversation to go on, so I walked in and sat back down on my spot on the couch.

"Hey, Hazz." Louis said. I looked over at him and saw the worry in his eyes. I so desperately wanted to tell him everything. But not yet. I'm just not ready yet.
It was ten when we all decided that it was time for bed. We all contacted out parents, well I didn't, but everyone else did. They all said it was okay for us to stay at Niall's flat. He always kept extra clothes here, because Liam, Zayn, and I stay here a lot. It works out great because the flat has three bedrooms. I get one to myself, Zayn and Liam share one, and Niall has his own.

"Good night everyone!" Liam said as he and Zayn headed down to their room. Niall, Louis and I said our good nights to the couple.

"Alright, Harry, you can show Louis to your guys' room." Niall said with a yawn. I looked at him with wide eyes. Me and Louis sharing a bed? No way would Louis want to do that.

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