Chapter 14

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"So are the two of you okay then?" Louis asks as he plays with my hair.

"Yeah. We both apologized. But I had no idea I meant that much to him." I say, still amazed that Niall cares so much.

"Why are you always so shocked when people love you, Hazza?"

"I dunno. I just always assume that they don't really like me. I feel like such a burden to everyone." I whisper and Louis sighs.

"Harry I can tell you for a fact that we all love you. And Niall cares about you so much. I mean why else would he be so protective over you, love?" Louis says and I think for a moment.

"I guess I hadn't thought about that. I figured he just didn't like you or something." I say and Louis laughs.

"Well he'd really hate me then."

"Does he hate you?" I mumble and Louis shrugs a bit.

"I don't think so. We've had good talks. I just think he's protective of you." He explains and I stare up at the celling.

"I hope you're right. I would hate it if you guys didn't get along."

I think about what I would do if Louis and Niall really didn't get along. I honestly don't know what I'd do. I love both of them too much to cut either out of my life.

"Watcha thinking about?"

I sigh. "What I'd do if you and Niall hated each other."

"And what would you do, darling?"

"I don't know. Split my time I suppose. Especially now that I know Niall actually likes being around me."

"That's a good answer." Louis says and scoots down a bit so we're both laying down.

"Do you like spending time with me Lou?" I whisper.

"Of course I do. It's my favorite thing to do actually." He whispers back.

A small smile creeps onto my face. So I guess both Louis and Niall care about me at least a little bit. Who would've thought?
"Fuck you Harry! You're the worst thing that's ever happened to me! I wish I never met you!" Louis screams. "You're such a burden on all of us. On your mom, sister, dad, and all of your friends too."

Louis walks towards me as he screams at me.

"Worthless piece of shit!" Louis yells.

I'm in a ball on the floor trying to block him out.

"I thought you loved me." I whisper and he laughs.

"You think I could love someone as disgusting as you?" Louis says, still getting closer. "I only used you for a quick fuck but you never gave me that. I should've left you for Eleanor when I had the chance." He says in my ear then punches me straight in the face.

I wake up in a pool of cold sweat. My breathing is heavy and my heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest. Tears are running down my face.

I look over at the sleeping boy next to me. Fuck. I don't wanna wake him up.

I slowly get out of bed and walk over to the bathroom. I quietly close the door and drop down to the floor crying.

I know it was just a dream but it hurt so bad. What if he actually thinks those things about me? He probably does.

I continue to silently sob when I hear a quiet knock on the door.

"Hazza?" I hear Louis' raspy voice come through the door. "Are you okay?"

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