Chapter 13

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The weekend is over and it's time to go back to school. Wow, can't wait.

"Ready to go?" Louis says, grabbing his backpack And slipping into his Vans.

"I guess." I say and Louis giggles, shaking his head. I slip on my shoes before following him out the door.

We hold hands as we walk up the sidewalk towards the dreaded school building. This weekend was so good (well for the most part) and I'm sad it's over.

I keep thinking about what Louis said last night. "If I lost you, I'd loose myself." Is he serious? Do I really mean that much to him? Because if so I really have to fight the voices in my head. Otherwise Louis will be ruined.

"Don't worry Harry. We still have all of our classes together so today will be fine." Louis says before we walk in the building. I'm not sure if he said that for me or for himself.
Finally. Lunch time. A break from all the learning and work you have to do in school.

As I walk into the lunch room with Louis, I feel eyes watching us move. I glance over to see Stan and his friends chuckling  to themselves.

Louis and I sit down where the boys are already sitting and we look around. People are definitely staring. But I don't really know why.

"What's with all the stares?" I ask and Liam Zayn and Niall all look at each other.

"What?" Louis says, suddenly interested.

"Louis please tell me you didn't really do it." Liam says and Louis makes a confused face.

"Do what?" Louis asks and Niall hands him his phone. I lean over to see what Louis is looking at.

On the screen I see a tweet from none other than Eleanor. "Warning to everyone out there. You can't trust Louis Tomlinson. As we all know, he's in a relationship with Harry Styles, which I respect greatly. But this weekend, Louis came to my house and I let him in to be friendly and all. But when he was inside, he instantly came on to me, trying to kiss me and have sex with me. I pushed him away. But this just proves you can't trust someone like him. Here is his belt to prove he was here."

Underneath it is a picture of one of Louis' belts, with his name written on it in his handwriting. How did she get that. I know for a fact Louis wasn't over there this weekend because he was with me the whole time.

"What the fuck!? Why would she do that!?" Louis exclaims and it startles me. People stare and I get embarrassed. Basically everyone thinks I'm I gullible, desperate guy who fell for some cheater.

"Did you fucking do it or not, Louis. Because of so I'm taking Harry away from you for good." Niall says in a stern voice and now I'm worried. Niall can't do that.

"Guys he was with me the whole weekend. I know he didn't do this. He would never." I whisper and Niall's tense face relaxes just a bit.

"Well how do you know he didn't sneak out at night. That could have easily happened." Niall says and I'm taken aback by his behavior. I thought Niall was supportive of my relationship.

"You really believe Eleanor? The same girl that tormented me for years!?" I say and all the boys shrug.

"Then how the hell did she get his belt. It's clearly his because that handwriting is certainly his." Niall says and I roll my eyes. He really doesn't believe me.

"I know how she got it. A couple weeks ago, or whenever that was, I was at her house and she tried to get me in bed. She took off my belt but I stormed out the minute I realized she had pulled it off. I never got it back." Louis whispers and Liam and Zayn look pretty convinced that Louis didn't do it but Niall still seems unsure.

"See, Niall. It's fine. I trust Louis 100% and I know he wouldn't hurt me like that." I say, as stern as I can get my voice to go.

"And how do you know that?" Niall says and my mind flashes back to this weekend. All I can see is the face Louis made when he found me in the bathroom. And when he asked me to stop. That's how I know.

"Long story that I don't think I can trust you with." I whisper and look up to see Niall's reaction. His mouth is gaping open and all the other boys looked shocked too. Niall has always been my best friend. But because of this, I'm not sure I can trust him.

"Can't trust me with!? I've known you all of your life but instead you go and trust a guy you've known for a month!? Who, by the way, has caused so many more problems in your life than I ever could or would!" He says, raising his voice. Now everyone's really looking.

"Louis is fixing me, Niall. He's fixing the broken pieces that you couldn't." I whisper and Niall makes a sob/choke noise and storms off. Zayn gets up and follows him.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Liam asks and I just sit there, staring at the table.

"Yeah. Go be with Niall." I whisper and Liam hesitantly gets up and walks out of the lunch room.

"Harry? Let's get out of here." Louis whispers And grabs his backpack as he stands up. I do the same, following him out of the lunch room.

We walk down the hall to the bathroom. Louis checks all the stalls and makes sure no one is in them.

There's not so he locks the door and we sit on the floor of the bathroom in each other's arms.

"Harry? Are you okay?" Louis whispers and I just stare off into space.

"I don't know. I meant what I said. But I don't know." I say honestly.

"Ya know, Niall's right. I have caused so many problems for you. I'm sure you and the boys wish you never even met me." Louis whispers and I look up at him.

"I meant it when I said that you are fixing me, Louis. I may still be broken, but you are slowly but surely picking up those pieces and putting them back together. If I had never met you, I could quite possibly be dead right now." I say and notice that Louis has tears forming in his eyes.

"The truth is, you fix me, Harry. Being around you just makes me wanna be a better person. So thank you." Louis says and I smile.

"No, thank you Louis."

"For what exactly?"

"For loving me when I thought no one could."
As I walk up to the door, my nerves start up and I can feel myself shaking a bit.

I knock on the door anyways. I hear footsteps coming twords me and the door opens.

"What are you doing here?" Niall asks and my god he looks awful. I had no idea he could get this worked up over a silly fight.

"I've come to apologize. I still don't like you not trusting Louis, but I shouldn't have said what I did to you." I admit and I look up at Niall, expecting him to get mad at me or something.

All of a sudden I feel arms wrapped around me and I hug back. "I'm sorry, Hazza. I overreacted. I know Louis wouldn't do that. I just don't want you getting hurt. I've been with you through all the shit you've had to go through. Like when Gemma moved away, all the fights your parents have had, I mean I was the first one who found out you were hurting yourself. My house was always the one you came to when you didn't want to go home. And now Louis is taking over that role and I miss you, Harry. I miss having my best friend here." He says and I start crying. I had no idea I meant this much to Niall.

"I'm sorry, Ni. It I had known me being around you less would hurt you so much, I would've never separated myself. I figured you'd like time away from me." I admit and Niall pulls away and hold my shoulders, looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Don't think that, Harry. Seriously. Every moment I'm away from you I wonder if you're okay. I miss you. I mean, you're my best friend and I love you. Why on Earth would I wanna be away from you?" He says and I smile.

"Thank you, Niall." Is all I can say.

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