Chapter 5

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Harry has been nervous all morning. He gets to finally see Gemma after a long time. He hasn't seen her since she moved. What if she sees him and thinks he is ugly and not good enough anymore to be her brother?

"Harry. Calm down. She's not going to think any of those things." Louis says and makes Harry realize that he has been talking out loud.

"Sorry." Harry mumbles and Louis frowns.

"Harry. Look at me." Harry barely lifts his head to meet Louis' gaze. "You are not ugly, or worthless or anything remotely close to that. You are absolutely amazing and anyone would be lucky to have you in their life. So no more of this putting yourself down shit. Got it?" Louis says and Harry has his mouth open in shock.

No one has ever said something like that to him. Niall only says stuff like 'you're not worthless' but he has never said that he is lucky to have Harry in his life.

"Thank you." Harry whispers and looks away.
They get to the third hospital of the day and hope that Gemma is in this one.

"What can I do for you two?" The receptionist asks.

"We are here to see Gemma Styles." Harry says and the lady types something on her computer.

"Room 627. Once you get on level six go to your right and you will find it." The lady says and the two boys thank her before walking to the elevator.

They get of on level 6 and make their way down the hall till they reach the room.

"Maybe this was a bad idea. I can't do this." Harry says and before he can even turn around, Louis opens the door and pushes Harry inside the room.

"Harry!? What are you doing here?" Gemma says as her brother stumbles into the room. "Who's this?" She says as she notices Louis walk into the room.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson. Nice to meet you!" Louis says with a smile.

"The Louis Tomlinson!? It's nice to finally meet you! I have heard so much about you these past three days!" Gemma says and Harry turns a bright shade of pink. "Harry will not stop gushing about you!" She adds and that is when Harry turns a deep red.

"Has he now?" Louis says with a huge smile on his face.

"Well that's enough of that." Harry says, clearly embarrassed because of his sister. "How are you doing, Gemma?"

"I'm fine. How are you doing Harry?" Gemma says, obviously more concerned about Harry than anything.

Louis looks between the two in confusion.

"Do you think Gemma and I could talk for a minute alone?" Harry says feeling guilty for asking Louis to leave. He just can't know yet.

"Totally! I'll be out here!" He says, clearly okay with letting Gemma and Harry talk alone.

"Come here and let me see your arm Harry." Gemma says once Louis is out of the room.

"No, Gemma. I'm fine. I'm here to worry about you. This isn't the time to talk about my problems." Harry says, frustrated that Gemma can't worry about herself in this situation.

"I don't care about me right now Harry. Let me see." She says more forcefully.

Harry gives in and walks over to Gemma. She grabs his arm and rolls up the sleeves. She gasps at the sight. She recognizes some old scars but also sees fresh ones. Tears build up in her eyes knowing her brother is doing this to himself.

"Let me see your hips as well." She says, trying hard not to cry.

Harry lifts up his shirt and Gemma pulls the waistband of his pants down slightly to reveal more cuts. At this point, tears are streaming down both their faces.

"Why, Harry? Why do you still do this to yourself. You told me you stoped. You said that everything got better after I moved!" Gemma says, so confused as to why Harry does this.

"Well I lied okay. I don't want you to worry about me. I'm not worth it! And nothing got better after you moved. If anything, it all got worse! Mum and dad fight more than ever now! Mum gets beat every single fucking day! They don't even know I'm here right now!" Harry yells, all his anger and frustration comming out at his sister.

"Why didn't you tell me, Harry. I could have helped." Gemma whispers.

"That's why I didn't tell you. I knew you would do anything to help me and I am just not worth your effort. I came here to see how you were doing. Not for you to feel bad about not knowing the truth." Harry says, not wanting to fight with his sister.

"But Harry-" Gemma is cut off by Harry telling Louis to come back in the room.

"Are you sure you want me here? I can stay outside." Louis says, not wanting to get in the way.

"That would be great." Gemma says, wanting to continue the conversation she was having with Harry.

"No, Gemma. He is staying in this room with me. We don't have to talk about what we were talking about before." Harry says before Louis turns to leave.

"Fine. He can be in here then. But I'm not going to stop talking about what your doing to yourself." Gemma says and Harry's eyes go wide.

"Gemma, don't." Harry says. He looks over at Louis to see him looking between Harry and Gemma with confusion written all over his face.

"What, he doesn't even know about your cuts? Or all the times I had to take you to the hospital because of it? Does he not know what mum and dad are like?" Gemma says, just trying to get through to her brother.

"Gemma stop! He didn't know but I guess now he does! So thanks a lot for that! Cause now he probably won't hang out with me ever again thanks to you! I thought I was gonna have a new friend. Someone that actually cared about me. But now I don't all because you told him! Thanks a lot Gemma." Harry says, tears streaming down his face. In fact, all three of them have tears running down their faces.

"Harry-" Gemma starts to say but is cut off by Harry.

"No, Gemma. I'm leaving." Harry says and walks out of the room. Louis runs after him.

"Harry! Wait up!" Louis says and Harry stops right as he gets out of the hospital.

"What, Louis. Are you here to tell me how disgusting I am? Are you here to tell me that you  never want to see me again? Cause if you are, then just leave right now. I can't take it right now." Harry says, not knowing how much he means to Louis.

"Harry. I could never say those things to you. They aren't true. Harry, I've only known you for like three days, but you mean so much to me. I could never say those things to you ever. I will never stop wanting to be friends with you. Not now, not tomorrow, not a week from now, not ever. So just because I learned something about you today doesn't mean I don't want to be friends with you anymore. If anything, I'm glad I know now. I can help you. Because even though I haven't known you for long, you don't deserve to feel the way you do." Louis says and Harry is in shock. He is absolutely speechless. For the second time, Louis has said something to Harry that means so much to him.

Niall found out about everything the first time Harry had to go to the hospital because of it. Niall didn't want to talk to me for a while after it. He said it was just a lot to process. I know it was because he was disgusted by it.

"Thank you, Louis. Really. Thank you." Harry says and Louis smiles at the broken boy standing in front of him.

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