Chapter 8

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A couple weeks have passed since I found that note in my locker. I still have no idea who wrote it but I don't care.

Stan hasn't bothered me since then either. It's a bit strange. I have a bad feeling the next time he does something, it's gonna be really bad.

"Haz! We're gonna be late for English!" Louis says and shake my arm. I chuckle a bit.

"Alright, alright. I'm coming." I say and close my locker before turning towards Louis. He rolls his eyes before grabbing my arm and leading us to English.

When we get there, we sit in the back like always. We talk about nothing until the teacher comes in.

"Alright everyone. Today we are gonna start a project. You will be paired in groups of three. I already picked the groups." She says and everyone groans.

"So I'll give you the group's first, then I'll explain what we're doing." She says and I drown her out until I hear my name.

"Then it's Harry Styles, Shawn Mendes, and Alex Rodgers." She says and my jaw drops. I can't work with Alex! He's part of Stan's gang that beat me up all the time! This isn't good. It really isn't good. I look over at Louis and he has the same look on his face as I do.

"Then we have Eleanor Calder, Louis Tomlinson, and Andrew Thomas." She says and Louis looks like he's gonna explode. He hates Andrew. Mainly because he's one of the kids that starts rumors about me.

"This is fucking insane! I am not working with Andrew and you are definetly not working with Alex!" Louis whispers and I shrug my shoulders.

"We can't change anything. Plus, I bet us having a third person will make them tone it down a bit." I say and Louis looks at me in disbelief.

"Mrs. Wittgren? Is there anyway we could switch it up just a little bit? Please?" Louis asks and Mrs. Wittgren rolls her eyes.

"No, Mr. Tomlinson. I know you're a bit new here but we don't do that here." She says and Louis crosses his arms and sits back in his seat.

"Anyways, get with your groups now. I will hand out a paper that explains what you will be doing." She says and sits down in her desk.

I silently get up and go over to where Shawn and Alex are sitting.

"Hey, Harry! Come on over and sit down!" Shawn says with a big smile on his face. I've never really talked to Shawn before, but he seems like a nice guy. Alex, on the other hand rolls his eyes as I sit down.

I see Louis across the room sitting with Andrew and Eleanor. Louis looks like he's about to rip Andrew's head off. Meanwhile, Eleanor looks like she's about to kiss Louis by the way she's looking at him. I wanted to throw up. He's mine. Well, not really, but still.

I try to focus on the project but it's hard to when some girl is flirting with the guy you like.
A while later at lunch, I sit down at our usual table. I'm always the first one there, so I'm not surprised to see it empty.

I sit in my normal spot and wait for everyone. The first two to come are Niall and Zayn.

"Hey Harry!" Niall says and sits down in his spot. Then Zayn sits down. It's all a routine by now.

Then Liam comes over. Now I'm just waiting for Louis. I see him walking towards us, and I smile at him. Then I see who is walking behind him. Eleanor.

"Hey boys! Do you think Eleanor could sit with us? Her table is full." Louis says and the rest of us all look at each other with weird looks on our faces.

We all nod even though we don't want to. Eleanor Calder is know for being a bitch. She dated Tyler for several years. Tyler is Stan's best friend. Eleanor would always yell bad things at me while Stan and Tyler beat me up. Louis doesn't know this, though.

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