Chapter 12

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It's the next day. Louis and I have just been watching TV, trying to distract ourselves from what happened yesterday. Our mums come home tomorrow, so this is our last day alone.

We've already eaten breakfast and decided to invite the boys over for a bit.

"So, how's it been being here alone? Done anything yet?" Liam says while we're all sitting around, playing Fifa.

"Done anything?" I question and Liam laughs.

"Ya know, have you like...fucked yet?" He says and me and Louis blush.

"Uh no." I say and Liam and Zayn both look a little shocked. Niall looks a little worried.

"Really? You've done absolutely nothing! Liam and I do it even when we're not home alone!" Zayn exclaims and Louis, Niall, and I all make a face.

"Well I think it's a good thing. They're taking things slow." Niall says and I smile. He's so protective of me.

"C'mon guys. It doesn't matter. We'll do it when both of us are ready." Louis says, and my smile grows. God I love him.

"Alright. Whatever you say. But I gotta tell ya, you're missing out." Liam says and drops the topic.

Liam and Zayn start talking about this party they went to last night. I start to zone out, though. I start to think about what they said earlier. Should we have done something yet? I mean I've never done anything like that, besides jerking off, but that's not the point. I mean Louis and I have never even talked about it. Are we missing out?

Niall's phone rings, snapping me back into reality.

"Okay.... Yeah.... alright, I'm on my way, see you there... Bye, I love you too." Niall says into the phone. He hangs up and turns to us. "I've gotta go meet my family for lunch, so bye guys. See you all tomorrow at school." He says and leaves as we say bye.

"I think we're gonna go as well. My mum and dad aren't home right now, so it's our chance to...ya know." Liam says and winks. We say our goodbyes and it's just Louis and I now.

"Lou?" I say from my spot on the couch.

"Yeah?" He responds, cleaning up the mess the boys made.

"Do you think Liam and Zayn are right?" I ask and Louis stops what he's doing and walks over and sits down next to me.

"Hazz, I think you can decide that. I, personally don't mind either way. But it's all up to you. I'm perfectly fine waiting for you when ever you're ready. It should always be a mutual decision." Lou explains and I smile.

"Thank you, Louis." I say and he smiles and gets up, brining me with him. I kiss him and he kisses back. The kiss seems to start getting heated. I feel my bulge harden in my trousers. Oh no.

I pull away slightly and so does Louis.

"I think I'm gonna go take a shower. Then we can do something." I say and he nods, letting me go. I peck him on the lips one more time before walking away, trying to hide my boner.

I get to the bathroom, close and lock the door, and start the shower. I get undressed and get in, the hot water hitting my bare skin.

Thoughts of Louis go through my mind as I...well take care of my...problem.

When I'm done, I clean up and get out of the shower. I wrap a towel around my waist and reach for clean clothes. That's when I realize, I forgot to bring clean clothes into the bathroom with me.

I hold on to the towel around my waist and open the door a bit. I look around and Louis doesn't seem to be anywhere in sight.

I rush down the hall into Louis' room and shut the door as fast as possible.

I turn to see none other then a shocked Louis in nothing but his boxers standing in his room.

I can't help but gasp out of surprise and then I try to cover myself up. Louis can't see my body. It's disgusting.

"H-harry. Uh. Wow. Uhm, I mean hey" he says and akwardly scratches the back of his neck as he eyes my body. I blush.

I take a minute to admire his body. His toned and tan stomach with dark black tattoos on his chest and arms. I can help but to envy it a little. I mean just look at his legs and ass!

"S-sorry. I forgot to grab clean clothes." I say and he snaps out of whatever trance he was in.

"Oh! Uh you're fine. Haha, go right ahead." He says and moves out of the way from the dresser. I walk past him, covering myself as best as possible.

"Hazza?" Lou suddenly says.

"Y-yeah?" I stutter.

"Why are you trying to cover yourself up?" He whispers and I turn to look at him.

"Because I don't want you to see it." I whisper back.


"Because it's disgusting." I say and Louis looks up at me with such sadness in his eyes.

He walks over to me and kisses me. He then gently moves my arms to my side, away from my stomach. He gets on his knees and kisses my stomach and arms and legs. Saying how he loves every part of me each time he kisses a spot.

I start tearing up. This boy is so nice and caring and is everything I need. He tells me I'm beautiful and I'm worth something and I don't know what I'd do without him. I mean, I'd probably be dead.

Louis stands up and kisses me and of course I kiss back, I can taste the salt of my tears as they run down my face.

Louis pulls away and says "Harry, every single part of you is beautiful. From your chocolate curls, to your long legs, and even the scars on your arms and hips. Every. Single. Thing. You're beautiful Harry. The most beautiful person I've ever and will ever meet. I love you."

"I love you too Louis. Forever and always." I whisper, tears still rolling down my face at a rapid pace.

"C'mon. You can get dressed and so will I and we'll lay down and talk or watch TV." He whispers and I smile and nod.

Both of us get dressed and I can tell something is bothering Louis. I notice him looking at me with concern out if the corner of my eyes. Then when I turn to him, he smiles at me and pretends nothing is wrong.

When we finally sit down to watch TV, I build up the courage to ask the question. "Louis, I can tell something's up. So what's wrong?"

"It's just, I don't want you to ever hurt yourself ever again. Okay? It hurts me to see you hating yourself. Because you shouldn't. All of those things I said are true. So just please, please don't hurt yourself anymore." He says and starts crying. I hold him in my arms this time, and stroke his soft hair.

"I won't Lou. I promise." I say and he looks up at me and smiles.

"If I lost you, Harry, I'd lose myself." These words stuck with me as we watched TV. They stuck with me as we ordered a pizza for dinner and ate it while watching Disney movies on the couch.

They even stuck with me as we laid down for bed, his arms wrapped around me. "If I lost you, Harry, I'd loose myself" I'm not sure why these words stuck with me, but they replayed over and over again in my head as I drifted off to sleep.

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