Chapter 11

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It's the next day and time for lunch. Everyone left Louis and I alone for the rest of the day yesterday. So far, nothing bad has happened today. So that's good I guess.

"Whatcha thinking about Harry?" Louis asks and grabs for my hand. I hold his in return and smile at him.

"Oh nothing I suppose. Just life I guess." I say and just shrug my shoulders.

"Oh c'mon you're thinking about something. I know that face, Hazz." He says and I'm about to open my mouth when I hear a boomming voice yell my name.

"Harry fucking Styles. Good to see ya buddy.  I heard what happened to ya. So sad, huh?" Stan says with a fake smile on his face.

"Go away, Stan." Niall says and I just look down.

"No, I just wanted to see how Harry was doing after he tried to kill himself." Stan says, fake concern in his voice.

"You don't have to announce it to the whole fucking school, Stan." Liam says and I'm surprised that the boys are standing up for me.

"Well it's true. I mean that's what Eleanor told us. Right Louis?" He says and now I'm angry. He needs to stop bringing Lou into this.

"Ya know what, Stan. I did try to kill myself. And ya know what, I'm glad it didn't work, cause I wouldn't have been able to do this." I say. I stand up and walk over to Stan.

He's got this confused look on his face. I smirk before punching him straight in the face. He falls over and let's out a confused whimper.

Everyone in the cafeteria looks at me, amazed. It's dead silent. Stan looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Harry. Let's go." Louis whispers into my ear. I hadn't even noticed him getting up.

We silently walk out of the room with everyone watching us. We head to the bathroom.

Louis locks the door and we just look at each other for a minute. Then of course I start sobbing.

"Oh Harry. Come here angel." Louis says and I fall into his arms. I keep crying.

"I can't believe I just did that. Stan is gonna kill me. He's literally gonna fucking kill me." I cry and Louis shakes his head.

"He's not gonna kill you, Hazza. Trust me. I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself." He whispers and Louis Tomlinson, my boyfriend,saying he's proud of me makes me feel so much better.
About an hour passes and Louis and I are still sitting in the bathroom.

"You think you're ready to go to class. It's the last one." Lou whispers and I nod my head.

We open the bathroom door and immediately everyone stops talking and looks at us. I'm sure the word has gotten around that I punched Stan.

Louis holds my hand tight as we walk down the hallway, everyone staring.

When we reach our classroom, everyone in the room stops talking and looks at us. I hate this, I fucking hate this.

The boys are in this class though, so that's good. But so is Eleanor. Shit.

Louis and I sit down by the boys and they keep talking about whatever they had been. Then I get a tap on my shoulder.

"Well hello, Harry. How are you doing? Louis told me all about what happened. Such a shame." She says and I look at Louis. He didn't, right? He didn't talk to Eleanor about it. He wouldn't do that to me. Right?

"Eleanor you know that isn't fucking true. Sure I mentioned it but you have no clue what happened. So why don't you shut your fucking mouth and be gone, thot." Louis says and I laugh a bit because, damn I love him.

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