Chapter 9

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Louis' POV (how exciting)

Harry hasn't answered any of my calls or texts. Why is he acting so weird lately? It's strange.

I get to school and start my search for the curly haired boy. I need to talk to him before class starts so it's not weird.

I see three familiar boys and run over to them.

"Zayn! Liam! Niall!" I say and they all look over at me. They shake their heads and walk away.

What the hell? Why is everyone acting so damn weird?

I keep looking and I don't see Harry anywhere. The bell rings, signaling I need to get to class.

I walk into English and Harry isn't there. I'm sure he's just late.

The teacher comes in and there is no sign of Harry whatsoever. Is he Okay? Did something happen to him?

My worried thoughts are cut off by Eleanor sitting next to me.

"Hey babe. Whatcha thinking about?" She asks and I shrug my shoulders.

"What I always think about, I suppose."

"Which is?" She asks and I smile a bit at the thought of my Hazza.

"Harry." I look at Eleanor and she has a scowl on her face. "What?" I ask and she shakes her head and smiles.

"Nothing. I just think I heard that Stan beat him up last night. You know, after he left your house." She says and my eyes go wide.

I jump out of my seat and everyone looks at me. I run out of the room and down the hall. I get to the door and sprint to my car.

I get in and drive all around. I know Harry isn't at his house, because he hates it there.

I drive to the park and get out of my car. I run around to try and find Harry.

It takes me about 10 minutes to find Harry's sweatshirt and fuzzy socks that I gave him last night, laying on the ground. I look around and see him.

I see his limp looking body, lying there in the grass, under a tree. I rush over to him.

"Hazza! Harry! Wake up! Please wake up!" I yell and shake Harry a bit. I see his eyes move a bit and then they open. Those beautiful green eyes of his are open and looking at me.

"Louis?" He asks and his voice is rough.

"Yes Harry. C'mon, I'm gonna take you to my house." I whisper and he nods his head.

I pick him up and carry him over to my car. I set him in the passenger seat and buckle him up. I run over to the driver's side and hop in. I speed to my house and when I get there, I get out as quick as possible.

I grab Harry and carry him up to my bathroom. I set him on the counter and get out the first aid kit.

I clean up his face and check his body for anything bad looking.

He seems okay so I carry him to my bed. I lay him down and pull up the covers.

I'm about to walk away when I hear a raspy voice.

"Please don't go." Harry whispers and just the way his voice sounds breaks my heart.

I turn around and climb back into bed with Harry. He snuggles into me and I smile because this feels normal.

"Sleep well, Haz." I say and I close my eyes. I fall asleep quickly.
Harry's POV
I wake up in Louis room and look around. I notice the empty side of the bed and panick that Louis left me.

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