Chapter 2

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Well it turned out that Louis and I had every single class together. How does that even happen!? I would love to be on every class with Niall, but we only have one class together! Now I meet this handsome stranger and I'm in every one of his classes!?

"Harry?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to see Niall next to me.

"Oh, hey Ni." I say and continue to get stuff out of my locker.

"Did you hear what I said?" I just shook my head. " Well, I said, who was that guy you walked into school with? I've never seen him before."

"Oh, well, that was Louis. He's new here. He's from Doncaster. Yesterday Stan beat me up and Louis helped me." I say, a slight blush rising on my cheeks.

"Oh, is that why you were gone yesterday? I looked all over for you but you were no where in sight! Liam and Zayn were worried too." I scoffed at this.

"Sure they were. They don't give a damn about me. They only hang with me because of you." I say bluntly and Niall just rolls his eyes.

"You know that's not true, Harry. They care a lot about you!" He says and I just shake my head.

"Well, I gotta go to class, see you at lunch, Ni." He just nods and turns away. I do the same and head to English.

When I walk in the classroom, I see Louis sitting by himself in the back. He looks up and a smile grows across his face when he sees me. Not even Niall looks that happy to see me.

Louis waves and pats the seat next to him. A small smile forms on my face as I go to sit down next to him.

"Hey, Hazz! I hope you don't mind sitting in the back. We can move if you want?" He looks at me with real concern on his face. I can't help but to giggle a bit.

"This is perfect. I always sit in the back." I say and he relaxes a little.

"Alright every one, calm down. First thing first, like I said yesterday, we have a new student joining us. So, Lewis Tomlinson, could you stand up please?" Mrs. Wittgren says and looks around the classroom. Louis stands up.

"Actually, it's pronounced Louis, not Lewis." That's all he says before sitting back down.

"My mistake, Mr. Tomlinson. Glad to see you and Mr. Styles decided to join us today." She looks at both of us and I look down, not wanting people to look at me.  

The rest of class goes on as normal. Boring, and pointless. Before we leave, Mrs. Wittgren stops everyone.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you all! We are going to be doing a project tomorrow, so keep that in mind and try to find a partner to work with. Alright, dissmissed!" She says and I sigh. Guess I'm gonna have to ask to do it by myself again.

I'm about to walk up to her when I feel an arm on my shoulder. I flinch a little but I calm down when I turn to see Louis standing behind me.

"Whacha doing?" The door is that way." He says pointing away from the teachers desk.

"I have to ask Mrs. Wittgren if I can work alone." I say with a shrug.

"What? Aren't we gonna work together? I mean, we are friends now." He questions and my eyes widen.

"Oh, um, sure? I just figured you would wanna work with someone else." I shrug and he shakes his head.

"Of course I wanna work with you! Now let's get going, or we are gonna be late for maths. I just nod my head and we go to our next class.
Finally lunch time. It's the only break you get from all the boringness of school.

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